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Husky Man

Husky Man

Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Sep 29, 2017
Mt Hood, Oregon
I own a whole 100 watt solar panel and use it while camping. It works well for what I want it for. No need for a heavy generator that is high on the list of things burglars want. It fits under the bed in my trailer when not needed and can be moved around to follow the sun when needed. Now, I could get one that would roll up and weigh much less, and next year there would be even better panels. Like everything else, 'cept for human thinking brains, solar is always evolving and getting more efficient. View attachment 1019167
And, yes, this is in the evening in the shade, but ready for the next day.
Is that a Scamp or Casita?
I believe that Bigfoot builds trailers like that too

Feb 6, 2007
Nice looking trailer.
It needs a wash and a wax and a refrigerator. The RV people can't find parts, or even a refrigerator so I have a cooler that falls on the floor during travel. I towed it to Wisconsin and back a year ago and got the best night's sleep in a Nort Dasota Cenex parking lot. The trailer survived a not quite tornado in Wisconsin--we humans and dogs took shelter in the restroom.

It's a good trailer.
Husky Man

Husky Man

Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Sep 29, 2017
Mt Hood, Oregon
My maternal Grandparents had a Scamp for many years.
My neighbors across the street have a Casita, Casita doesn’t have any dealers in our area, so if Casita gets an interested customer, they pay our neighbors to show their trailer. I forget if he said how much, but evidently it is worth their while to do it. I know that they are happy with their Casita

The Scamps and Casita’s are very similar, take the decals off, and you would have to know them very well to tell them apart

My Grandparents really liked their Scamp, my Grandparents and my neighbors are are the shorter side, at 6’0”, the ceiling is just a bit too low for my comfort, but they are popular with most that own them



ArboristSite Operative
Oct 28, 2018
Politics makes people do stupid things. I support alternative energy like solar and wind and battery tech when it makes sense. And I think it is probably a good idea to gradually wean society off of fossil fuel tech. But I don't think mankind's co2 impact on the environment is anywhere close to being as severe as the sold out, deranged activists say it is. Science has been corrupted by one world elitists and Marxist activism, just like the media, academia and medicine.

But I will fight as well as I can any initiative, like democrats are doing, to force inappropriate alternate energy on the public. It will be a disaster, and could cause global economic collapse and depression. Alternate energy currently makes sense at the fringes of lifestyles. For example, electric cars for a second commuter car, but not the primary vehicle. Or pruning saws in tree work, but not for felling and bucking. Let these technologies evolve and society will gradually adopt them. But ideologically warped democrats are bent on forcing woke tyranny on the world.

North man, I don't know your politics, but I hope you realize that the woke movement and democrats will force you off your "off grid" lifestyle as soon as they have the power to do so. You are their enemy because of the freedom and independence you seek.
Feb 6, 2007
Politics makes people do stupid things. I support alternative energy like solar and wind and battery tech when it makes sense. And I think it is probably a good idea to gradually wean society off of fossil fuel tech. But I don't think mankind's co2 impact on the environment is anywhere close to being as severe as the sold out, deranged activists say it is. Science has been corrupted by one world elitists and Marxist activism, just like the media, academia and medicine.

But I will fight as well as I can any initiative, like democrats are doing, to force inappropriate alternate energy on the public. It will be a disaster, and could cause global economic collapse and depression. Alternate energy currently makes sense at the fringes of lifestyles. For example, electric cars for a second commuter car, but not the primary vehicle. Or pruning saws in tree work, but not for felling and bucking. Let these technologies evolve and society will gradually adopt them. But ideologically warped democrats are bent on forcing woke tyranny on the world.

North man, I don't know your politics, but I hope you realize that the woke movement and democrats will force you off your "off grid" lifestyle as soon as they have the power to do so. You are their enemy because of the freedom and independence you seek.
Nonsense. Here in our state--Northman and I both live in Warshington, we've had folks using alternative energy for decades. If they meet codes, they are not forced off it.

Our state is not as corrupt as other states are. We do not have any oil fields and the coal mine is shutting down this year? Or maybe it already is. The coal fired power plant shut down years ago and the one in Oregon is going down this year, if it hasn't already.

Like I said, my friends were off grid in the 1980s. Their house was built and passed inspection for it. They also wired their house for PUD power in case they ever could afford to hook up. And that happened, not because of being forced by the state, but because Mother Nature ruined the route of the powerlines and they were relocated over near where it was now affordable to hook into it.

It is easier to be on the power grid and at that time was brighter.

The only people I know of who were "forced" to give up their off grid lifestyle have been those who did not go through the hoops of building permits and building codes. Much of that has to do with septic systems and structural problems, and water rights-- not energy.

