Poll: Is the wood you are cutting now going to be used this winter?

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Are you splitting wood now to be used this winter?

  • No, I am ahead of the game and splitting wood for next year

    Votes: 105 57.7%
  • Yes, the wood I am splitting now will be burned this winter

    Votes: 76 41.8%
  • I buy my wood pre-split

    Votes: 1 0.5%

  • Total voters
I quit until it cools down, but I'm working on 2012/2013 and almost into the following year.
We had a very mild winter last year, so I still have 2 cords of stuff left, that was 2 years old last year.

I like being ahead of the game.

The standing dead I'm cutting is going in the " if I need it late in the season stack. " Everything else goes into the outdoor in the sun stack to cure for 2011-2012. If I keep cutting @ the current pace, & we have average winters, I'll be 2 years ahead by the end of October.:clap: That is a warm fuzzy feeling after having to deal with some semi-seasoned wood this past spring. Not again if I can help it. A C
I've given a LOT of split wood away to a couple friends. Mainly to get out of buying baby shower presents. I get the wood free, and they agree it's the best gift other than money they get. And to my knowledge they didn't get anything but typical crappy baby toy junk so I gave the best gift and didn't pay a damn thing for it. :givebeer: I've got 3 households including my own well into the middle of next year and rising. I don't quit when it gets hot, I just split the rounds in half instead of woodstove sized logs to keep things moving along.

You needed a third category in your question: Both.

Wood cut from dead trees can be burned this year. So can wood cut from live trees such as ash, birch, cottonwood, and soft maple. They dry rapidly, especially when split and stacked.

You have to know your species.
I've cut up a few standing dead red oaks that will be burned this year. The log truck load I'm working on is for 2011-2012. I try to stay a year ahead if I can. I got a surprise load of red oak from a friend having trees removed and that, plus the log truck could be enough for two more years. I might have >13 cords when done, and I burn about 5 per year.
I'm with Wood Doctor - and posted the only buy split vote! I have a tri-axle delivered, and cut from my woods ordinarily. This year the tri-axle was all oak, which won't be ready (opinion) until 2011-2012 at the earliest. Due to work obligations, I pick up a face cord daily (3 cords) and have cut and split most of the rest (8 cords total) already (Ash).
I am splitting the wood in the bottom pic for this winter. Just getting back into burning wood. The logs were cut in March. I hate splitting when its 90 degrees outside. I will be splitting all fall winter and next spring to get ahead.



I didn't vote, because I cut and split wood in May to be used this winter, and I'm done cutting and splitting for fuel because I have limited space to store, and 10 cord to store. So I get wood each spring in 8-foot lengths.
Some day I hope to get ahead. I got hurt Easter and couldn't cut any wood till late June. We had a long winter so I was low on wood when I got hurt. We pretty much burn straight hedge so cutting and splitting now for next winter is no problem. Probably won't cut much more till it cools a bit.
Both, depends on the species.I like to sit on white oak for maybe year and a half but can burn cherry cut in august in jan.Sweet and black gum dry fast.Storing more than I can use in two years don't do nothing but feed the bugs.
I'm working on this years wood this year but I've started very early and I have lots of last years left overs. I'm cutting green standing Ponderosa pine and I split fairly small splits. By the time winter rolls around its all gonna be dry as a bone so no worries.

We have hot and dry summers so I can cut in the summer and use the wood that winter. I'm about a year or two ahead now. I'll start stock piling logs from downed trees again in September.
I have two lots of wood going....the standing dead ash that will be used this year, and the cherry/hickory/elm the power company took down that is being cut and stacked for next year....I am behind in cutting, that's for sure, but have "dry" stuff to cut and trying to get ahead...somewhat!

im about 3 years ahead have 28 cords stacked but still find more .i must be dumb i just cant say no to free wood good luck