Saw shop requirements

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From my point of view old Red is taking things completely out of context with his rebutals .He keeps coming back to the drug testing thing.I myself was talking about the general errosion of personal liberties.Not one in the same.

I didn't see anybody condoning the use of illegal substances .What I did see was a group standing for constitutional rights .Now just what is wrong with that?

I already told old Red and the rest of the world that I've sent a few packing down the road that showed up snockered on the job.I didn't however pry into peoples personal lives off the job because it's just that,personal.
You made my list as soon as you said "Come on down", "Tread all over my rights and freedoms", "I have nothing to hide, I'll gladly bend and spread em".

King George is abusing laws written to protect the populace in the name of security using the same illogic, if you have nothing to hide what should it matter?

I spent over 20 years of life in part to guarantee your rights were protected. Then you reply "I have nothing to hide, rape and pillage my freedoms". Really cheapens my contribution, and worse threatens rights I'll die trying to protect.

Franklin said those willing to sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither, GO BEN! This government is so out of touch with the people governed the time for revolt is near! Your attitude hastens that time!!!

My Rights as an american, rights that protect me from living like the North Koreans..YES

I dont see why it is a violation of rights. Im not saying you HAVE to take a drug test, Im saying you have to take one if you want to work for me. IF the governemt implemented laws requiring all americans to get regular drug testing, THAT I can understand yall being mad about...but this is just to prevent me from hiring a drug user.

The government CANT stop drugs, no matter how hard they try. They know this, and in their ongoing failure to STOP them, they are allowing business owners to protect themselves from hiring drug peddlers/users.
How about a compromise?

Refusal to take a drug test (even at my cost) = PArt time at minimum wage

Taking a blood test, and failing = no hire

Taking a blood test and passing with no signs of drug use = Full time at full pay (approx 15/hr)

Ill still maintain a 0 tolerance rule as far as booze/drugs go. Show up stoned or ****faced one time, and Ill have your walking papers ready to go.

But you CAN refuse a drug test, Ill just have to watch you closely and you wont get paid as much initially.

Same as High school Grads...many many companies WILL NOT hire a HS dropout. And if they do, its part time @ minimum wage, no benefits.

I would LIKE to require potential emplyoees without a HS diploma or GED to take a TABE test...not sure how you folks feel about that. I took mine and scored perfect across the board, except for Math, I got about 90%:(
A TABE test??

Not minding having your home searched, now that is scary, that someone
thinks this way..................................

OK, guys. Time for you all to fess up. Who has spent at least one night in jail? Come on. I have a hard time trusting anyone that has not at least
had a little fun. I have been there, who else. Come on, you degenerates.

Admit it..........

I know this will blow any chance of working for old Red, but hey, I wouldn't
last 5 minutes in that gulag....

Lakeside, you ever been in jail?
How about a compromise?

Refusal to take a drug test (even at my cost) = PArt time at minimum wage

Taking a blood test, and failing = no hire

Taking a blood test and passing with no signs of drug use = Full time at full pay (approx 15/hr)

Oh I'm sure you have them standing 6 deep in a row to work for those high wages,I wouldn't brag about them if I were you.

Did you say the equipment repair business,per chance? Let's see now, a clean cut all American boy that looks like the kid next door with 5 years of experiance on heavy equipment repairs with about 5 thousand dollars worth of tools he owns.You are condescending to pay 15 bucks an hour but likely charge 50 to 60 for his labor plus 150 percent mark up on parts.Sounds to me like you have a good thing going and you yourself are a high school drop out?Amazing!

Well,I pay common laborers that much ,on the rare occasion that I need some help.Of course I'm up here in the north where help isn't nearly as cheap plus I subscibe to the theory of a fair days work and a fair days pay,kinda rare these days.

Florida is a good place for you it seems.You wouldn't fair too well up here in the industrial north I'm afraid.You would have to nearly double that 15 bucks to find a top notch mechanic.Of course you can find any number of preppy looking clean cut folks for 15 an hour that look squeeky clean but don't know enough to pound sand in a rat hole.
I gotta fess up Fish,I guess,sorry to bust anybodies bubble but my record is as lilly white as old Reds employees.They offered a time or two in my youth to give me accomadations in the cross bones hotel but I repectfully declined the offer.I learned a long time ago you can't win a pi$$en match with a skunk.