Thie majority of folks in our state have elected progressives. That's how we work.
Jan 17, 2012
western washington
Politics makes people do stupid things. I support alternative energy like solar and wind and battery tech when it makes sense. And I think it is probably a good idea to gradually wean society off of fossil fuel tech. But I don't think mankind's co2 impact on the environment is anywhere close to being as severe as the sold out, deranged activists say it is. Science has been corrupted by one world elitists and Marxist activism, just like the media, academia and medicine.

But I will fight as well as I can any initiative, like democrats are doing, to force inappropriate alternate energy on the public. It will be a disaster, and could cause global economic collapse and depression. Alternate energy currently makes sense at the fringes of lifestyles. For example, electric cars for a second commuter car, but not the primary vehicle. Or pruning saws in tree work, but not for felling and bucking. Let these technologies evolve and society will gradually adopt them. But ideologically warped democrats are bent on forcing woke tyranny on the world.

North man, I don't know your politics, but I hope you realize that the woke movement and democrats will force you off your "off grid" lifestyle as soon as they have the power to do so. You are their enemy because of the freedom and independence you seek.
well, I think you've been listening the fear mongers.
As SlowP said, off grid is not only common around here, its almost encouraged, our PUD will buy your excess power, as I've said numerous times. Wind and Solar are just a matter of building them and getting the proper permits and inspection, especially if you want grid intertie, even then they likely won't shut you down or force an eviction unless what you have built is insanely unsafe.

I've got close friends, (they call me a brother, and I think of them as Sisters) who grew up in a house that was originally a chicken coop, its 4 bedrooms now and 2 baths, never had a permit for any of it, the county leaves them alone. This is also the first house I knew of that had a solar water heater. And up until a couple years ago the mom still cooked over a woodstove for the entire herd (8 brothers and sisters? I lose count...)

Now you can do solar or wind around here without much issue, but messing with any form of water for a micro hydro, or tidal, then you start dealing with Fish and Wildlife, the tribes and the environmental morons, so much so that its nearly impossible to pull off micro hydro, even though there are folks that have done it and got away with it. Its not impossible you just have to have the right conditions to pull it off, and those are pretty rare around here.

I might add, that anyone that is against a so called "woke" movement has been fed a whole lot of BS and should seriously consider the motives of those they are listening too. Being "woke" means seeing reality for what it is, question your sources, and if those questions go unanswered or raise more questions, suspect your sources of misleading you.
Feb 6, 2007
I think my friend here has been selling power back to the PUD for at least ten years. He has a big set of panels on a pole that he can rotate and adjust using a crank.

Also, our PUD sent around a questionaire about a program to install solar panels but there wasn't much interest in it locally. Our power is fairly cheap right now, but higher than neighboring counties because they own or partially own dams on the Columbia River. We do not. I say We because our power comes from a publicly (by county) owned "company"--think socialist. That's what a PUD is.
Husky Man

Husky Man

Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Sep 29, 2017
Mt Hood, Oregon
well, I think you've been listening the fear mongers.
As SlowP said, off grid is not only common around here, its almost encouraged, our PUD will buy your excess power, as I've said numerous times. Wind and Solar are just a matter of building them and getting the proper permits and inspection, especially if you want grid intertie, even then they likely won't shut you down or force an eviction unless what you have built is insanely unsafe.

I've got close friends, (they call me a brother, and I think of them as Sisters) who grew up in a house that was originally a chicken coop, its 4 bedrooms now and 2 baths, never had a permit for any of it, the county leaves them alone. This is also the first house I knew of that had a solar water heater. And up until a couple years ago the mom still cooked over a woodstove for the entire herd (8 brothers and sisters? I lose count...)

Now you can do solar or wind around here without much issue, but messing with any form of water for a micro hydro, or tidal, then you start dealing with Fish and Wildlife, the tribes and the environmental morons, so much so that its nearly impossible to pull off micro hydro, even though there are folks that have done it and got away with it. Its not impossible you just have to have the right conditions to pull it off, and those are pretty rare around here.

I might add, that anyone that is against a so called "woke" movement has been fed a whole lot of BS and should seriously consider the motives of those they are listening too. Being "woke" means seeing reality for what it is, question your sources, and if those questions go unanswered or raise more questions, suspect your sources of misleading you.
Northman, you are confusing “Woke” with “Awake” woke is none of the things that you mentioned, but you do describe Awake very well

Feb 6, 2007
Northman, you are confusing “Woke” with “Awake” woke is none of the things that you mentioned, but you do describe Awake very well

Woke is another overused and not term publicized to scare lazy people who won't research the beginnings, or who are racists, or who don't want to know about reality. I consider it overused and wrongly used, like CRT, by the "media" who make their money scaring and spreading lies amongst the gullible or hateful.

