Guess the amount of wood pics

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40 feet wide
30 feet deep

12 feet tall

tossed cord is roughly 180 cubic feet.

Using triguessometry, I'll say;

50 cords, of some darn nice green-backs.
28-30 cords....damn and I thought I could throw up a high pile. Best I could throw is 14' that has to be done with an elevator...that's 18-20ft high. Holy Cow! you go 20 high you have to be at least 30 wide...that's incredible for the average home owner maybe not so if you have a processor.
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I'll take a shot at around 30 cord. Very impressive and I'm sure you're customers will be happy with wood that has been undercover since split.
Building is 45' wide and 76' long. There is roughly 65-70 cord there. Pile spills out from under the building on the other side a bit. Pile is about 12-13' high.

Building is 45' wide and 76' long. There is roughly 65-70 cord there. Pile spills out from under the building on the other side a bit. Pile is about 12-13' high.


Hey Mr. Barker, what do I win, a warm and fuzzy feeling? for being the closest.

Okay, the 72 log cords comingin is going to take forever with my speeco, but I'll have shoulders like cannonballs tossing it that bloody high.:cheers:
You need a super splitter. All of that was split with a super splitter. We are filling a small building with a concrete floor right now. It will hold 25 cord. That will be sold to a bulk buyer. Half was hand tossed half was elevator-ed up. The elevator has broke so now everything is hand tossed.

You need a super splitter. All of that was split with a super splitter. We are filling a small building with a concrete floor right now. It will hold 25 cord. That will be sold to a bulk buyer. Half was hand tossed half was elevator-ed up. The elevator has broke so now everything is hand tossed.


The super splitter scares the living and the dead crap out of me.

I've one splitter pinched finger, but it's still there and operational, at least it isn't missing.

I've my sights set on a
SplitRight, might even trek down to WV for the show. Need to find someone that will accept a 20k yacht as collateral on a 9k splitter plus interest with a two/three year complete return.

I feel sorry for the poor bugger that has to toss higher than 8 feet. I use my dump body as a conveyor, and by the time that is full my rotator cuffs are writing the rule book.
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Here's what my SS and I have accomplished since it arrived in December. I won't make you guess. It's about 30 cords.

P.S. I know we've all taken sides on the stacked vs. thrown issue so anybody that strongly believes in stacking and needs practice...come on over. I'll supply the burgers and beer.

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Here's what my SS and I have accomplished since it arrived in December. I won't make you guess. It's about 30 cords.

P.S. I know we've all taken sides on the stacked vs. thrown issue so anybody that strongly believes in stacking and needs practice...come on over. I'll supply the burgers and beer.


If it wasn't for the liability issues, you could stack that zig-zag like and make quite a corn - errr- cord maze.

Getting out of the maze gets easier as you sell off more and more inventory. :)
Guess the amount of wood pics.

There's only 2 pics so i guess 2.

Man thats a but load of wood though, good work!!!
Only 30 cords? Looks more like 40. However, I'll trust your judgment. That's a bunch of wood, to say the least. What species are in there?

Good eye Doc. I erred on the conservative side since the pile isn't uniform width and height. I just got back from the pile and I think I could safely go with 50L x 14W x 10H and get about 39 cords. There's quite a bit of hickory on the right side and the rest is probably 90% oak with a little maple and ash miexd in.