Leg nearly severed by a stump grinder

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One of the most excellent days on record

Yes, happy birthday, KnotWhole! I had a tremendous day. My wife wanted to take me all over, but I had set a goal back in early July that I would have my website ip and running and live, and I would have sold at least ONE Silky Saw from my site. I pushed through the final work today, called a buddy I knew wanted a Silky and said, "Now is the time to order." He went here, http://treeguy.info/articlebody.php?section_id=4&article_id=49 and took a tour through, he was the first to see the Silky secion in it's completeness. And I sold my first saw, a Top Gun 240 mm.

There is still a lot of stuff left to finish, but the Silky section is DONE, and I must say, I really like how it came out (if you'd been wondering what I've been doing with all my spare time).

That was my birthday gift from me to me and this is the first time I've announced my website on open forum. History is made.
Tree Machine said:
Elizabeth wants to throw me a "Thank God Jim's alive another year" party.

and that is high praise, Jim... i'm usually invited to "D*mn, he's (she's) still alive" parties...

happy birthday a day late... and thrilled at how the doctor has increased your scope of activity!!!

by the way, how're those writing projects coming???
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Been writing the novel 'Symbiosis'

Thanks for asking, Trinity. I've been writing my website material very consistently and learning more about how an e-commerce website works than I ever thought possible. Kinda nice to have so much time, it's like being in class ten hours a day. It's a lotta, lotta, lotta, lotta work.

I'm writing a lot of 'product descriptions', and working with the images and links. I've been working on safety products at the treeguy.info store, http://treeguy.info/shop/index.php . Choosing from hundreds of items, I have to boil it down to reasonable number of choices for the customer. Then I have to write descriptions in two places in the store and create the feature stories for those products on the website. It's been a monstrous effort to keep all the categories pared down so it's not overwhelming to the reader.

And I write a lot on Arboristsite, every single day. I offered up that commitment, formally, a year or so ago. I shared with the Arboristsite Big Kahuna my intent to create a website and that rather than draw readership away from AS, I would instead create an introduction in my to a topic, and then hyperlink to that topic being discussed over here. I, then, will contribute freely and fully to that thread and try to make it something special.

How's that sound so far?

Treeguy.info connects all it's readership by virtue of trees, which is kinda universal. The two main themes at treeguy.info are 'Safety' and 'Recycling', two fairly non-controversial topics. My grassroots arborist market is the smallest of my target audiences, which include: Woodworking, home improvement and maintenence, and the big audience, lawn, landscape, and gardening.

I reach out to those audiences, secretly trying to find arborists who don't know about AS, and to find noobs who need to find AS. As you know, I really like helping noobs. Treeguy.info's mission is, well I have yet to fully develop the mission, but one of it's main purposes is to bring more visitors to Arboristsite. More visitors is good. It's good for Arboristsite, good for our pool of readers and contributors, and it's good for the sponsors. The products sold at treeguy.info pretty much all come from the Arboristsite sponsors in keeping with the 'support ArboristSite' theme.

My mission, then, I guess, would be to create multi-directional win/wins for all parties involved. THAT is beneficially mutualistic symbiosis. Under the laws of nature, that is a relationship that will last.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY.tree machine and knot whole, I would also like to thank you tm for all your knowledge and time for answering questions,I to am a nooby in this arboristsite. I am teaching myself how-to with books and info from you guys.I also work a full time job in a rigging shop(marine,boating)and dont have much time to be up in the trees. I have plenty of trees to pratice on .that was the reason for me getting in to this. I wanted it done wright.so I went looking for info and here I am. thanks again
Cool, Man. Working in a rigging shop, man, I can see clear advantages in having that area of expertise. We'll teach you what we know, but you gotta share with us what you know. First, does your employer have a website and products our industry could use, or are you a wire rope-type shop. Please tell us more.

I've been building a website that caters to the noob. There's a lot of linking from my site to here so guys can be directed right to old, classic threads, specific topics, without having to come to AS and do a search, maybe not even knowing what they're looking for. As you can see, the information body here is overwhelmingly large, like an Arborist library. My site helps direct you to specific places in the Library for info on specific topics.

