Ripped off 066

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I think Neal's mistake was in fixing the bar stud issue. In today's "take it back" consumerism, to fix something in good will is considered an admission of guilt. Of course there are no picks of that incident, so we'll never really know for sure.

wrong thread..... but I hope that one gets opened back up for discussion.
Pretty disgusting that scumbags would come here and scandalize the good folks here,,, 400.00 for a nice looking 066 w/b&c,,, too good to be true usually a good sign somethin's fishy,,,
----it was powerhead only, and from what I've seen selling the past month on eBay, etc, it was definitely a good price, and if it was any less I probably would've stayed away.

I Feel your pain, I bought a chainsaw from Canada the day before Christmas using payPal and someone hacked my bank Account and went on a shopping spree, spending $1000 a day, I didn't find out until New years eve when a company from Illinois called me about an order, the order was for Gold watch, leather boots, leather coat and some other things, I immediately called my bank to stop my card, long story short-I had to sign a piece of paper for each fraudulent charge- the stack of papers i signed where an inch thick (No exaggeration) It took some time but I'm slowly getting all of my money back. I hope the best for You, Don't give up, you should get your money back. Don't you wish you could just Knock on that scumbag's door? My banker told me that it is less secure when you buy outside the country.
----I had something similar happen but I caught it within a few hours but it was still a pain dealing with the bank, changing accounts, and not to mention all the bills I would pay using those accounts. It definitely wasn't as bd as your situation though.

sorry to hear about your mix up. is that the saw that was for sale in FL with heated grips? if it is that struck me as an odd place for heated grips. i know that isn't helpful at this point......[/QUOTE]
----I did think about that but if you found a saw you wanted for a price you were good with and it had an extra option you didn't need and could remove if you wanted to, then why not?

is it just me or are there suddenly a surplus of 660 and 066 saws? on CL around me there are at least 5 for sale......usually there are 0. what is going on?
I've noticed a abundance of saws being sold here, CL's and other places. I think it has to do with hard times and guys unloading to get through winter.

If the saws aint working in the woods, you aint eating, so they sale the saws to meet the bills.

----if any of you want to send me some links for any 66's you find I'll gladly check them out.
Had a reply worked up to the other thread, went to hit "Submit Reply" and it was locked! :bang: :bang:

Here's a summery of what I had written.

I noticed the guy in question only used AS to sell saws. Never posted other places. He joined a couple of years ago. FWIW

Wish you luck!
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A word of advise when using Paypal: If it's a large purchase use your credit card to pay for it. If you don't recieve the item the credit card company will credit your account.

Exactly, I never use my bank account. CC company takes care of you then pursues the other party. PayPal you have to wait and wait and hope for the best. If he withdrew the funds, and doesnt have an overdraft on his account, PP will not be able to retrieve anything. Just my experience but I hope something good happens for you out of this. Good Luck and thanks for letting us know.
This really makes me mad when I think about it.

You work a weeks work for that money I'm sure. Meanwhile, Mr. Scammer is sitting at his computer doing nothing but coming up with ways to rob people. There's too many people like this in the world.

It happened to me years ago. I sent 400 bucks for an intake for my old Mustang. This was also on a forum. Did'nt have PP then, so I sent a money Order. Never did get my money back.

I found out who the guy was and everything, thanks to some computer savvy friends I have. Could'nt even get the cops to look into it since it was out of state. This guy was in NJ. Had a weird name. Can't remember it now.
Had my card number stolen and they bought $600 worth of stuff. Had their address and really thought about flying out and payin them a visit. Did get my money back though.
Maybe this is just a coincidence, but Im posting over there in the classifieds about these new members coming on here- not contributing anything to the Chainsaw Threads but their very first post is in the classifieds.... and something stands out to me. I cant recall off the top of my head but it is either in the 090 or 670 thread where I got the idea. Both sellers have just joined AS within the last month..... then we just have a potential buyer come in and post that is also a brand new member saying their interested in the saw. This incites a buying frenzy in our minds and one of us gets baited. Who's to say they are not in cahoots? I mean this happens in other places- why not here? Look for yourselves- go thru the different classifieds paying particular interest to user names you dont know. It's just a thought. Im going to watch TV where my money is safe.:laugh:
I said this in another thread, more and more people are getting into buying/selling chainsaws. Ebay is a prime example. Its not just us AS members looking at and selling saws on ebay. I wouldnt be a bit suprised if people join this forum just to get info for selling saws wherever.
I said this in another thread, more and more people are getting into buying/selling chainsaws. Ebay is a prime example. Its not just us AS members looking at and selling saws on ebay. I wouldnt be a bit suprised if people join this forum just to get info for selling saws wherever.

AS members make up a tiny, tiny fraction of the people buying and selling saws. Most ebay sellers dealing in saws and saw parts have never heard of this place or can't be bothered to join up.
When buying something with PayPal, it is probably better to have the payment go through a credit card rather than having it withdrawn automatically from your bank acct. If PayPal can't / won't get your money refunded, you can go after the credit card company.

What has PayPal's response been?
AS members make up a tiny, tiny fraction of the people buying and selling saws. Most ebay sellers dealing in saws and saw parts have never heard of this place or can't be bothered to join up.

----yea it seems like there are a lot of guys on eBay buying complete saws and just parting them out, you go on their page and they're selling over 7000 items, all chainsaw related and just outbid you on a saw....
When buying something with PayPal, it is probably better to have the payment go through a credit card rather than having it withdrawn automatically from your bank acct. If PayPal can't / won't get your money refunded, you can go after the credit card company.

What has PayPal's response been?

----the only response I have is from the "resolution center" letting me know he has until January 22nd to respond. . . .
There's been an increase in "new" members selling in the auctions/ classifieds that to me is alarming. There is 2 new listings - guy just joined last month in one and the other just joined in Jan. A 670 and his first post is trying to sell this saw. And the other a Stihl 090. Given the fact that we have a thread like this that is "current", I would expect a lot of discretion and caution will be used by our members here. No way I would buy from a first time poster across the country. If I know you- we can do business on a phone or computer....... if I dont know you- business will be done face to face.

Good point. too many people getting burned these days! buyer beware
Gents, i recently "won" a $600 saw, after one month no saw and no money and surprise surprise no help! are looking at the best tool for tracking Mr Ripoff down. In my case right to his door, got my saw!!
******* So here is the final update. PayPal gave the seller until yesterday to respond to the claim, surprise surprise he did not. Called Paypal today, after about 15 mins an operator picked up, confirmed my personal info, put me on hold for a few minutes then came back and said it was taken care of and the money was put back into my account!!!!!!! As soon as I got off the phone with them I checked my Paypal account and sure enough it was there. I wanted to ask them if the money came from the seller or if Paypal covered it but I was amazed that I actually got the money back and didn't get to ask them the details.

Victory is mine!!!!!!!
(I still would've rather had the saw though.... )
Glad you got things sorted out. I have been lucky with most of my purchases through AS classifieds, bar one. I usually do some research on the members first and see how often they post etc. However, I did get caught once by a long time/frequent member... bought a New 660 from him (only made a test cut with it). Turns out it had serious problems and had been tampered with. Tried contacting him and he hasn't visited AS since - coincidence... I think not.

So all in all there are some great members on this site, but just be careful of those few bad apples.