GTG questions

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ArboristSite Guru
Apr 4, 2009
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I am thinking of hosting a get together in early summer but I have a lot of questions. I have only been to one GTG and followed a couple on AS. I don't have a picturesque clearing in a woods or a rolling pasture to have it in, just my own little 3 acre rectangle of paradise :msp_biggrin: in NW Ohio. Is that good enough?
FOOD: Should I figure on providing just one meal, or more?
WOOD: I have a large cottonwood log for bigger saws

I also have 5 16 foot long ash logs ranging from about 8 to 18 inches. This was standing dead that was recently felled so a lot of the bark has already fallen off and the logs are somewhat dry. Is this type of wood OK? How much do I need?
LIABILITY: I don't have a lot but have worked all my life for what I do have. Does anyone require guests to sign a waiver in case of an accident? I hate that idea because I've always been a handshake and trust kind of guy but this world is getting crazy. All the people from AS I have met are salt of the earth kind of people but it only takes one yahoo thinking the legal system is a lottery to get rich off of to ruin it.
I am interested in you guys take on this stuff, especially if you have hosted a GTG
Thanks for all input,
Looks that could keep you guys occupied for a couple hours. Not sure how many people are coming in to saw with ya but looks like it could be a good time!
I am thinking of hosting a get together in early summer but I have a lot of questions. I have only been to one GTG and followed a couple on AS. I don't have a picturesque clearing in a woods or a rolling pasture to have it in, just my own little 3 acre rectangle of paradise :msp_biggrin: in NW Ohio. Is that good enough?
FOOD: Should I figure on providing just one meal, or more?
WOOD: I have a large cottonwood log for bigger saws

I also have 5 16 foot long ash logs ranging from about 8 to 18 inches. This was standing dead that was recently felled so a lot of the bark has already fallen off and the logs are somewhat dry. Is this type of wood OK? How much do I need?
LIABILITY: I don't have a lot but have worked all my life for what I do have. Does anyone require guests to sign a waiver in case of an accident? I hate that idea because I've always been a handshake and trust kind of guy but this world is getting crazy. All the people from AS I have met are salt of the earth kind of people but it only takes one yahoo thinking the legal system is a lottery to get rich off of to ruin it.
I am interested in you guys take on this stuff, especially if you have hosted a GTG
Thanks for all input,

Jim, Thats great you want to host a GTG. I have been to several, and have hosted the Poulan Lovers GTG the last 3 years. And probably will again this fall, God willing..LOL

The only GTG that i have been to was Sean's (OutdoorLivin247) that we signed a waiver. Not a big deal as far as that goes. I have never required one be signed, and like you said, most guys I have met from Arboristsite have been great people. I think there was a problem at one once, I wasn't there, where some dolt slipped and twisted his ankle, then later tried to make a insurance claim against the host. :( Don't know how that ever came out.

I figure on one meal, usually early afternoon or so. Some folks have to leave earlier than others. Some guys that travel a long way, will either stay at motel near by, or some even have campers, or can pitch a tent. Thats what I did at a couple I been to. Just to far to drive back that day.

At our GTG's we usually have a camp fire, sit around shoot the breeze & drink a few beers in the evening. I just do hamburgers & hot dogs, potato salad, chips, baked beans, that sorta thing. Usually supply soft drinks & water also. But, lot a fellas will bring stuff too. If there was left over food, we will have it then, or just put some hot dogs on or something. Last fall it started raining in the evening, so we moved up to the garage. Had a big pot of venison chili, and drank beer. lol And listened to Mike (RMSMoparman61) play guitar and sing. :clap:

Your wood looks good! The big wood seems to be the popular thing at GTG's. But I try to come up with various smaller sizes too. Have made square cants for guys that want to race against the stop watch. But that sure isn't needed. Everyone usually puts something into the kitty so to speak, to help offset the cost of hosting a GTG. The guys I know, have been very good at that.

I usually get a porta-pot too. Especially nice if there is women folk attending.;) Just nice to have any way. I hold my GTG back at the woods, so we are not close to the house anyway.
It is work and worry hosting one, I won't kid you. But, the friendships you make at these things last a lifetime I do believe, and make it all worth it.:D

What part of NW Ohio are you in? I'm south of Findlay a ways. Sounds like you might be pretty close by.

