Modders beware!!!

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Morals are only a pan in the azz to hypocrites. :)

Well I see your point there but the word hypocrite is a very broad brush. How so, lets see. There are those that are paid big money to help people. However in many cases that money comes another person's misery, does that make the helper a hypocite?
That would be a sweet group for pissin' off hippies. Hey they've got Greenpeace and all those other lame groups, I say it's about time we have one for tree killers. :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :clap:

Hey, the greenies are fine by me. I've even gone solar... :laugh:

This is a repost from the firewood forum:

We had a barn sale recently. One gent who popped by noticed a thrown pile of splits en route to the shed.

"Nice pile of wood," he says.

"What wood?" says I. "All's I see is about 150 years of stored solar energy."
Hey, the greenies are fine by me. I've even gone solar... :laugh:

This is a repost from the firewood forum:

We had a barn sale recently. One gent who popped by noticed a thrown pile of splits en route to the shed.

"Nice pile of wood," he says.

"What wood?" says I. "All's I see is about 150 years of stored solar energy."

That's a good one, my dad's thinking of going solar. :greenchainsaw:
Hey, the greenies are fine by me. I've even gone solar... :laugh:

This is a repost from the firewood forum:

We had a barn sale recently. One gent who popped by noticed a thrown pile of splits en route to the shed.

"Nice pile of wood," he says.

"What wood?" says I. "All's I see is about 150 years of stored solar energy."

Can't find anyone to work with you, eh?
Can't find anyone to work with you, eh?

:laugh: It really came down to creative differences. That and Yoko Ono being a constant presence on site.

Seriously, you should know by now us yankees don't pronounce our 'r's at the ends of words. If I wrote exacly like I talk, it'd be 'solahh' :)

But fear not - those r's aren't wasted. I think they all wind up in Minnesota... a kind of linguistic law of conservation: consonants are neither created nor destroyed. They just magically reappear in the Midwest. :clap:
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Well I see your point there but the word hypocrite is a very broad brush. How so, lets see. There are those that are paid big money to help people. However in many cases that money comes another person's misery, does that make the helper a hypocite?

In many cases, I'm sure it does. :)
I have some questions for you Spacemule.

1. Why do you like making yourself look like an idiot everytime you post?

2. Why do you even hang out here? You never offer anything chainsaw related. Are you just Gods curse to chainsaw enthusiasts?

3. Why are you studying to be a lawyer? You obviously hate those that practice law. Otherwise, why would you be so bent on being such a pathetic representative of the practice.

Ah, I see I must have hit a nerve. :):popcorn:

Nope. Just trying to figure you out.

Brad, those are not legitimate questions. They are, in fact, argumentative. Argumentative "questions" are not questions at all, but are instead statements. As such, they warrant no answers.

I suppose you could say they are statements. But I see that you have no defense.

You're the one always throwing the mud. Why stop now? You seem to love wollering in it. Why not go ahead and grab another handful?

Can't come up with answers that don't validate my "statements"?
I have no clue. The interest in modded chainsaws overall is very small. Hell most people have never heard of such a thing. I've sold thousands of chainsaws to pro's and homeowners alike and not one has ever ask anything about mods. It may be considered a big thing for the saw buffs on this site but it sure isn't much to write home about out in the buying public. Its a very small sport.

I would think these new laws starting 2010 would merely make the modder more leary of who he is modding for. One mod job done for the wrong man and its a mighty costly mistake. Know your customer well and there should be little to worry about.

Now this has just hit a nerve. If overall its such a small number of cases, why the heck is the government wasting time (and tax payer money) to drum up the new legislation?

