is a 024 worth $200

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ArboristSite Lurker
Nov 10, 2002
Reaction score
I've got a chance to buy a 024 with 16" bar for 200$ from my local shop. It's got a new bar, chain, sprocket, piston, redone carb. Pretty much everything checked over or new. Cosmetically it looks about average. Not rough but not perfect. Is it worth $200 out the door?
I was planning on getting a 026 but don't know now. Whats the difference in the 26 and 24 in terms of weight and power?
I don't know anything about an O24. We have several O21's in the five-six year old range. Residential pruning/removals. We did 1.9 million in sales last year. I'd say that is a little more than occassional use on a "homeowner" model saw. Would love to step up to the O26, but the dang 21's are just lasting to long to justify the extra $$.

Just talked to our local dealer, MS250 is as close as you can come to the O24 now. New the MS 250 goes between $256 and $280. 45.4cc 2.2kW(3.0bhp) 10.3lbs
MS O26 is $375 to $400. 48.7cc 2.6kW(3.5bhp) 10.6lbs
New MS 210 $225 to $239. 35.2cc 1.5kW(1.7bhp) 9.9lbs

My guess is it's probably worth it, if they have a good reputation and you trust their work. If it was too good a deal, I'd be running scared, waiting for that other shoe to drop on me.

Louie Hampton
It is a great saw and the little brother of the 026 as many parts
are interchangeable, but it is old so $200 is a little high. A new
piston indicates it had a meltdown in its recent past, so you
would need a little warranty that they fixed the problem that
caused the piston damage. A new bar, chain, and sprocket is
a definite plus. Offer $150 and see what they do.
The 024 is a great saw. Having said that, I would not pay $200 for it. Try Fish's never know until you ask
Good luck!
Thanks for the help

More I think about it, that is probly pretty high price for an old saw. Thanks for yalls help.
Whip it out and show it to the seller when you make your cash offer. Does wonders.
Originally posted by Grateful11
>Whip it out............

I sure needed a laugh today! You guys crack me up! I sure hate being sick.

Laughter is the best medicine. Just wait till you get our bill...

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