made in China..cant wait

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arboles said:
Donald Rumsfeld rebuked China today for their massive military build up saying there are no enemies in the region to threaten them.

Rumsfeld saying that is like Dozer dan telling saw users that saws are fine standard and they shouldnt modify them. Look at the US military, its bigger than most of the world military spending combined.

Everyone seems to forget that China's communist regime is an evil wicked force we will have to deal with in the near future. The next time you buy a Chinese product remember the company that made it is most likely state owned. The employees of these companies are paid small wages and if they refuse to work they are placed in work camps where they are punished. The Chinese government hates democracy,
(US doesnt seem to mind the lack of it in Saudi or Uzbekistan as long as the achieves its means)

personal freedom, and most of all they hate the US constitution. Our government and the elite have sold out the working class Americans for cheap Asian labor and their cheap products. Take a close look at the US Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Chinese goods are taxed very little if any at all. The rich are greedy and near sighted. All they care about is making money NOW! We have been become so dependant on foreign textiles that a break in the supply chain from Asia would cripple our economy. I believe many of us will live to see the day when our economy will collapse. When it does there will be a series of events that will trigger an invasion on both the east and the west coast. I just hope those who are responsible will get the bayonet before me.

China has a huge problem, its a nation that knows more about suffering than anyone who has been married to rosanne barr. Thousands of years of civil wars that culled people unlike anything the world has seen. Without the ultra hard line of its leadership it would implode. Look at the mass starvations that have occured just in the last century or the invasion by Japan that made pearl harbour look like a nose tweak. China will eventually find democracy, but like russia it will take time.
There are two gentlemen who defected from the KGB back in the 80's, both of whom have written books on the subject. What was their message? The fall of Communism is a big deception. The arms race broke the Soviet Union financially, therfore they have resorted to secret combinations to acheive their ends. There's a deeper and more profound reason for the ploy, but I wont go into that now. Nevertheless it has been stated that Russian operatives have been known to somehow persuede Hollywood studios to put more sex and violence in their motion pictures. Why would they do this you ask? To desensitize American citizens. Abraham Lincoln once said that America would never be destroyed by outside forces. He said if we faltered it would be because we did it to ourselves. There's no doubt that the majority of the US population are a wicked, unrepentant, greedy, self indulgent people who love filth and instant gratification more than their fellows. America is like a lamb being fattened for the slaughter. There is a dark unseen force working behind the scenes. It is invisible to the natural eye, but those who are spiritual have the power of discernment.

China just announced their intention to build an aircraft carrier. With no apparent enemies, except the US because of it's possible involvmemt over Taiwan. China must and will bring Taiwan back into the Communist sheep fold. Taiwan would be a powerful stragegic millitary base if the US ever went to war with China. Because of our economic dependence, and our love for cheap labor, China will win the war over Taiwan without so much as firing a shot. And as American citizens continue to become more wicked and corrupt our friends in foreign lands will continue to dissent and grow more hostile. It's been estimated that only 5% of Americans are righteous. It's my belief that as this number decreases the divine protection we now enjoy will decrease. And just like many other mighty nations before us, we shall feel the chastening hand of an offended God. For all you unbelievers out there, and those of you who are living in a fantasy world I assure you the day will come when the US will be beseiged from both sides. This land will be swept clean as a newborn babe. The constitution will hang by a thread but will never fail! Love your fellow man and live according the the truth you posess. This is righteousness.
TimberMcPherson said:
China will eventually find democracy, but like russia it will take time.

I'm sorry sir. As much as everyone in the world believes that the majority should make the decisions, it's just not going to happen. Anywhere. Not even here in the good ole USA. Government is no longer "for the people, by the people" It's strictly "BUY the people" Lady Liberty hung her head quite some time ago to make room for those who had power and money. They do what they want now. And you're going to live with it. That's right friends. We've spent the last 200 years and the brightest minds in history getting right back to where we were before the American Revolution. Sure, you get to cast a vote now...but what good is a vote when the candidates are handpicked by the rich men and companies behind the scenes? The ones who REALLY run things. Chew on this: You're voting for their puppets, and no matter which one you vote for, you're voting for the candidate that they selected FOR YOU. The end result is the same. Power in the hands of an elite few. So why not spare China the trouble? Grant them a 200 year learning curve on this one. You want to give them democracy? There is no democracy. Fact is, we operate under the same type of government. Our's just does us the favor of letting us think that we're still in charge. Don't believe me? When was the last time a layman ran for ANY office of significance? Got any steel workers in Congress? Loggers in the Senate? The guy who owns the corner trust him. He's a strong name in the community. The fairest man you've ever known. Think he'll ever sit in the Oval Office? But you'd vote for him, wouldn't you? It's a shame really. That dirty fingernails built this country, but now they aren't good enough to run it.

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