Treeguy.info is also very much about gear; gear the noob will need to start his business. Gear that specifically addresses the high-performance two-man crew. My intent there is to steepen the learning curve, getting the early professional the knowledge and tools he needs to successfully start his business, be safe, profitable and complient with all regulations and laws.

My personal tree business is a solo tree care (employee-optional), but I don't suggest on my website guys work solo. High performance two-man operations and all it takes to compete well with other tree firms and not be in the 'hack' class. We're cultivating professionals. My site still has a lot of work to go. I just added my third video there yesterday, http://treeguy.info/articlebody.php?section_id=4&article_id=225
Jim, me thinks that you're a natural writer who happened to get into arborism, or you're a natural arborist who happens to write very well. I'm going to be spending some time checking out your site, because you can't get any more 'newbie' than me.

Thanks to all for the Bday wishes. Time for me to retreat to the chainsaw forum, but one last comment: If you haven't done so, please check out the joke thread in Off The Topic.

Aw ra best...Chris J.
TM I read the silky section on your site ..very informative I like how you listed all the saws then listed what you thought was best, very good for us noobs. Do you think the sugoi will become the most popular with arborists?..Glad your healing well..happy your able to use your other talents as well.
Hey thanks, you guys. That really means a lot. It's gratifying. It feels like I've been working most of my adult life to do what it is I'm about to do.
I'm going to be spending some time checking out your site, because you can't get any more 'newbie' than me.
You just said it all right there, buddy. I found 'you'. You being the noob. I've been wanting to share valuable stuff with you for years, and I try to do that, here at Arboristsite.

My mission with treeguy.info is to be an arborist information central for noobs. I address the startup guys, groundies who aspire to become their own man (or woman). My TARGET group are guys who want to become treeguys, or early treeguys wanting a spiked learning curve as to getting compliant and getting profitable. Two-man operations are the dudes I am talking to.

You can spend so much time and money in the early years mucking through all the inefficiencys of trial and error and learning things the hard way. The school of hard knocks is not the place to spend your time in the early years. If you are informed and guided through the various aspects of owning your own tree service, if you start out swiftly, on the right track and avoid unnecessary pitfalls and expenses, you are a better overall arborist (business owner), earlier.

I recycle 100% of all my tree waste and wish to share that with you. Any part of my tree care business that has been successful, I share with you. My goal for the noobs is to give a starting point from which you can create your own gig, any way you please. Looking back on my noob years, I'm thinking if I knew then what I know now, my first two years would have been crammed into two months. Earlier smooth-running operations means earlier realization of making your vision come true.

I just don't want you, a talented guy, to have to muck around for two years figuring out what you could have figured out in two months. All the information you need is out there in different threads. I don't think you should have to 'suffer' through the early years. You can gain without the pain.

Think of treeguy.info as a tree noob adoption home. :p
Tree Machine said:
I've been writing my website material very consistently and learning more about how an e-commerce website works than I ever thought possible.

I'm taking an e-commerce course right now! I wish I could help you more with your site, but I don't know nuttin bout dat dere PHP bidness. I'm an asp/asp.net kinda guy, but I could try to help if you need it though. Later, Roger.
I don't know what PHP is. I don't know what asp asp.net is either. I just recently learned a few simple HTML functions. I didn't build the website, I hired someone to do that for me, I just put the content in there and pictures and video. The store part is also purchased software, I just go in and write about the products and put in more pictures. The credit card processor is paid to do credit card stuff and the bank is paid to do their stuff, and the server is paid to do his stuff and the cyberguy is paid to keep it all running and updated with current sofware (which is purchased).

All I do is write checks and put stuff on the website. If it sounds horribly expensive, it is, and very time consuming. Most e-commerce websites are just the store, and it acts as the information. The treeguy.info store serves as an information source like that too, but there's a whole 'nother 7/8 of treeguy.info that is all about extended information and stories, pictures and videos, pdf's, downloadables and the hyperlinks.

I've spent severel years getting the site to this point, so to let a new set of monthly bills drag me down, that would be a bad excuse to quit moving forward. You noobs are the future of Arboriculture.
Tree Machine said:
I don't know what PHP is. I don't know what asp asp.net is either. I just recently learned a few simple HTML functions. I didn't build the website, I hired someone to do that for me, I just put the content in there and pictures and video.

