Help! One saw to fit my needs!

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It all depends, are you part of a pre-commercial thinning operation that cuts hundreds of 6" trees down in a day? If you are, please regal us with the amazing tales of how you have tried every combination of variables and have come to the simply earth shattering conclusion that sharp chain is a good idea. :dizzy:

I do not consider a top handle saw a logging saw, tree service saw yes, logging saw no.
It all depends, are you part of a pre-commercial thinning operation that cuts hundreds of 6" trees down in a day? If you are, please regal us with the amazing tales of how you have tried every combination of variables and have come to the simply earth shattering conclusion that sharp chain is a good idea. :dizzy:

Nah, I'm not much good at cutting down 6" trees. My wife does that. With a professional saw. Ssshhhhhh. I wouldn't want to see her get into trouble with somebody who thinks that's a bad idea.

As far as having a sharp chain goes...some people just know that when they start. Others are a little slower to catch on.
Maybe cutting hundreds of six inch trees every day teaches a guy something. Or then again...maybe not.
Do you have to be a professional to have sharp chain? Or is it safe for a homeowner such as myself to sharpen a chain? Or do I need it professionally sharpened?

Would you like me to quote random facts on topics which I know nothing about?

• 0.3 per cent of all road accidents in Canada involve a moose.
• 13 people a year are killed by vending machines falling on them.
• 4 per cent of the U.S. population are vegetarians.
• 40 per cent of cat and dog owners carry pictures of their pets in their wallets.
• 40 per cent of women have hurled footwear at a man.
• 50 per cent of bank robberies take place on Fridays.
• 70 per cent of all boats sold are used in fishing.
• 90 per cent of women who walk into a department store immediately turn to the right.
• A car is stolen every 30 seconds in the U.S.
• About 200 babies are born worldwide every minute.
• Approximately 97.3978271128 per cent of all statistics are made up.
• Assuming Rudolph was in front, there are 40,320 ways to rearrange the other eight reindeer.
• August is the month when most babies are born.
• The average 4-year-old asks over 400 questions a day.
• The average adult spends about 12 minutes in the shower per day.
• The average person keeps old magazines for 29 weeks before they throw them out.
• The average person speaks about 31,500 words per day.
• The average person spends about 2 years on the phone in a lifetime.
• The average person will spend two weeks over their lifetime waiting for the traffic lights to change.
• Children between the ages of two and seven, on average, colour for 28 minutes every day.
• Couples who marry in January, February and March tend to have the highest divorce rates.
• Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada has the largest number of bars per capita than anywhere else in the world.
• In Calcutta, 79 per cent of the population live in one-room houses.
• It would take more than 150 years to drive a car to the sun.
• The longest kiss on record lasted 130 hours and two minutes.
• Married men tip better than unmarried men.
• Men are 1.6 times more likely to undergo by-pass heart surgery than women.
• The most hazardous season: summer.
• Odds of being killed by a dog: one in 700,000.
• Odds of being killed by a tornado: one in 2,000,000.
• Odds of being killed by falling out of bed: one in 2,000,000.
• Odds of being killed in a car crash: one in 5,000.
• Odds of being murdered: one in 20,000.
• Odds of dying in the bathtub: one in 1,000,000.
• Qatar has the lowest death rate in the world at 1.6 deaths for every 1,000 persons.
• The record for the world’s worst driver is shared by (1) a 75-year old man who received 10 traffic tickets, drove on the wrong side of the road 4 times, committed 4 hit-and-run offences and caused 6 accidents, all within 20 minutes on 15 Oct 1966; and (2) a 62-year-old woman who failed her driving test 40 times before passing it in August 1970 (by that time she had spent over $1,000 in lessons and could no longer afford to buy a car).
• The safest age of life is 10 years old.
• Sweden has the least number of murders annually.
• Women shoplift more than men – the statistics are four to one.
• You are more likely to get attacked by a cow than a shark.
Nah, I'm not much good at cutting down 6" trees. My wife does that. With a professional saw. Ssshhhhhh. I wouldn't want to see her get into trouble with somebody who thinks that's a bad idea.

As far as having a sharp chain goes...some people just know that when they start. Others are a little slower to catch on.
Maybe cutting hundreds of six inch trees every day teaches a guy something. Or then again...maybe not.

He never said "he" cut down hundreds, he said "we". Much like my buddy that tells people that between him and his wife they have 20 years of medical experience. She's been a nurse for twenty years and he is an attorney with zero medical experience.
He never said "he" cut down hundreds, he said "we". Much like my buddy that tells people that between him and his wife they have 20 years of medical experience. She's been a nurse for twenty years and he is an attorney with zero medical experience.

Aha. Touche. "We" as in a group. Makes sense.

So if a guy was part of a group that cut hundreds of trees a day he could claim the group statistics as his own accomplishment as long as he used the word "we" ? Regardless of how many, or few, trees he himself cut?
100% of FOS idiots have a bad experience with a polar bear at least once.
Aha. Touche. "We" as in a group. Makes sense.

So if a guy was part of a group that cut hundreds of trees a day he could claim the group statistics as his own accomplishment as long as he used the word "we" ? Regardless of how many, or few, trees he himself cut?

Or if he cut any?
Aha. Touche. "We" as in a group. Makes sense.

So if a guy was part of a group that cut hundreds of trees a day he could claim the group statistics as his own accomplishment as long as he used the word "we" ? Regardless of how many, or few, trees he himself cut?

Does this apply to persons living in igloos?
I do not consider a top handle saw a logging saw, tree service saw yes, logging saw no.

What about all the hook tenders that are climbing, topping, and rigging lift trees every day that use top handle saws to do so? Are you saying they're not loggers because they're using a top-handle saw? Some of the toughest old bastards I know have hooked on high lead shows for a couple-three decades.
The only reason Chris is making it in that igloo is because he has enough cupcakes stored in his hump to last him seven years.

I'm quite sure you meant to say pies, but other than that your story is reasonably accurate.