It's the same folks who stole the My Body My Choice slogan to avoid getting a pin prick and now have conveniently forgotten it. They can't come up with anything original so have to bastardize and steal terms used by other groups. Bunch o' hypocrites. But it's good money making stuff for the hate radio/tv pundits/con artists.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 20, 2011
mountains of nc
The problem with all these green energy schemes is government interference. For some reason the government has put in place way to many obsticals preventing homeowners from produceing their own power. My opinion only, but it seems the government only wants anyone to produce power as long as the government controls it. the only way the government can control it is if the power is produced in great big facilities and then spoon fed out in every direction. I read it hear many times about how big a area it would take to install enough solar panels to supply all the electrical power the US consumes, I have also read how much area it would take for windmill to provide a simila amount of power. This is all a bunch of bull. With all the houses and buildings already in this country, one small solar panel or windmill on each house, each panel or mill providing supplemental power to every home and all excess power being directed to the already exsistant grid, and not one inch of avaialable land or infrastructure needed to be wasted. You greenies need to stop thinking about your grand plans of using up all avaiable, ariable land to build these great big huge facilities under grovernment control and get out of the way of us homeowners that might not can afford to produce all of our power requirements, but can afford a small system to supplement our own power requirements.

Slowp, you have mentioned building green to government specs, well I have actually tried this already. You brought up the TVA, well let me tell you, I have tried that. This is fact based on experience, not some he said she said ********, If you want to put in any kind of alternate power that will be or could be connected to their grid, you have to meet a bunch of their requirements that makes building your own power plant extremely cost prohibited. Further, to connect to their grid, you have to use their engineer to design your house and build a power supply that might meet your minimal personal needs. If in the event that you happen to not need all the power you produce, they will take your excess power, and not pay you one red cent, ever, for that power.. OH, they make great boast about you banking that power for future use, but that is just plain stupid, if you are producng more power than you need, when are you going to ever use up any banked power. Now I can see the electric companies needing some control over what someone inputs into the power grid, I get that, what I dont get is the TVA trying to control how big a plant I install or how much power I produce, and if they are going to resell my excess power production, I dam well think they should have to pay me for that power. I dont know how it is in Washinton, but in NC, I can build and install any kind of power plant I want too, I dont need a building permit to do so and I aint got to follow any building codes, as long as I dont hook to the local power grid. The government dont like that and wants me to pay a $500 permit to drill a well, they dont care if the well has water in it, they just want their $500. Same with a septic permit and building permit. They use the threat of not hooking to the grid as a weapon to get you to comply. Now the USDA wants you to register you own private garden. Now why would that be? Its all about government control. Get the government out of the way and green energy will eventually happen, but you cant keep putting obsticals in the way and expect it to be accepted by the masses.
Husky Man

Husky Man

Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Sep 29, 2017
Mt Hood, Oregon
Overused? Yep, but what Northman is is talking about is still more Awake than Woke

My body, my choice, those of us who chose not to be be poisoned by unproven, experimental “Vaccines”*, should have the same right to that choice, as those that Choose to Murder Innocent Unborn Children, but we don’t Deserve to be ostracized, the way that those that choose to Murder the innocent unborn do.



ArboristSite Operative
Oct 28, 2018
If you can sell your excess electricity back to the utility company then, by definition, you are not off the grid. You are part of the grid. Maybe I misunderstood. It sounded like northman wanted to get a few acres off grid where he could have some peace and freedom. To democrats this makes him the enemy. He is harming the environment with his well drilling, septic, tank, driveway, and any activity he does. The democrats have made it pretty obvious that their goal is to have everyone confined to towns and cities. They just don't have the power to do it yet.
Jan 17, 2012
western washington
The problem with all these green energy schemes is government interference. For some reason the government has put in place way to many obsticals preventing homeowners from produceing their own power. My opinion only, but it seems the government only wants anyone to produce power as long as the government controls it. the only way the government can control it is if the power is produced in great big facilities and then spoon fed out in every direction. I read it hear many times about how big a area it would take to install enough solar panels to supply all the electrical power the US consumes, I have also read how much area it would take for windmill to provide a simila amount of power. This is all a bunch of bull. With all the houses and buildings already in this country, one small solar panel or windmill on each house, each panel or mill providing supplemental power to every home and all excess power being directed to the already exsistant grid, and not one inch of avaialable land or infrastructure needed to be wasted. You greenies need to stop thinking about your grand plans of using up all avaiable, ariable land to build these great big huge facilities under grovernment control and get out of the way of us homeowners that might not can afford to produce all of our power requirements, but can afford a small system to supplement our own power requirements.