Hmm,though Fish,now that you mentioned it,do you suppose good old Red has a skeleton in the closet,perhaps? Kinda like a Bible thumping used car salesman in a way,keep your hand on your wallet.How's that for typecasting Red,like it?:popcorn:

Ah,we gotta stop this nonsense before old Red gets a complex.Although to tell the truth his posts remind me of a certain person that spends his summers in Canada and winters in the warmer climate of the UP of Mich.Could be a cousin perhaps,sure wish I had the privy of an IP tracker.
Around here, DEERE doesnt pay 15 an hr for a fully trained Mechanic, and they pay more than most shops.

I DID graduate HighSchool, I DID go to a small engine school and graduated that class.

50/hr is the going rate, some charge a little more, few charge much less.

TABE TEST- Test of Adult Basic Education. Look it up, many employers require it for NON grads. Its a simple test, just to see if you have basic knowledge.

15/hr is good money, and I DONT charge 150% markup on parts. I charge COST + 50%, is that not enough? I always figured that 90 dollars was too much to charge for a deck spindle, and 45 was too much for a set of blades...

I would provide all specialty tools, Such as ring expanders, Hones, Drills, Grinders, Service books, etc, which would be locked in a cabinet, which you have to sign out the key to get to, and can only remove 2 things at a time. My dad was in the NAVY in '68-'70 he said that is how their shops were operated.

I dont see how 5000 dollars in tools would do a mechanic any good in a small engine shop..

Tool box
Full 1/4 3/8 and 1/2" Drive ratchet/socket sets, Metric and SAE
Screwdrivers and nut drivers
TORX wrenches
Allen wrenches

i would provide an array of Pneumatic tools.

At Small engine school we used a Craftsman Tool kit that costed approx. 1000 dollars, and we never had any problems, and we worked on everything from saws to 300hp Outboards.

5000 dollars worth of tools..:dizzy:
I gotta fess up Fish,I guess,sorry to bust anybodies bubble but my record is as lilly white as old Reds employees.They offered a time or two in my youth to give me accomadations in the cross bones hotel but I repectfully declined the offer.I learned a long time ago you can't win a pi$$en match with a skunk.

Hmm,though Fish,now that you mentioned it,do you suppose good old Red has a skeleton in the closet,perhaps? Kinda like a Bible thumping used car salesman in a way,keep your hand on your wallet.How's that for typecasting Red,like it?:popcorn:

Ah,we gotta stop this nonsense before old Red gets a complex.Although to tell the truth his posts remind me of a certain person that spends his summers in Canada and winters in the warmer climate of the UP of Mich.Could be a cousin perhaps,sure wish I had the privy of an IP tracker.

If any mods want to do an IP search on me..thats fine, I only use one handle on all boards Im a member of.

Sorry guys, no skeletons. Ive never been arrested, Ive never even been pulled over. Im good freinds with a few cops, I went to a Private Christian School from K- to 8th grade, I was only in trouble once for "gasp" talking out of turn in 2nd grade :bang: Graduated THAT school, then went on to HS,. and never got in any trouble with any teachers. I had lots of freinds, I even had my car in the Homecoming parade at the REQUEST of a teacher. I spent 4 years in FFA/Ag , 4 years in Drafting, Acheiving no lower than 95% in either class at any point in time. One of my former Teachers and freinds now sits on the Board of Education and I speak to him frm time to time.

My customers love me, never had one say anything negative about my work.
OK, guys. Time for you all to fess up. Who has spent at least one night in jail? Come on. I have a hard time trusting anyone that has not at least had a little fun. I have been there, who else. Come on, you degenerates.

Does an afternoon count? In Defiance, Ohio 1969. Speeding ticket and couldn't make bail... I'd spent all my cash on illegal fireworks that were in the trunk.

Most days you'd be hard pressed to find aspirin in my drug test, but if you were 3 paying three times what you said we couldn't work together. Fundamental differences, and my scruples trump you.
5000 dollars worth of tools..:dizzy:
Red I have more than that in just several tool boxes and I'm not even a mechanic in my day job.You would be astonded if I took inventory of the replacement costs for the tools I've acquired in a life time.Your father and myself obvously were not in the same navy,we didn't do it that way.Then on the other hand it's kind of hard to loose or steal tools on a nuke sub operating submerged.

My mistake,I thought you were in the business of heavy equipment repair ,not lawn care products.Most small engine mechanics are grossly under paid,in my opinion but the shop rates are on a par with auto shops etc.Oh,by the way,50 percent above list in most cases is in fact close to 150 percent mark up.List is not what a shop pays for parts,unless you have lousey buying power.

A little piece of info you might find interesting.I once was field superintendent for an electrical contractor that bought for best price minus 42 percent then charged 15 percent above high list.Figure it out,I know how it works.
If any mods want to do an IP search on me..thats fine, I only use one handle on all boards Im a member of.

