Newbie wedge question

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I'm gonna have me one of them tree jacks...I've been wanting one since I got my first Bailey's catalog over 10 years ago...Will have one soon
Today 03:54 PM
You better learn to wedge first.
Wedges and jacks work hand in hand. You can wedge without a jack, but jacking without wedges is crazy.

:buttkick: ...Hmmmm...25 years,over half a million dollars worth of tree removal and logging equipment sitting outside my house,three months worth of back-logged work on my schedule...Not one miss in I don't know,at least the last several thousand trees I've brought down...Not 1 employee hurt on the job including myself(except for being nicked with a saw once or twice)...And to think I've been doing it the wrong way all this time:confused: ..I guess I'll have to call all of the loggers that I come in and make precision drops for from time to time not to call again now that I don't know what I'm doing...I guess I should just give all the jobs I've bid on away and give myself time to learn how to do it the right way..Dammm...How am I gonna pay the bills now...Anyone care to come over and show me how to use all of this equipment I've got sitting out here?I was pretty sure I bought that stuff for a reason,but now I don't know...I guess I could buy me a really cool bass boat and pay my house off when it sells..:dizzy:
I didn't make any reference to what you have or what you have done. But you discredit the use of wedges then say you are going to buy a jack. A jack is an awsome tool. but it uses the same physics as wedges. It is the next step after wedges. you frequently need to use wedges when jacking. your safety record will not be the same the first time you blow your jack out becouse you didn't have wedges. There are any number of things to go wrong when jacking trees over. You really should not skip learning to wedge before using a jack.
Send me a plane ticket...:biggrinbounce2:

Yours is comin'....Then you'll be in a big hurry to get back home.:hmm3grin2orange:
I didn't make any reference to what you have or what you have done. But you discredit the use of wedges then say you are going to buy a jack. A jack is an awsome tool. but it uses the same physics as wedges. It is the next step after wedges. you frequently need to use wedges when jacking. your safety record will not be the same the first time you blow your jack out becouse you didn't have wedges. There are any number of things to go wrong when jacking trees over. You really should not skip learning to wedge before using a jack.

I never discredited the use of wedges,I simply stated what I prefer using over a wedge....If I haven't learned the physics of it all by now,I don't guess I ever will
:buttkick: ...Hmmmm...25 years,over half a million dollars worth of tree removal and logging equipment sitting outside my house,three months worth of back-logged work on my schedule...Not one miss in I don't know,at least the last several thousand trees I've brought down...Not 1 employee hurt on the job including myself(except for being nicked with a saw once or twice)...And to think I've been doing it the wrong way all this time:confused: ..I guess I'll have to call all of the loggers that I come in and make precision drops for from time to time not to call again now that I don't know what I'm doing...I guess I should just give all the jobs I've bid on away and give myself time to learn how to do it the right way..Dammm...How am I gonna pay the bills now...Anyone care to come over and show me how to use all of this equipment I've got sitting out here?I was pretty sure I bought that stuff for a reason,but now I don't know...I guess I could buy me a really cool bass boat and pay my house off when it sells..:dizzy:

Ahhhh, the good old, doing it half-a$$ed for 25 years and spent lots of money on iron so it must be the right way explanation.

A big difference between the "right way" and the right way for the right situation. There is no one right way all the time.
Well...I know I'm not the best...But when the best of the best all get together and need to know something...They call me:D