How much did you burn this winter?

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Oct 19, 2009
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First year for me using my wood boiler at the cabin. Adding the days together, I spent about a month up there through the heating season with the stove going. The first 10 day stretch had lows in the -30's every night. Felt like I never stopped stoking the stove.

Burning mostly low BTU aspen from clean up jobs on our property boosted my consumption as did the fact that being unfamiliar with the stove I had split the wood too small to more of a "fireplace" size. The splits will be 3X larger this year and will also be cutting higher BTU species except for the remaining clean up wood.

Went through about 3 cords so I'd definitely want 12 cords to get through the winter if I lived there. Although when I did burn the limited hardwood I got almost 2-3 times as long of a burn time in cold weather.
About 2.75 cords give or take half a cord. That's pretty darn good considering the woodstove runs 24-7 from december to april. More wood used this year than any year in recent memory.
Entirely too damm much that's how much. Still gonna be burning well into may, but at least after this temporary cold spell I can get back to hemlock, poplar, and pine/spruce/balsam.
Around 2.5 cord so far, with stove going mostly 24x7 except this week. Of course, I burn the worst first. Gotta keep some space available on the S side to stack new arrivals, you know.
In addition to how much you burned this year, I'd like to know how much you burned last year. I did some improvements to my house and expected to use a lot less wood. I still used less this year in spite of the extreme cold we had. Just not as much of a savings as I'd hoped for. If everyone usage is up though, I can use your numbers to plan for next year.

I used 30 cords last year, and I was wrapping it up by may 1st.

I'm up to 23 cords this year and there's no end in sight!
I have no idea how much I actually burned, I ran out of dry wood at the end of January and had to burn green wood through February, then I picked up a trailer load of dry from my buddy to burn through March. I'm guessing I burned about a cord (4x4x8) every 4 weeks.
Way more than I figured on... and I just moved more in the house last night.
Hard to know for sure because some of it was never stacked and measured... it went directly from the saw into the basement. As well, some of what was stacked wasn't used to heat the house... it got burned out in the shop.
There's about 10 cord missing from the stacks and I'm guessing I tossed another 2 cord of standing-dead in there last fall... maybe more. So something over 12 cord and still burning it. 1½ cord Black Walnut, 2 cord American Elm, ½ cord Red Elm, 3 cord Sugar Maple, 5 cord Burr Oak, and maybe 1 cord of odds, ends and whatever it was.

We had no "January thaw" this year, the snow remained deep in the woodlot until April, and with the weather so far... I ain't got one stick of "replacement" firewood cut this spring yet. Normally I'd have done the felling in late February or early March and had most of it ready for splittin' by now...
In addition to how much you burned this year, I'd like to know how much you burned last year. I did some improvements to my house and expected to use a lot less wood. I still used less this year in spite of the extreme cold we had. Just not as much of a savings as I'd hoped for. If everyone usage is up though, I can use your numbers to plan for next year.

I used 30 cords last year, and I was wrapping it up by may 1st.

I'm up to 23 cords this year and there's no end in sight!

Holy crap - are you talking real cords?
5 cord the furnace is not allowed to kick on. Is it blasphemy to burn 3 year old Red Oak during shoulder season?
I wish I could get all hard wood but it's just not in the cards. I'd have to guess 50/50 hard /soft. No pine though.

I have a guy drop most of my wood off for free, but I get what I get.

I also have a neighbor with mostly hard wood that let's me cut a bunch out for nothing.

So it works out in the end. It all gets mixed and feeds the beast!
The best I can tell we burned over 8 cords and counting. The shed holds 4+. I had around 4 outside. Now I am into next winters wood. We typically burn 5 cords or so. This winter I have been amazed at how much we have burned. Must be global warming.
Around 3 cords here in winter wonderland, all high btu hardwood.
Normal winter 2 cord.

Now the glaciers have started receding it's back to shoulder wood for me.
My first year with the OWB and I've gone through 7 cords from Oct until now. This has definitely been a tough winter.
I haven't kept track but I have 2 wood stoves in the shop & one in the house so I went through several. Have enough on hand c/s it isn't a concern.
Probably about 12 cords in the OWB but only about 1-2 cord of that was actually good wood. The rest was pine or rotten punky stuff most of you probably wouldn't deal with but it's all the junk left over from selling wood. It's a win win for me as I get rid of junk wood people only want for fire pits and it keeps my house 73 degrees.
I keep 5-7 years ahead and don't keep track. I have enough to worry about, don't need to add any more to it. There isn't much you can do about how much wood you burn. But you can sure do something about how much wood you have available to burn.