It'll be interesting when the first case hits the court. How can anyone expect anybody to take responsibility for emissions standards that they don't have the equipment to test or document levels of pollution. Ultimately the manufacturer must assume responsibility and they're trying to scare there dealers into limiting their exposure. People like to use analogies like the auto industry. What if none of the retailers, dealers, or distributors had emissions testing equipment. How liable would they be for pollution produced by the vehicle they worked on? The biggest thing they're worried about in 2 cycle handheld power equipment is unburnt hydrocarbons. A good mod maximizes the potential of the fuel that goes through it, and lessens unburnt fuel exiting the muffler. It would be extremely interesting in seeing the emission levels on modded saws.
It'll be interesting when the first case hits the court. How can anyone expect anybody to take responsibility for emissions standards that they don't have the equipment to test or document levels of pollution. Ultimately the manufacturer must assume responsibility and they're trying to scare there dealers into limiting their exposure. People like to use analogies like the auto industry. What if none of the retailers, dealers, or distributors had emissions testing equipment. How liable would they be for pollution produced by the vehicle they worked on? The biggest thing they're worried about in 2 cycle handheld power equipment is unburnt hydrocarbons. A good mod maximizes the potential of the fuel that goes through it, and lessens unburnt fuel exiting the muffler. It would be extremely interesting in seeing the emission levels on modded saws.

That's a good point! Does anyone have any access to any kind of emissions testing equipment? :popcorn:
It'll be interesting when the first case hits the court. How can anyone expect anybody to take responsibility for emissions standards that they don't have the equipment to test or document levels of pollution. Ultimately the manufacturer must assume responsibility and they're trying to scare there dealers into limiting their exposure. People like to use analogies like the auto industry. What if none of the retailers, dealers, or distributors had emissions testing equipment. How liable would they be for pollution produced by the vehicle they worked on? The biggest thing they're worried about in 2 cycle handheld power equipment is unburnt hydrocarbons. A good mod maximizes the potential of the fuel that goes through it, and lessens unburnt fuel exiting the muffler. It would be extremely interesting in seeing the emission levels on modded saws.

It would not be all that expensive to provide the needed equipment to "authorized" facilities for inspections. I can buy it for cars, smelters, kilns etc.. It is not like the old days when the equipment was huge, expensive and required a lot of skill to operate effectively. Point and shoot hand held equipment is available and will get cheaper with demand.

The enforcement agents will get cell phones with sniffers and ears. Beware of agents with probes.

Ohio modders need to be concerned about the current regulations in place now as there are some state agencies with a new found need to be self funded. Noise and non-functioning parts can get expensive fast especially if it was done on purpose. Not a good time to be profiting from circumventing safety regulations.
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dont he just hate you when you keep nailing him to the wall???? course hes a lawyer in training, he will just try to sue you to death--for slandering his moral upright character----:censored:

I do. Frankly I shouldn't give a hoot. But I don't like people spreading inaccurate information and using it to justify a wrong conclusion.

I'm slowly learning to not care, at this rate I'll be a jaded old bastard of 125 before I finally learn. lol

Mr. HE:cool:
All this talk about EPA is from the U.S but what is in store for us I know if the U.S sneezes it affects us. I also once bought a truck from the US a 79 dodge power wagon and it was full off emissions Crap, it's all gone now, No cat, no air pump H*** I through out the 360 and put in a rebuilt 440. best part no Rust!!!
But Stihl is the only Chainsaw manufacture that treats Canada Different, you can get a 341 here and you can get a 260 with heated handles, I also see are 361 is rated the same as the one sold in Europe. The only exception is the smaller ones saw's 361 and down come with a re badged Oregon bars not that that is a bad thing.I know Europe is going more green now too so whats in store for Europe?
What about older Saw's is a grandfather law in place? I know they cant do anything about the ones out there but what about mods buy a dealer on a older saw? I personally don't let anyone but myself do mods but if someone wanted more power from a older saw and had a dealer that said I could do the work would that dealer be in Sh** or does it apply to only new saw's?
Man this thread is going wild. Hot dayummm we got politics in it, do gooders, bad boys, cats talking about using shotguns, morals, ethics, anti-goverment, man it don't get no better than this. Why hell there's enough hot air in this thread to heat the Empire State building,LOLOLOLOL

Oh I forgets, it has Space sitting back laughing at all those groaning about lawyers, how do you guys fall for his bait so easy??

Space what kind of bait are ya using, I wanna try some in the next bass catching championship,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

Actually I was thinking about it and you're the one that baited us on this one. Very cleverly done I might add; and pointing the finger at the rocket donkey takes the cake. :hmm3grin2orange:

Here's how I figure it: You are not big into modded saws, it has come up in the past. Overall I'd say you're rather reasonable about it; they're just not your cup of tea.

