Thanks, Ray. That's what they're for!Compressed them with an online tool. They are attached and now could be easily shared.
Thanks, Ray. That's what they're for!Compressed them with an online tool. They are attached and now could be easily shared.
The legibility for that degree of compression is truly astounding. I can barely discern the difference between Pogo's 100+MB files and your 4-5MB compressed versions. What online tool did you use?I have worked with Pogo before. And would trust him with precious documents. Wouldn't trust sending in the mail. So Dave could possibly copy the pages at the library and send them to be scanned and put in a pdf.
I looked at the 2 files on the google drive. Compressed them with an online tool. They are attached and now could be easily shared. If you want them removed, I will remove them. limit to 2 files per week without signing up.The legibility for that degree of compression is truly astounding. I can barely discern the difference between Pogo's 100+MB files and your 4-5MB compressed versions. What online tool did you use?
I spoke to him again this evening and so far he has gathered 16 copy paper boxes full and said that might be half. So I don't know what the best way to achieve this will be I am willing to transport everything anywhere it needs and I will be available to help get it done im still recovering from an accident so now is a good time for me. I have always thought everything was already in digital form if I had known I would have started this project a long time ago.That's encouraging to say the least. There are several reputable folks who would probably vouch for me including the two main forces behind the 'Beg for Manuals' thread -- Ray and Charlie. @DefinitiveDave (Dave Smith) would be another who personally loaned me his 1111 and 1115 material to digitize -- which is most likely what you would receive from Ray or Charlie if you were to request older material for saws of those two series.
FWIW, I don't scan the material..., or at least I haven't in the past. I use a digital camera for hi-res jpgs of each page and then convert to individual PDFs before merging all the individual files into a single PDF. Not something that just gets thrown together in an afternoon. That said, I do have a higher quality scanner these days that could save a step or two per image if the quality is there in both the images and the scanner itself to handle the jobs. Regardless, it's a time consuming task any way you cut it and takes a bit of dedication.
Here's a link to a couple examples for your buddy -- or anyone else for that matter. I'd attach the files here but they're too large at the original resolution -- something I would change in any new archiving project to facilitate easier distribution.
I have 27 files in total just for the 1111 series and 18 for the 1115 series. I'd consider doing a series at a time for anything else new myself -- or whatever is easiest to do in reasonably sized batches based on how his stuff is cataloged/indexed. Wouldn't even want the responsibility of having all the material at once, but would be delighted to get involved on a step-by-step basis or in any other way I can assist.
It's amazing how little of the older Stihl documentation exists today and an absolute shame how much has simply been disposed of over the years.
We can take this to PMs for further discussion. Just wanted to generate some public momentum while the subject is still warm.
I for one appreciate your incentive and hope we can get something going on this.
Reminds me of returning to Williamsburg, VA and not being able to find an apartment due to William & Mary still being in session. I crashed at a friends' house for a couple weeks while one of the housemates was out of town. While grocery shopping I saw a woman I knew... She was a very attractive, tall, blond hair below her shoulder blades, with a very nice body and great personality. She was studying a box of chocolate covered donuts... I snuck up behind her and said "Go for it!" She turned, saw me, and started laughing. We had a very nice conversation and I mentioned the housing problem. With that she invited me to stay at her town house as she had an extra bedroom... She was having a party a few days later and told me to come check out the room--Roy Underhill (Woodwright's Shop) was there. The place was beautiful and I moved in the next day. Jaws dropped when guys found out where I was living... We had a lot of fun with that.Maybe she should try some pikachu products.
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I have a flat bed photo scanner (works as a regular scanner too) that works well with negatives and slides... even scanned 110 negatives with it! Epson V500. Last I looked they still make a similar one and it isn't terribly expensive. If there are a lot of interesting microfiche it might be worth having.Converting microfiche to PDF can get expensive quickly. Digitizing old hard copy is the way to go if it's available. I don't even mess with a scanner and just use a camera. Hi-res and fast. Convert the .jpgs to PDF's in batches and merge them all into a PDF document.
My Epson has holders for the slides and negatives. The microfiche "slides" may scan like negatives... might be worth a test!I have a relativelydecent scanner. Just find it faster to flip pages, take pics and convert everything in batches later -- at least for digitizing old documents in large numbers.
Been meaning to try scanning 35mm slides for awhile. I know there are special scanners with special features for slides and negs. Not sure how one would scan and convert microfiche without something like that.
Really good info - converted it to a pdf to save.[/HEADING][/HEADING]
[HEADING=3][HEADING=3]StihlSoloMechanically inclined
JoinedDec 26, 2017Messages109Reaction score100LocationCalifornia
I have attached 4 pages from my original 1984 009 IPL, with notes and highlighting. Hopefully these will clear up any confusion. The IPL shows 36mm piston 1120 030 2009 and ring 1120 034 3000 will fit a 36mm 4 bolt cylinder. You should use new 1120 029 2302 base gasket(s) and 9462 650 0900 (or equiv) circlips.
In this 1984 IPL Stihl had a complete top end kit with new 4 bolt 36mm cylinder, piston, ring, piston pin and circlips at part number 1120 020 1203 (without gaskets). The IPL did not show a part number for a new 36mm 4 bolt cylinder alone. Hopefully you can clean up the cylinder you are working on.
What is weird about this IPL (and most copies/versions of it) is that parts for the 009L (aka 009LEQZ) are also referenced. If you are looking for 009 parts only, don't get confused by these references.
Stihl 020AvP, 024Av, 028Av, 030Av, 031Av, 032Av, 036, 040, 041Aveqs, 042Av, 048Av, early 08, 08S, late 08QS, S10, top handle S10, TS350, 009L w/ 012 engine.
Solo 605, 611Va, 616Va, 640, 644, 651, 662, 680
Echo CS280e, CS5500, CS6700, CS8000
Thanks! I have one of those wretched little beastsReally good info - converted it to a pdf to save.
Old post, but. We have 2 fancy pro fiche and microfilm readers (wife’s business machines) that scan to pdf and can then be OCR’d.Converting microfiche to PDF can get expensive quickly. Digitizing old hard copy is the way to go if it's available. I don't even mess with a scanner and just use a camera. Hi-res and fast. Convert the .jpgs to PDF's in batches and merge them all into a PDF document.