Mastermind Meets the 562XP

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I would really love to see that saw run, from what i have seen you do fantastic work, itd be really cool if you could make to treemonkeys gtg but i understand why you cant thats a awful long ways from home for you:msp_sad:
I here Randy is porting his umbrella as I type! Maybe we will see a video yet today:jester:

has ANYBODY ported either one of these ?
they are both different in a LOT of ways ..
Randy ??
It was a bit larger this time......:msp_biggrin:

Dang it, I was informed by a certain member of my household that she would appreciate it if mine remained shorter this winter. :msp_sad:

Let's get back to topic anyway, this doesn't belong here, really!

You forget this a Mastermind thread. He loves it when we bring a little off topic over here since he is too busy and important to come over and visit us anymore.
Well someone needs to post a ported 562 video:rolleyes:

Getting sick of watching my own:D