Really? Again? Ahhhhh....

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Nov 17, 2010
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On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
It's snowing again. Another 6-inches or so today and tonight.
Then the wind is supposed to kick up and the temperature is supposed to drop again, well below zero by Wednesday morning.

This just isn't funny anymore.
I'm driving and crawling through waist deep snow just to keep the stove fed. Saturday I was cutting down a tree and set my idling saw down to drive in a wedge. The saw disappeared into the snow, sucked in a bunch of snow and wouldn't restart. I had to haul it up to the air compressor, take it apart and blow out the snow and dry it out. Of course, with all that distraction I lost track of the wedge... it's laying somewhere under 3-feet of snow along with the hand sledge. Then I broke one of my log chains pulling the tree out, the snow is so deep i couldn't find half of it... the half with the brand new clevis and hook on it.

Got frustrated and quit, spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday drinking way too much beer and whiskey... now I have a headache... and I'm not sure there's enough wood to get through to the weekend.

My back is still giving me a bit of trouble, both the kids have strep-throat, and the wife must be having her "time of the month".

It's income tax time, the wife ruined a tire on her van over the weekend (somehow that's my fault) and the dog got a hold of my best insulated gloves.


(sorry, just wanted to whine a bit and see if it made me feel better... I'll let you know how that works out for me)
wow here in my neck of ne iowa lucky if there is a foot on the ground if that.
hey its winter what is it suppose to do be sunny and 80?
i am glad to see someone else that has same luck as know why they call it pms? cause mad cow disease was
Hey jack -
Where you at in Iowa? I'm in Floyd County.
Yeah, we had some melting between cold spells. In the open areas, where the sun and wind could get at it, there's like 12-20 inches on the ground (plus the 6 inches we're getting today). My yard is at least 20 inches in places. Back in the grove, where the sun and wind hasn't had any chance to work on it, and especially in low areas, it's around 3 feet deep. I've harvested all the "easy" standing dead... now I have to go deeper and deeper in.

This morning, just as it was getting started... Oh, and the whining didn't make me feel better but this cold beers is starting to help.


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While we haven't had a lot of snow in central Indiana this year it's been a pretty cold winter. Forecast for the next couple of days calls for up to 20" of snow and high winds. I've got plenty of wood in the barn a freezer full of meat and vacation days to burn so let'er snow! hope that PMS thing doesn't show up if we're snowed in.:bomb::bomb:
I won't be doin' this next year... that's fur sure.
Plan on puttin' up enough wood to get through two winters.
I've got three monster oaks and a huge sugar maple to work on, plus at least 3 dozen lesser oaks if I want to harvest them. Also plan to start cutting all the standing dead (if there's any left after this year) early fall next year.

Gonna' spend next winter sitting in the warm house pestering and antagonizing y'all.
I hope we get some snow out of this system!!! I need something to do.....

Don't know if I would count on it up there in Oscoda,,,,but maybe if it tracks a little farther North. I am in Huron County in the thumb, and looks like we will be just on the edge of it. That is good for me, as I have cleaned up enough snow already this year.

i thought i told you once to keep that crap up there now we are getting it sposeta get 6 to 12 inches of it i dont like snow and to dumb to move away from it lol now keep it
We are expecting 16 to 20 inches here, that would be more than I've experienced in one storm while in N. Illinois. I'll be taking the truck to work tomorrow, and bringing a pickup load of nice seasoned cherry, mulberry and oak I have stashed at work. It's not the snow I'm worried about, it's the 50 mph winds that are coming with it!! Could take me a few hours to clear the drifts out of the driveway on Wednesday.
Please Please keep that crap out your way
Suppose to get 2" to 2'(Miss Cleo is more accurate than all the science the weather folks have at their disposal)
We will know Thursday
I am in Black Hawk little south of you .
the guessers are claiming 4- 12 more by mid wednesday.
but learned in my first year to get her done before october.
Except for the few seeing reality, this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :cry::cry::cry: 'bout winter is %$#@&%^.

C'mon. You could have AlGore warming in your panties, wet crotches like in dead peoples' Florida, moldy pits like those big big boys in PNW Land. It is winter. Winter brings snow, wind, cold in north country. Whatya want ? You'll get plenty of those heavy humid days to come too soon. (Don't hear too much do we from the Crisis Global Warming fanatics now do we ? Yes, we know that last year was "the warmest on record" .)

Deal with it. Most harvesting IS done here in winter: ground is hard for heavy equipment making it easier to move, any skidding does little soil damage, no bugs, frozen wood "seems" to work better, no vipers, and the body does better in cold than those hot/humid places like Arkansas.

Love it. ( Hard on hydraulics however. ) Butt picture this: a cozy love nest in front of a wood stove. The flakes gently falling outside in the gentle night. Trees cracking with the dropping temperatures below zero. No Orlando this.
i would rather have the snow then the ice we are getting right now...have to cut tomorrow and will be fun sliding on ice while cutting..if we dont get it cleared it will be dozed up and burnt. so i will be skating and cutting
Oh, I agree Butcher, I wouldn't want winter any other way, can't beat a freshly snow covered landscape. I hate it when the snow melts here, everything looks like &*$@!! We do most of our cutting and brush mowing in the winter as well. The frozen ground definitely keeps the mud away, and I'd rather worry about cold hydraulics than an engine that is overheating in the middle of summer!