Sorry guys, no skeletons. Ive never been arrested, Ive never even been pulled over. Im good freinds with a few cops, I went to a Private Christian School from K- to 8th grade, I was only in trouble once for "gasp" talking out of turn in 2nd grade :bang: Graduated THAT school, then went on to HS,. and never got in any trouble with any teachers. I had lots of freinds, I even had my car in the Homecoming parade at the REQUEST of a teacher. I spent 4 years in FFA/Ag , 4 years in Drafting, Acheiving no lower than 95% in either class at any point in time. One of my former Teachers and freinds now sits on the Board of Education and I speak to him frm time to time.

My customers love me, never had one say anything negative about my work.

Wow, grounds for mistrust in my books. Too clean is a bad sign, just like families that are "perfect", anyways Red, good luck.
Does an afternoon count? In Defiance, Ohio 1969. Speeding ticket and couldn't make bail... I'd spent all my cash
Defiance Ohio ! Well,well,imagine that.I spent some time near there myself,going to boy scout camp.Like Red,I was a good kid too.Fact is I was in the top ten two years in a row in the state judging contests in FFA ,how 'bout them apples.
My aunt was a councilwoman in Defiance for years, my grandfather had
a plumbing/heating business in ayersville for decades. Small world eh?

I was just picking on poor Red, I can tell he is young, not been exposed to the real world too much.

Yes, a quality small engine/2 cycle tech is undervalued. If I had to use
the crappy tools provided by the shops I have worked at, I would have lost
my mind.
I am guessing he has never had any decent help. Ring expanders?

My tool collection is quite extensive, and yes, he is right, never did me
any good.
Ironically, As EX-CONS, they dont get to have any say in Local or National politics..

tell ya about this--if you vote billary in---she wants the cons--both in and out of jail--to have voting rights-------as do most of the DEMOCRAT politicians---not democratic--cause they aint--
Many of my family served and some died to protect our rights as Americans, and it REALLY PISSES ME OFF when Im asked to piss in a cup because liability and lawyers are so out of control in this country. Its a sue-happy country. If I (WE, You) cant tell whether an employee is functioning properly or not, maybe I (WE,You) need to pay better attention to our employees.

I understand what you guys are saying, but Red is protecting himself from liability. Maybe you should concentrate your efforts on the government and insurance companies. Is your right to work for Red stated somewhere in the constitution? The fact is that drugs are illegal. Who's to say that a person that breaks one law won't break another?
I understand what you guys are saying, but Red is protecting himself from liability. Maybe you should concentrate your efforts on the government and insurance companies. Is your right to work for Red stated somewhere in the constitution? The fact is that drugs are illegal. Who's to say that a person that breaks one law won't break another?

It's absolutely his right to require drug testing...
Mine to decline his hire... drug testing not my reason...
Civilians have it easy, military someone watches you pee in the cup, must be E7 or above. I made E7, brings back some UGLY memories!
I have seen some websites that involve more than a cup.....................

No, hiring policies must abide by the constitution though. Not defending
the rights of a convict, but the rights of everyone.

The, "if you have nothing to hide, you have no worries" mentality is
quite alarming.

Personally, I am more libertarian, but I will not go there.

I remember my first drug test, I spilled the cup on the nurses desk.......

Really, it was an accident..........................................................

BTW, around here, the cops have the best dope.
Red I have more than that in just several tool boxes and I'm not even a mechanic in my day job.You would be astonded if I took inventory of the replacement costs for the tools I've acquired in a life time.Your father and myself obvously were not in the same navy,we didn't do it that way.Then on the other hand it's kind of hard to loose or steal tools on a nuke sub operating submerged.

My mistake,I thought you were in the business of heavy equipment repair ,not lawn care products.Most small engine mechanics are grossly under paid,in my opinion but the shop rates are on a par with auto shops etc.Oh,by the way,50 percent above list in most cases is in fact close to 150 percent mark up.List is not what a shop pays for parts,unless you have lousey buying power.

A little piece of info you might find interesting.I once was field superintendent for an electrical contractor that bought for best price minus 42 percent then charged 15 percent above high list.Figure it out,I know how it works.

In my shop now, Ive got probably 8000-10,000 in tools alone, including but not limited too:

2 Drill presses
40,000lb Hydraulic Press
Stand up Compressor, GE motor and 2 Stage pump
Radial Arm Saw
14" Chop Saw
4" Band Saw
Mig Welder
O/A Outfit
(2) 3 Tier Boxes packed iwth various tools
2 1 tier boxes full of tools
A 9 cu/ft Chest full of Drills, Sawzalls, Circular saws, Jig Saws, Nail guns...I could go on
Ive got a Air nibble, Air Ratchet, Impact Wrench, Body saw, Die Grinder, Air Chisel, D/A sander, Plane Sander and 2 Air Brad/nailers
2 BIG vices
Bench mounted Grinder

Plus a mess of other goodies.

