Homelite 1050 fundraiser!

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okay wendall, Here's my secret about the age thing i F'ed up when starting this account, and didn't notice it 'till i played with my sig a few times. I should have said something and I'm sorry. But when my neighbor found out i had a stroke, he came by with his lap top to let me use. (thanks to Quinn for mentioning i wanted to browse the site to my neighbor.) now that solves the mystery, Quinn posted at 8. Then 3 hours later i got my neighbors laptop to use. Sorry for the confusion.

Come on dude u have a massive stroke than 3 hours later ur on the laptop??
Right that's exactly what I'm saying. No way could someone type 3 hours after a stroke! I see he has no response to this ?
It ain't the first time I have been had. atleast I get my money back this time glad you guys caught it.
The stroke thing sent up a red flag for me also. However, I donated promptly, because apparently I'm a huge sucker. To all those involved, thank you for the way it was handled. Top notch. Well, I gotta go. Got a guy from out of state coming over to take a huge downpayment on paving my driveway, and them I' off to my Amway meeting.
Oh Man, I hope he is not scamming us, If it is i am truly sorry for posting all the threads for rep for him. I don't know what his motive would be to do such a thing. If it is still the truth then i do hope you get better, But the timelines are real close. A massive stroke can't be overcome in a couple of hours. I don't know what to think now, Sorry everyone for the confusion. If he is lying, It has got to be the lowest of the low to do that. If your not lying then i aplogize. I'm out and through with this thread. Going to ask a mod to remove all my help threads.
Got a guy from out of state coming over to take a huge downpayment on paving my driveway, and them I' off to my Amway meeting.
LMAO ! I'll keep an eye out for any hail storms in your area so you can let me take your truck "to my shop" and fix all the dents. :hmm3grin2orange:
No, A stroke cannot be over come in a couple of hours, But i also have to tell you Quinn over exaggerated it. it was a small stroke from smoking for 10 years straight. Look if you guys want to believe I'm scamming you go for it. Like I said before, I never asked for these rep threads, OR this fundraiser. YES, it would be awesome to have some extra cash laying around, But i can live without it, Just like i have for a long time now. But since you all keep saying I am a worthless scammer, I'll just give quinn the account, and leave 'yall alone.
I just looked in the thread OK GUYS SOMETHING HEAVY IS HAPPENING post #30 is where he stated he has had cancer for 20+years and it still says that there. His first post and Post #30 does not show to have been edited


See, thank you ATV for posting that, I didn't change a thing, I screwed up making the account by putting the wrong date. I'm sorry. I was extrememly frustrated that i got a worthless husky for 200 bucks. I'm real sorry i accidentally screwed that up.
STIHL880, and those invloved with any of this,
I really hope this is all a misunderstanding.
The speculation may be warranted, in this day and age, but it seems very inappropriate out in the open.
Either way, I think this thread should end and might should be deleted.
I feel sorry for those that acted to help someone in need and didn't get to.
I feel sorry for STIHL880 and his condition.
Let's put it behind us before more damage is done.
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Not trying to derail the thread, just wondering about this... since I have the old (rewelded) handle for the PM 850, do any of you think we could all come up with the parts for 880 and his nephew for a project Mac? I would be happy to do such a thing.

What? I thought we wanted to be helpful, not get even with him...
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This is Quinn, I'm 16. I'm a junior in highschool. And my birthday is June/6/1994.

Zane just gave me this account, He looked pretty steamed. He was crying, and the doctors told me to go home cause his condition is failing, And fast. I don't know what happened, Nor do I want to know. I don't want ANY drama, I deal with it PLENTY enough at school. I like what was posted before, Let's just put this on hold, or even just delete it. I'm sorry all this confusion has arose. I just want it gone, and I want to learn about the Arborist trade. And i wanna talk anything and everything chainsaw.

Please and thank you.
This is Quinn, I'm 16. I'm a junior in highschool. And my birthday is June/6/1994.

Zane just gave me this account, He looked pretty steamed. He was crying, and the doctors told me to go home cause his condition is failing, And fast. I don't know what happened, Nor do I want to know. I don't want ANY drama, I deal with it PLENTY enough at school. I like what was posted before, Let's just put this on hold, or even just delete it. I'm sorry all this confusion has arose. I just want it gone, and I want to learn about the Arborist trade. And i wanna talk anything and everything chainsaw.

Please and thank you.
Ya see Quinn this is where alot of the confusion is comming from Zane posted on 2-14 at 4:12 pm that you was 14 could be a honest mistake or typo but it just made alot of people uneasy about the whole situation alot of things not adding up I wish the best for you and Zane or maybe you are the same person who knows. God Bless you my prayers are with you either way
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