You noobs are the future of Arboriculture.

Ah, I thought you did it all yourself. HTML I can help you with! Fire away with the questions.

I don't think I'm the future of arboriculture. Maybe arboriculture web design or something. :D BTW, this has got to be the longest running AI&F thread ever, huh? You going for a record or something?
Not meaning to, deliberately, but if using this thread can make a difference in the world, well then I'm all for it.
So how are we going to make the world a better place? Well, if I can help more young (and old) arborists to be more efficient, then there becomes more skilled arborists out there helping more trees. This helps more people, and the world is a better place.

It's really a simple concept. I share with you, you share with other climbers, we all look out for each other. The more efficient your systems, the better the lifestyle you will enjoy. And it really IS about enjoying life, isn't it.

If you can put some systems in place, and gather some professional grade tools, swiftly pull together the business necessities so you are legal, set your business stage, so to speak, then you will spend more time climbing and less on stumbling over obstacles.

RB, I don't know what html is. I don't know enough about it to know what to ask. I'm not a coder. I'm just the writer. I'm not sure I want to know html language. I would really like advice. At this point, treeguy.info is young and unfinished enough that it can be moulded to whatever we want it to be. Noobs would be the best source of questions and suggestions. You guys help me, I am already dedicated to helping you. More symbiosis.
tree machine,and others. I am currently in the process of giving more info and I will be a contact person with my employer . Ido enjoy my job and what I do and am looking foreward to sharing that info with yall...soon
I've just gotten through my first week of physical therapy. Pain meds have long since run out and I'm wishing I'd saved back a few.

My Physical Therapist, Nick (aka Nick the Bruiser) thinks we should schedule one of my October sessions at his house where we can set a rope in a tree and he can determine my footlocking abilities. "I've got three or four trees that I need you to ascend so I can fully determine the extent of your abilities." "So I should probably carry a Silky Saw up there with me." "Any gear that you would normally carry. We want to make this as authentic as possible." "OK, Nick, so I will be paying you for a therapy session while you watch me cllimb and deadwood your trees...." "Authentic as possible."

Isn't that GREAT everybody? A physical therapist that is kind enough to understand my personal climbing needs, offering the use of his own trees for the betterment of my condition. So cool he would go out of his way for me.
Tree Machine said:
RB, I don't know what html is. I don't know enough about it to know what to ask. I'm not a coder. I'm just the writer. I'm not sure I want to know html language. I would really like advice. At this point, treeguy.info is young and unfinished enough that it can be moulded to whatever we want it to be. Noobs would be the best source of questions and suggestions. You guys help me, I am already dedicated to helping you. More symbiosis.

Well then Google it or ask, I have two older books on it; Creating Cool Web Pages with HTML by Dave Talor, ISBN: 1-56884-454-9 includes disc to do set up and HTML 3 Manual of Style by Larry Aronson ISBN 1-56276-352-0. The world has moved on since HTML, however many are still in use. Your internet browser would help you set one up if you ask them, DUH?
ever since reading the beginning posts, i stay very aware when i am grinding and told the workers what happens when you come in contact with the wheel. i stay away from it at all times.
We see that spinning wheel differently now, don't we, treesurgeon?

Thanks Geo. I don't design websites or even web pages. I think treeguy.info is php, whatever that is. I have an HTML book on the shelf, but I shy away from things 5 yrs old and beyond. All I need (from a coding standpoint) is italicize, bold, underline, font size and color, hyperlinking references and transmitting and embedding video. There's not much I wish to do beyond that.

I wiped off an entire section of my website and dedicated it to Katrina Relief. Basically, it links back to arboristsite for the hurricane discussions, and outward to other aid links. I hope to actually make some sort of positive difference with it.

[a href=http://treeguy.info/articlebody.php?section_id=5&article_id=252]Wanna see? [/a]

Ooops, sorry 'bout that. I don't know my html's from my http's http://treeguy.info/articlebody.php?section_id=5&article_id=252
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