What part of NW Ohio are you in? I'm south of Findlay a ways. Sounds like you might be pretty close by.


Not too far at all. I'm about 20 miles west of Lima OH. I'm thinking we met at Ericks GTG in southern IN a couple years ago.

I've been to a few of these GTGs and one thing I can relate is that host is usually the busiest guy there; running around meeting people, getting all the trucks parked in the right spots, etc. I wouldn't worry about a liability waiver because if someone gets hurt, the insurance company is the one that will force the lawsuit and they don't give a rats arse about a piece of paper someone signed. So, the best bet is to make sure that the guys and gals showing up to run saws look like they know what they're doing. Don't let your neighbor walk over in his sandals and shorts with his WildThing to cut some cookies. The people who show up with vintage or new pro saws will typically be fine, but keep an eye on everybody. If someone looks squirrely go over and have a chat with them. You can definitely insist that all people running saws have chaps.

Some hot coffee in the morning when folks are arriving is really nice. And then a pot of venison or beef stew, or maybe chili, some sodas, and chips will keep everybody happy.

One of the best organized GTGs I was at was near Oswego NY had fully prepped logs thanks to Ed (uniform diameter, bark peeled) and three people ran stopwatches. The organizer (Russ) had a clip board and people could sign up for different classes (0-50cc, 0-60cc, etc.). You had to dump your fuel and fill your tank from a 5 gallon jug of pre-mix. It was a hot start (i.e. engine running) and you had to cut down-up-down. Your time was the average of the three stopwatches.

Russ had a huge log pile so everyone could set their engines to the new fuel. We were all there for several hours running each others saws before the stopwatches came out. If I recall correctly, we had so much fun with the "event" that we didn't get around to lunch until about 3 pm. I think the Grand Prize was a loop of chain, or maybe a T-shirt.

I don't think you need the uniform wood, but having a couple stopwatches and a setting up some categories (0-50cc, etc.) might make it pretty fun.
Out here, the hosts usually check with their insurance agent and we have waivers to sign. It was at a PNW one that somebody tried to sue over that ankle or back or whatever. It was not disclosed what or who which is smart to do internet wise.

We usually do potlucks, and it is a multi-day affair with camping. The host is busy. We don't have timed races much, we do a lot of eating and tale telling. My favorite style is when there is firewood to cut for charity, rather than just cutting cookies. Or we have enough production fallers showing up (in Montana) that a hazard tree job was done along with cutting up wood for charity. The CA one is where we also have enough pros show up to do hazard tree work in a campground.

We also have quite a few of us women showing up. And yes, some of us run saws.

The GTG's are pretty laid back. If folks want to race, we race, but it isn't timed, we go head to head and the logs might not be exactly the same size.

Porta potties are rented because there is a crowd, and that could get gross in the woods. We take up a collection. A campfire is always done, except when we were under a burning ban. Usually a few folks bring barbecues and folks cook their specialties for group consumption. We also bring chairs and tables.

That's all I can think of right now.
Just went to Hedgefest 2013 this past weekend. It sounds like there is no standard for having one. PM Hedgerow for information. He did a ton of work for his, to include: milled cants for racing; a big gooseneck trailer for the races; PA system to announce races; log stands with a supply of logs for making cuts; larger logs for larger saws to eat; large tractor for moving logs and cants; a portable mill; port-a-potties; giant pecan stumps for milling slabs; cedar logs cut for wood carvers; fish-fry Friday night with fixins; food all day the next day---I missed breakfast but there was pizza, bacon wrapped little smokies; gumbo (made by some member from LA), deserts, drinks, and much more to eat all day long; he had a work bench for people to work on saws; a portable vise to clamp saws for chain sharpening; wood carvers; wood carver raffle for Manyhobies; a 290 was donated by a member and 390 topend (donated by Bailey's) was supposed to be raffled for charity---the build was done by a young kid---they ran into a problem with one of the bar studs so the raffle will happen on AS very soon. I left about 5:45 Saturday but I understand more went on afterword. Even though he had plenty of land, this all happened in a relatively small area. I don't know how all the food was provided---donations, by him, etc. I donated 5 lbs. of bacon.

I thing it would be a great time no matter what you do or don't do but it will take some work and organization to make it happen.

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