Many tools were my Grandfathers, many he manufactured while working for Warner/Swayze in Michigan back around 1950.

But as far as tools I use on Small engines/Riding equipment, Basically wrenches and sockets from 1/4" up to 3/4" is all thats used, but I have stuff down much smaller, and up to some 1-3/4". Allen wrenches, Torx Wrenches, and a big hammer. Thats about all thats used on day to day repairs. Replacing blades, sheared flywheel keys, removing wheels and such.

My Father was on a Carrier Fixing Training Helicopters.

When I say list, thats not retail.

I get most parts for 1/2 or less than retail.

When I go out to the big shop, Ill get parts in bulk through a company called SEDCO.
I dont see how 5000 dollars in tools would do a mechanic any good in a small engine shop..

Tool box
Full 1/4 3/8 and 1/2" Drive ratchet/socket sets, Metric and SAE
Screwdrivers and nut drivers
TORX wrenches
Allen wrenches

i would provide an array of Pneumatic tools.

At Small engine school we used a Craftsman Tool kit that costed approx. 1000 dollars, and we never had any problems, and we worked on everything from saws to 300hp Outboards.

5000 dollars worth of tools..:dizzy:

Hi Red :) Let me jump in here, My Tool box, all 12,000 square inchs of it , my box is 87 inches long and 20 inches wide, and I need to stand on a milk crate to get to the top of it, cost me more then 4,000 dollars, this year alone, I've spent more then 2,000 dollars on tools. If I had to replace everything, it would be near 15,000 dollars in just what I have in the box. Do I need them, well, time is money, and the right tool can make an impossible repair really easy. Try taking the muffler off a Kohler 20 hp engine sitting on a Exmark ZTR
25 or 30 years ago, that Craftsman tools set was all you really needed, last thursday that job took me 10 minutes, if I didn't have the right tools,.I would have had to remove part of the frame just to get to the lower bolts on the bracket that holds the muffler up.
I work in a good shop, my boss brings me coffee in the morning when he comes in, after I open up. I have keys to everything, in the last 5 years I've only missed 4 days, and I know my trade:monkey: 15 dollars an hour, I wouldn't unlock my box for that.
But the sad thing is, there are alot of good guys like me out there, who would work there ass off for the right guy or gal. I know form experiance that the back doors on cop cars don't open from the inside:mad:
I have a problem with run on sentences, but what would you expect for a high school drop out, junkie, pot head hippy freak with tattoos.:angel:
Sorry, didn't mean to get on a rant on my second post :dizzy:
BTW, I've been clean and sober since December 24, 1994

Hi Red :) Let me jump in here, My Tool box, all 12,000 square inchs of it , my box is 87 inches long and 20 inches wide, and I need to stand on a milk crate to get to the top of it, cost me more then 4,000 dollars, this year alone, I've spent more then 2,000 dollars on tools. If I had to replace everything, it would be near 15,000 dollars in just what I have in the box. Do I need them, well, time is money, and the right tool can make an impossible repair really easy. Try taking the muffler off a Kohler 20 hp engine sitting on a Exmark ZTR
25 or 30 years ago, that Craftsman tools set was all you really needed, last thursday that job took me 10 minutes, if I didn't have the right tools,.I would have had to remove part of the frame just to get to the lower bolts on the bracket that holds the muffler up.
I work in a good shop, my boss brings me coffee in the morning when he comes in, after I open up. I have keys to everything, in the last 5 years I've only missed 4 days, and I know my trade:monkey: 15 dollars an hour, I wouldn't unlock my box for that.
But the sad thing is, there are alot of good guys like me out there, who would work there ass off for the right guy or gal. I know form experiance that the back doors on cop cars don't open from the inside:mad:
I have a problem with run on sentences, but what would you expect for a high school drop out, junkie, pot head hippy freak with tattoos.:angel:
Sorry, didn't mean to get on a rant on my second post :dizzy:
BTW, I've been clean and sober since December 24, 1994


Whats the Shop Rate at your place?

Is that the same Muffler Setup as on a Exmark Lazer Z with a 22hp Kohler Horizontal?

Best freinds dad blew the side off his muffler and Ive got to take it off and either fix it, or replace it. Weirdest thing, TI wasnt rusted out, it wasnt cut, it just popped the end off.
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