You see this blurb in the latest release from on, Stihl, and so you post it. A smart and thinking man like yourself knows it will generate a good healthy discussion, and it certainly has; all's fair.

Now my take on it since I've had a little more time to cogitate and masticate and consider. We need input. More input. Basically we need to know what the enforcement mechanism is, how/if the law defines retailer because a law always defines words, or else the agency or courts define them. Also would be good to know what is meant by a manufacturer, since that is far more likely where they would place a chainsaw modder.

If we use autos as an example the modding market is alive and well. Emissions enforcement is almost nil, carried out mostly by state DEQ's through emissions testing. Most of the DEQ's measure the emissions and rarely check the equipment on the car anymore from my experience with them. (I pause for a moment to thank anything and everything that I no longer live where I'm subject to such religious rituals, but I digress.)

I could envision where the law would allow a modder to operate if they made say less than a hundred saws a year. Or they could label them as experimental saws, or special application saws, heck, maybe even call them faulty. You see where it starts to become maybe nothing overall?

Anyway, that’s some of my thoughts on it.

Thanks for starting the thread and a lively discussion.

Mr. HE:cool:

PS I have my own inklings, but I leave the judgment of rocket donkeys morals to the power in which he does not believe, I'm sure we call all agree that's fair.:hmm3grin2orange:
An old man once told me "Don't get in mud fights with pigs. You'll just get dirty, and the pig enjoys the mud."
Yeah, but wasn't your old man a pig? What do you expect a him to tell you? *gd&r*

I have never been able to figure out why you hang out and post as much as you do, it seems you have very little involvement with chainsaws, other than living in AR.

Seems a chainsaw is like an eating utensil more than it is something to cut wood with in AR...
Yeah, but wasn't your old man a pig? What do you expect a him to tell you? *gd&r*

I have never been able to figure out why you hang out and post as much as you do, it seems you have very little involvement with chainsaws, other than living in AR.

Seems a chainsaw is like an eating utensil more than it is something to cut wood with in AR...
Not so hard on all of us Arkies. Some of us actually do cut a lot of wood and use our saws quite often.
Actually I was thinking about it and you're the one that baited us on this one. Very cleverly done I might add; and pointing the finger at the rocket donkey takes the cake. :hmm3grin2orange:

Here's how I figure it: You are not big into modded saws, it has come up in the past. Overall I'd say you're rather reasonable about it; they're just not your cup of tea.

You see this blurb in the latest release from on, Stihl, and so you post it. A smart and thinking man like yourself knows it will generate a good healthy discussion, and it certainly has; all's fair.

Now my take on it since I've had a little more time to cogitate and masticate and consider. We need input. More input. Basically we need to know what the enforcement mechanism is, how/if the law defines retailer because a law always defines words, or else the agency or courts define them. Also would be good to know what is meant by a manufacturer, since that is far more likely where they would place a chainsaw modder.

If we use autos as an example the modding market is alive and well. Emissions enforcement is almost nil, carried out mostly by state DEQ's through emissions testing. Most of the DEQ's measure the emissions and rarely check the equipment on the car anymore from my experience with them. (I pause for a moment to thank anything and everything that I no longer live where I'm subject to such religious rituals, but I digress.)

I could envision where the law would allow a modder to operate if they made say less than a hundred saws a year. Or they could label them as experimental saws, or special application saws, heck, maybe even call them faulty. You see where it starts to become maybe nothing overall?

Anyway, that’s some of my thoughts on it.

Thanks for starting the thread and a lively discussion.

Mr. HE:cool:

PS I have my own inklings, but I leave the judgment of rocket donkeys morals to the power in which he does not believe, I'm sure we call all agree that's fair.:hmm3grin2orange:

I baited no one and true I don't care about modded saws one way or the other. If ya likem thats fine, if I don't give a hoot in hell about them thats fine too. What I did was merely pass along information thats been sent to us. As I said I wouldn't wish a $37,500 fine on anyone. Now if giving everyone a heads up is baiting then I reckon I just pulled everything out the pond on one cast,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
I've heard that lawn mowers are going to have to be emission tested annually in California in a few years, that means the rest of the country will follow soon
this EPA/ emission crap has really after the wrong targets

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