help id hardwood

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It's definately oak. Now two years out it is more difficult to say red or white oak. I would say it is white due to the larger piece that has the smooth bark.
Walnut? Can be a major hassle to split, even if it is well seasoned
White Oak

It is an oak of some type for sure. Then one bark pic is what is confusing. The bark looks more like pin oak but if that is off a limb and not the truck it could be white oak. Generally white oak bark has large lose fitting flakes and pin oak has bark like a red oak but with some flaking. Also any pin oak that I have split has a darker heartwood than anything in your pictures. The other possibility is water oak as the bark looks just like that, but you are a little far north for water oak although it could have been transplanted. If it was water oak you would have noticed the smell for sure, till it seasons it smell like cat pee. Also as the name implies, water oak is very wet then green and will be very heavy. White oak will also weigh more than red oak. Since you mentioned how hard it was to split I will go with white oak as I find it to be the only oak that puts up much of a fight splitting.
That's red oak. I just finished up a pile of logs - about 4 cords worth - that was sapwood punky (especially the portions touching the ground after 4 or so years) in just the same way as what piled up in the last picture.

If it's not red oak, then the camera's got problems capturing the right hue. That salmony color isn't what I've seen in white oak, which is more on the blond side.
That's Red Oak FTW.

Rough ass bark for looking so smooth, have torn my forearms up many times climbing those trees.