i had to post this.....anyone see a problem with the guys in this video

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Well, the POS youboob vid isn't loading well for me.For starters,no PPE,looks like they missed the fall line in the first place,and they're trying to buck that thing down way over their heads.

Looks like amateur hour......
My wife was too scared to watch the rest of that video,afraid either one of them was gonna get smashed,cut with the saw or both :dizzy: I don't think they even planned what the course of action was before they even started lol
Lord, I apologize, but kinda wish that tree would have dropped on them to improve the gene pool! Did not expect a "successful" ending!
I watched part of the first part of the vid and the tree was blown over and uprooted and already hung up in the other trees. WHen they dropped it off the stump I think they were trying to pull it over but it just came off the stump and stuck. I wouldnt blame them for it being hung up in the first place.
One handing a saw is whatever. If you haven't had to do it you probably haven't spent enough time with one.

Apparently these guys don't know what compression wood is. Shockingly it closed and there ya go.

Doing that in the woods with no heavy equip is more fun. Makes you use your brain a little. It looked pretty hung, but sometimes you can get em to roll. At least buck the thing in a minute or two.
We pride ourselves on performing safe and quality work

Look at their site

Won't let me post the url, see video 1 at 2:52.
Outfit from chester county PA
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I don't mean any disrespect but how the hell would you guys done it, it's obvious that some of you have never nor will you ever be in a situation like that, they were obviously loggers judging by the trucks and they wanted to get logs not firewood, only thing I saw that I wouldn't have done was walk under that ####er like the first guy did but other than that, they got-r-done and no one got hurt and they obviously got paid....
I have spent time in the trees
Time felling
More then my share of bucking

And have see this year alone about 6-8 trees larger then that just like that from recent storms! Look at the last part of the vid, power lines are present to the one side(just a house loop). With limited resources or time, options can be limited. PPE is a choice! Not a requirement! (Seat belt,smoking, guns!). I one hand a saw daily!
Would like to see how some of you would have done it!
But then already see that most of you guys are professionals just by your posts!
I watched part of the first part of the vid and the tree was blown over and uprooted and already hung up in the other trees. WHen they dropped it off the stump I think they were trying to pull it over but it just came off the stump and stuck. I wouldnt blame them for it being hung up in the first place.

+1 reality!!!

One handing a saw is whatever. If you haven't had to do it you probably haven't spent enough time with one.

Apparently these guys don't know what compression wood is. Shockingly it closed and there ya go.

Doing that in the woods with no heavy equip is more fun. Makes you use your brain a little. It looked pretty hung, but sometimes you can get em to roll. At least buck the thing in a minute or two.

+1 Run a saw for more then a hour, then reality of running a saw sets in and PBS special on saw safety is left for the others!

I don't mean any disrespect but how the hell would you guys done it, it's obvious that some of you have never nor will you ever be in a situation like that, they were obviously loggers judging by the trucks and they wanted to get logs not firewood, only thing I saw that I wouldn't have done was walk under that ####er like the first guy did but other than that, they got-r-done and no one got hurt and they obviously got paid....

Every one seems to be a pro!
Pay attention and you will see Secondary lines(house loops, and road side primaries. Which means there is a cross over pole for the house that is set back from the road.) Couching from the CPU is easier then actually doing it!!
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