Slowp, you have mentioned building green to government specs, well I have actually tried this already. You brought up the TVA, well let me tell you, I have tried that. This is fact based on experience, not some he said she said ********, If you want to put in any kind of alternate power that will be or could be connected to their grid, you have to meet a bunch of their requirements that makes building your own power plant extremely cost prohibited. Further, to connect to their grid, you have to use their engineer to design your house and build a power supply that might meet your minimal personal needs. If in the event that you happen to not need all the power you produce, they will take your excess power, and not pay you one red cent, ever, for that power.. OH, they make great boast about you banking that power for future use, but that is just plain stupid, if you are producng more power than you need, when are you going to ever use up any banked power. Now I can see the electric companies needing some control over what someone inputs into the power grid, I get that, what I dont get is the TVA trying to control how big a plant I install or how much power I produce, and if they are going to resell my excess power production, I dam well think they should have to pay me for that power. I dont know how it is in Washinton, but in NC, I can build and install any kind of power plant I want too, I dont need a building permit to do so and I aint got to follow any building codes, as long as I dont hook to the local power grid. The government dont like that and wants me to pay a $500 permit to drill a well, they dont care if the well has water in it, they just want their $500. Same with a septic permit and building permit. They use the threat of not hooking to the grid as a weapon to get you to comply. Now the USDA wants you to register you own private garden. Now why would that be? Its all about government control. Get the government out of the way and green energy will eventually happen, but you cant keep putting obsticals in the way and expect it to be accepted by the masses.
well, your oppinion is based on your own assumptions, we've literally been repeating the same damned thing, YOU CAN BUILD AND INSTALL YOUR OWN POWER GENORATION you do need to get a permit if you plan on grid intertie so that your homebrew junk doesn't back feed and burn down the entire county, Hence why we have things like gubamints is to keep the fools from hurting inocent bystanders. ITs not that hard to get the permit, but you do have to have an approved design, and if your want grid intertie you will need to use a licensed electrician, its not that hard and its far from being cost prohibitive. Probably easier to get the grid intertie permit then getting and LDA and building permit around here, but that is mostly because county PDS has their head shoved up their own colons and need to be managed better, not a problem with current law, or politicians per se, but a problem with morons in jobs they aren't qualified for, but are Union so we can't just fire the ****ers and get better people.
Jan 17, 2012
western washington
If you can sell your excess electricity back to the utility company then, by definition, you are not off the grid. You are part of the grid. Maybe I misunderstood. It sounded like northman wanted to get a few acres off grid where he could have some peace and freedom. To democrats this makes him the enemy. He is harming the environment with his well drilling, septic, tank, driveway, and any activity he does. The democrats have made it pretty obvious that their goal is to have everyone confined to towns and cities. They just don't have the power to do it yet.
You are an idiot if you believe that.
Democrats want folks to have access to affordable health care, access to a job, and an economy not based on fossil fuel fools.

Moving to off grid farms and self sufficiency is a long standing LIBERAL ideal that the conspiracy theory morons have co opted in the last few years as a way to survive the coming doom, ironically most of those idiots are focusing on having enough guns and ammo, forgetting about things like seed crops and long term food storage, renewable energy, crop rotation, managing their land etc etc etc. They have all the fancy tools, a shiny new tractor, the big diesel truck, but their tractor doesn't have a tiller, or even a disk harrow, they haven't got enough water to irrigate the 20 acres they spent too much on, the thought of keeping livestock means a big dog and a pony. But they sure like to talk about surviving the ever coming collapse of society as we know it...

I find it funny when folks whine about things like permits for drilling wells and septic systems how anybody should be allowed to use their land as they see fit, well dummy, theres this thing called a watershed, and your well, effects your neighbors water, your septic system effects your neighbors well as well. So yeah you should probably get a ****ing permit so that a 3rd party can make sure you don't accidentally poison the entire counties water. Or that you don't build a $20,000 driveway right through someone elses property, just because you didn't have the proper surveys done. Do I like the permit process, no, but its more to do with pencil holding O2 wasting morons that couldn't hold a job at 7-11 then a matter of needing to follow the rules
Some of these rules, especially the wells vs septic systems, were created through loss of life, been awhile since we had a Cholera outbreak around here hasn't it?


