Pinus, thanks for the info. Looks like I'll be checking that plug sooner rather than latter. Some neighbors saw how fast my cleanup went and now I'm their new best friend. LOL. Of course they will have to wait until I take care of relatives with similar fallen tree issues (hurricanes stink). I really can't believe how easy it is to cut through these trees. It's almost effortless. You just let the saw do the work with minimal effort, other than holding onto the saw. Even if I had only used it to cut the 3 trees in my yard it would have been well worth the money I spent. (1) It would have cost more to have somebody do it for me. (2) The amount of time and effort (absolutely no muscle aches afterwards) I saved doing it myself with this new toy was well worth the price of the saw. (3) I now have a great saw. This is one item where the "you get what you pay for" cliché is true.