Hey, Sawtroll - Cold up there yet??

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SawTroll said:
At least, I havent noticed anyone beeing further North, but there are potensial here in Norway - I believe that there are some quite good forest close to our Russian border.
Hva er all denne skryt om som lever furthest nord eller den kald ? Nå, om De levd i Kirkenes, det er nord. :jester: :jester:
Lakeside53 said:
Hellbillies - Rakafisk

Du kan reise heile jorde rundt på dyre resturanga,
og smaka alt som kjøpast kan for peng.
Men dei kostelege retta som bi båre inn på bordet
dæ'æ 'kji dæ ein ekta nordmann treng!

Finst 'kji maken te rakafisk, med lauk og lefse!
Ein luksusrett på ekta gamalt vis.
Eg vil påstå at rakafisk med lauk og lefse
er eit kjemisk produkt verdt ein nobelpris!

I tyskland æt du Sauerkraut, i England fær du pudding.
I Kina kan du smaka mykji godt!
Dæ'æ fint med franske snegla og ein pizza frå Milano,
men eg veit noko som æ like flott.

"You could travel all the earth around on expensive resturants,
and taste everything that can be bought for money.
But the costliest dishes that are carried to the table
aren't what a real Norwegian need.

There is nothing like rakafisk, with onions and lefse!
A luxury dish made the old way.
I will say that rakafisk with onions and lefse
is a chemical product worth a Nobel price!

In Germany they eat sourkraut (sour cabbage), in England you get pudding.
In China, you can taste several good dishes!
It's nice with French snails and pizza from Milano,
but I know something that is just as good."
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I'll have to drive over to Ballard and get some of that "Chemical Product" (is that a literal translation or what they intended to say?). Might make good crab trap bait:)
I believe it is intended - and is used because of the Nobel price mentioned in the same sentense....

Anyway, the way it is made reminds me of chemistry - even though I don't know all the details.

My late father used to make some every year for a period.
Nice catch on the "H" . now for "luxury":D

Just kidding - pretty good for a non-native (Manual's a native, but sometimes you wouldn't know...):popcorn:
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Rakafisk 101

SawTroll said:
Anyway, the way it is made reminds me of chemistry - even though I don't know all the details..

Never ask how sausage or rakafisk is made...kind of like politicans.:blob2: :bowdown:
The stuff is strictly Norge. A very very acquired taste. :blob2: :pumpkin2:
The best part is the aquavit :rockn:
Logbutcher, you are probably right, at both accounts.... :)

But the fact is that I actually like it, but it is a South Norway thing, not usual at all up here......:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
Off for the weekend..

Btw, my weekend at the cabin/cottage starts today, I am having the day tomorrow off work.

The sun is shineing, and it is really nice here today. :)

Have a nice weekend everyone! :givebeer:
More snow fell here in the weekend, but I still believe it will go away.....

The temp went down as low as minus 15 degrees celsius for a while also, but it didn't stop me from cutting - heated handles sure are nice.....:rockn:
Lakeside53 said:
Nice catch on the "H" . now for "luxury":D

Just kidding - pretty good for a non-native (Manual's a native, but sometimes you wouldn't know...):popcorn:
My ancestors are Welsh, Thats right I'm a Whales Man.
amongst other things, mainly an American mutt.
My spelling sucks but with your "aid", it is getting better.

Sawtrol what the heck is Lefse ?
Brrr... but just the start.. 68 here, sunny.. (yesterday)!.. I spent the day felling trees into my lake and wading chest deep pulling them to a landing. Better now than in a month or two... I tried felling them onto the ice last year but they broke though. Damn global warming... It worked 10 years ago.

Heated handles... Hmmm... I want to put ruggedized LED lamps on the handlebar and run them from the same generator. It would look cool, even if it wasn't all that practical.
manual said:
Sawtrol what the heck is Lefse ?
Sort of a flat soft potato cake, 1-2 mm thick.

I don't know how accurate it is, but my word-book says "thin pastry".
That doesn't really say it all, I believe...
Beer and Onions ?
Okkkkk what type of chesmistry are you doing to yourself.

Must be beer made out of onions.
SawTroll said:
Sort of a flat soft potato cake, 1-2 mm thick.

I don't know how accurate it is, but my word-book says "thin pastry".
That doesn't really say it all, I believe...
Like mashed patatos with onions fryed.
I have that in the morning from the left overs from the night before.
Eggs on the side.
Get it all time at my place! One of my favorites.

From www.lefse.com

"Lefse, a Norwegian dish made primarily from potatoes. Lefse is served in a variety of ways but most commonly rolled up with butter and sugar. Lefse can also be used similarly to a tortilla, with your favorite ingredients inside. Countryside lefse is created with all natural ingredients, with no additives or preservatives. The lefse is hand-rolled and baked to preserve its authentic taste and texture. Lefse is often associated with lutefisk, as the two are often served together. These two items should not be confused, as lutefisk is cod, which has been preserved in the traditional Norwegian way of soaking it in lye. Lefse seems to be universally palatable to all, whereas lutefisk has been known to be more of an acquired taste."