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 20, 2011
mountains of nc
If you can sell your excess electricity back to the utility company then, by definition, you are not off the grid. You are part of the grid. Maybe I misunderstood. It sounded like northman wanted to get a few acres off grid where he could have some peace and freedom. To democrats this makes him the enemy. He is harming the environment with his well drilling, septic, tank, driveway, and any activity he does. The democrats have made it pretty obvious that their goal is to have everyone confined to towns and cities. They just don't have the power to do it yet.
Who you talking to?. If its me, you missed my point completely. My comments about selling electricity back to the power company has nothing to do with being off the grid. For one, you are correct, to sell back to the power company, you would need to be tied to the grid. Selling power to the power company does have to do with becoming energy independant. Generating even a fraction of your own power would reduce the amount of fossil fuels needed to light our homes, the pollution generated from mining, and the waste going in our landfields.
Bill G

Bill G

ArboristSite King
Mar 5, 2002
..................But, if you are really worried about farmland, what about all those subdivisions going in? Where folks who want a few animals move into, but dont' have enough ground to make farming pencil out so turn it into a big lawn with irrigation used for that? That's what I see as the threat to "farms". Not power production.

Go back and read The Mother Earth News, 1970s editions. This is not new stuff.
There is a comment I can agree with. The problem is as our population continues to grow there has to be places for folks to live. I am not sure what the answer is. I have rented a farm for close to 40 years that will soon be sold as the owner is unfortunately nearing the end. He has treated me right for many years and I believe I have returned the favor. The problem is his heirs have no interest in the land and it will get sold off to development. I cannot compete with the price they will pay.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 20, 2011
mountains of nc
well, your oppinion is based on your own assumptions, we've literally been repeating the same damned thing, YOU CAN BUILD AND INSTALL YOUR OWN POWER GENORATION you do need to get a permit if you plan on grid intertie so that your homebrew junk doesn't back feed and burn down the entire county, Hence why we have things like gubamints is to keep the fools from hurting inocent bystanders. ITs not that hard to get the permit, but you do have to have an approved design, and if your want grid intertie you will need to use a licensed electrician, its not that hard and its far from being cost prohibitive. Probably easier to get the grid intertie permit then getting and LDA and building permit around here, but that is mostly because county PDS has their head shoved up their own colons and need to be managed better, not a problem with current law, or politicians per se, but a problem with morons in jobs they aren't qualified for, but are Union so we can't just fire the ****ers and get better people.
It is obvious you dont know what your talking about, and you certainly dont know what I am talking about.


ArboristSite Operative
Oct 28, 2018
Why do wokesters start yelling the moment someone disagrees with them?

Northern, you can believe what you want. I hope things work out for you. But I think your emotions are being manipulated by democrats. Don't you see that I agreed with much of your renewable energy dogma, yet apparently because I question the motives of the democrat masters you hurl insults at me, and go on a rant. Think about it, dude. They are trying to divide us into irrational factions so they can steal our liberty while we squabble with each other. And this is just an arborist forum where most of us share similar interests. The democrat marxists and global elitists are pursuing this same strategy on a global scale. They want everything...except you and me. We are just a nuisance to them.
Jan 17, 2012
western washington
Why do wokesters start yelling the moment someone disagrees with them?

Northern, you can believe what you want. I hope things work out for you. But I think your emotions are being manipulated by democrats. Don't you see that I agreed with much of your renewable energy dogma, yet apparently because I question the motives of the democrat masters you hurl insults at me, and go on a rant. Think about it, dude. They are trying to divide us into irrational factions so they can steal our liberty while we squabble with each other. And this is just an arborist forum where most of us share similar interests. The democrat marxists and global elitists are pursuing this same strategy on a global scale. They want everything...except you and me. We are just a nuisance to them.
stop right there my dude. Who's banning books, who's taking away medical freedoms, for men and women, Roe V Wade was about medical privacy, not just abortions. Who's trying to make LGBTQ folks into some sort of evil thing? Who's so radically against teaching history because it might shine them in a bad light? Who's convincing folks like yourself that some boogie man is trying to take your rights?, Who signed the Hough's amendment? Who named the Brady bill? Who keeps undermining banking regulations allowing banks to prey on the middle class? Who keeps giving tax breaks to the wealthy, with the promise that the greedy SOB's will "pass it down to the working folks" Who keeps trying to steal all the money out of SS and medicaid (your money, my money) under the guise of ballancing a budget, then giving yet more millionaires more tax breaks. Who keeps flushing this countries budget every time they have a majority?
While your at it, check into who exactly is funding the GOP
If you were honest with yourself, you might find yourself questioning what you thought was reality, the truth is in the voting records of every politician, and they are in fact public record. look into it your own self.