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Thoughts are with you and your family during this tough time Brad. Keep your head up for those around you who will look to you for strength.
I'm in the prayer camp for your family, Bless all of you.

Yesterday I went to get my truck, parked at my father's place, so I could drag my trailer to cut a tree. He's not well and as soon as he saw me he asked if I could go to Bass Pro Shop to get him a can of gun powder. Their only can of powder..... So I dropped everything to head for Denver to get the gunpowder.

Anything to help sustain his quality of life.

Hang in there Brad...

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Hey Brad, any update? Have they determined anything more?

No. He takes Coumadin, a blood thinner. He had to get his level checked today before they would schedule the biopsy. That means tomorrow is the earliest they could do it, but not guaranteed. It will be a few days after the biopsy before they will get the results. So, we won't know much more for several days.

Thanks again for everyone's thoughts, prayers, and comments!
Dad did not have a good day today. He's failing so fast. Each day seems so much worse than the previous. He had to go back in today to get another blood test. They're still trying to get his blood thickened up for the biopsy. He just stopped taking Coumadin last Thursday. He's so weak that he had to use a walker to walk to the car. He was carrying a garbage can in case he threw up. He's so weak he can't hardly eat. Last I knew, he'd eaten one bite each of two different sandwiches. He's almost too weak to eat. We are getting him to eat some each day, but not a lot. Mom bought him some Ensure this afternoon. Mom asked him if she wanted her to take him to the hospital. He replied that he was afraid that he'd never come home. It's so hard dealing with this while having to be at work. You just don't know what to do. You don't know if this is going to end fast, or go on for months. There's only so much time you can take off a job, especially when the future is unknown.
That's hard Brad, and to have to stuck at work unable to concentrate or to help really must suck.
So sorry Brad, I have never met you or your Dad. But I look forward for that day to happen. Keep your head up, spend as much time as you can with him, we all are hopping for the best.
There's only so much time you can take off a job, especially when the future is unknown.

I've been there. When Dad was sick, I owned my own small business, and we were busy. His Doctor/Hospital was two hours away. A good friend of mine, who had been through it with his dad, told me I wouldn't regret time I spent with him, but I would regret time I didn't. A half day, or a day or two a week most likely would be time well spent. Work will always be there.
The first weekend of November was a standout weekend. Dad and I love to cut wood together. We worked hard that weekend and he never missed a beat. Dad has had issues with AFib for years now. He was in amazing form that weekend. Dad comes in from the left of the screen at .08 and then again at 8:04.