Limbing saw

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i am about the same size and i don't think i could do that look that relaxed. it's like the challenge of picking up a sledgehammer by the end of the handle and holding it straight sounds easy enough, but physics works against you.
I've seen this before. It's a temporary antigravity pocket created by the destructive interference of two reverse tachyon pulses. This phenomenon is usually accomplished with two galaxy class starships or two 361's being revved WOT in very close vicinity.
I've seen this before. It's a temporary antigravity pocket...

OK, who's been playing with my Space Modulator this time?
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I can barely do it with a 211, I just tried it and i've even had a couple of beers so i'm stronger than usual!
Ya'll should see me goin into the woods with the 084 in one hand and the 394 in the other. Make quick work of the sticks we have around here.
I can do that with the 395 and 32" bar without too much trouble, but then again, I am so tough that I can rip a phone book in half with my eyelids and my breakfast includes a bowl of gravel covered in diesel fuel. I don't stop for traffic, traffic stops for me. One time I got pissed at the moon and scowled at it until it turned red. When Chuck Norris needs help, he calls me.
I would be convinced...if you shoot a little youtube video......sorry, ain't buyin' it. Besides who the hell cares...does it make you more money or are you tryin' to get a girlfiend? lol

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Nice work caddguy, lol. Just a thread to get ya'll stirred up.
Give some of ya a motivation to pump some iron.
I sense a litte jealousy:)

BTW caddguy, how did you do that?
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I can do that with the 395 and 32" bar without too much trouble, but then again, I am so tough that I can rip a phone book in half with my eyelids and my breakfast includes a bowl of gravel covered in diesel fuel. I don't stop for traffic, traffic stops for me. One time I got pissed at the moon and scowled at it until it turned red. When Chuck Norris needs help, he calls me.

You probably look like the Maytag man waiting for that phone call. LOL

Mr. HE:cool:
little possum:
I just downloaded your pic you put in your post and threw it into Adobe Photoshop and spent all of about 2 mins altering the image and then resaving it out. I am a professional Architecural 3D designer...hence the nick "Caddguy"
I used to work on my Uncle's sawmill in Athens Tennessee, to make money for college. He would work me to death....but I loved it. I used to carry a saw around that was bigger than I was usually. I wouldn't even have thought of pullin' the stunt you did with that saw back then. Looks like a good way to rip a rotator cuff to me! Everything I mentioned was all in fun:greenchainsaw:..I hope you don't take it wrong. Sorry If I hurt some feelings.

Best regards,
whats that behind the saw in the first pic that can't be seen in pic without the saw?

If the brown thing is what you are talking about It's a back stop to shoot into. Next to saws guns and shooting sports trip our triggers. It's about 30 yards behind him next to a ditch. I bet it has 2 tons of bullets inside it. Just thought I'd clear that up for you. Saw Safe.:chainsaw:
No hurt feelings caddguy. Didnt even think about CAD system when I saw your name. Being on AS, I automatically thought about the CAD disease.
I bet the old timers could do that trick in real life ;)

Cause trying to arms length a 60'' gear drive is some tough stuff i would assume.

As far as opossum pullin it off, there aint enought deltoid n trap on both sides of him to work.

cool trick though!!!
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Its amazing how one little ol piece of fishin line can get ya'll all worked up :)

But I would like to ask how many of you tried holding saws out?