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here's a pic of me putting the backcut into a pin oak that we removed from a condo assosiation

Sweet pic that's the size Oaks I'm used to dealing with up here in NH..I see your smart and wear all your PPE;) Nice notch..Got any other new pics??

Later Rob/..
yeah, a couple more of the same tree but they turned out blurry:( i may post them latter anyway:rolleyes:
Anyone else got any recent pics to add:rolleyes: I'll post some pics of the 2002 848G JD grapple skidder when I go to check it out this week...

Later Rob..
Rob, i thought that you were going to post some felling pics of your 385 in the timber???
Maybe tomorrow I'll have my girlfriend take some of me and the 385,I don't usually think about it during the day all I got on my mind is dropping and bucking and skidding all day long...Believe me Ryan when your running your own business like me you have alot more on your mind then pics although I should get some:D

Later Rob..
Rob, i do own my own business and have for a few years now:) so i know what you are talking about, as a matter of fact everyone in my family is self employed:D
Notch Question

After looking at your picture of the oak that you're doing the back cut on, I guess I may have been doing my notch cuts wrong all these years. For my cuts, I usually go in 1/4 to 1/3 the diameter thereby saving the equivalent of a 12 X 12 utility shed per tree in the process. It looks like Stihl Magnum could drive his grapple skidder through that notch.
Dough, your right!!! thats a HUGE notch!!! the tree was no good for lumber or anything but fire wood so i said to he11 withit and made a big notch:rolleyes: if we can sell the log then i make a lot smaller face cut:cool:
In all fairness to Ryan it looks like his notch doesn`t really extend up past the butt flare and he is flushing the stump all in one cut. He also minimizes the potential for fiber pull damaging the log he wants. Economy of motion! You also have to remember that is basicaly a "residential" tree where the first 8' probably wouldn`t be welcome at a mill anyway. I`ll bet that we have all done something along the way that makes sense to us but made others scratch their heads. I`ve got to admit that I laughed out loud when I saw Doug`s remark about saving the equivalent of a 12' by 12' utility shed. Russ
Yeah, like he said. I started my reply and then started talking to my stepdaughter. By the time I came back and hit submit, Ryan had already been there.
Hey Ryan, yes that is quite the notch you have going there. It definately wont barber chair and I dont think you will get much fibre pull.
In defence of Ryans technique, he must have been falling that one off the edge of a cliff and didnt want the notch to close until it reached China, whereupon a large sized Texas Watermelon would still fit in the undercut without being harmed.
Anyway, Ryans a pretty good sport and a really good feller!
Russ, you're right about flush cutting. i prefer to flush cut on large removals and let the weight of the spar pull the thing off my bar instead of wedging all around the stump as i cut only to have to push the stump off my bar!! also we didn't want the trunk to bounce any or it might hit the sidewalk. what the pic doesn't show is that the other side of the tree was blown open by lightning so it wasn't any good any way otherwise i would have made a much smaller cut:angel:
i had a friend that wanted to do a small (and i do mean small) selective cut for poplar and pine on his property and asked if i would fell, buck and sell his logs for him so natrually i said sure. he couldn't find anyone interested in only cutting 25-30 poplars and pines in the 16-20'' range so he called me:rolleyes: the agreement was that i would fell, buck, haul and sell the logs and he would skid them out of the woods (get this, with his S10 pickup!!!LOL:laugh:) and i would haul them and sell them. well by 10am he decides that he has had enough of this and gives up. says i can have what logs are on the landing and he walks away!!! we don't even have quite a single axle load:angry: anyway here is a pic of me wedging one over
in this one what you can't see is a fairly large limb thats just barely hanging on and i wasn't ancsious to stand around and see if it was going to hit me or not:eek: