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Also... for record... me just big knuckledragger that no care how saw work on paper. Niko take lots of BS from knuckledragger. Niko still smile lots... take with grain of salt. Glad Niko here... make knuckledragger smile too.

Niko = friend. :)

get over it new guy... what are you, 12? Stop takin' everything so dang serious. You wanna play... then go play... I was not rude to you at all...

...and for the record... yes... I am better than you... so nanners, I can be 12 too. LMAO

better at drinking im sure. tell ya what man just leave me alone .
got that right you have a need to be rude? or you think cause i been here a month your better than me whats your prob and stop with the lmao ####.

Somebody has a bad case of the Boo Hoos....:cry: LMAO!!! ;)

Not too sure what I missed, but, I got your back Niko....

Also... for record... me just big knuckledragger that no care how saw work on paper. Niko take lots of BS from knuckledragger. Niko still smile lots... take with grain of salt. Glad Niko here... make knuckledragger smile too.

Niko = friend. :)

Now that right there was funny:hmm3grin2orange:

Was hoping for more bashing on me about burning the sucky huskies:confused:
Also... for record... me just big knuckledragger that no care how saw work on paper. Niko take lots of BS from knuckledragger. Niko still smile lots... take with grain of salt. Glad Niko here... make knuckledragger smile too.

Niko = friend. :)


WOW!!! That's awesome!!!! LMFAO!!!

Where I live averages around 80" a year prolly had a foot past week

I was in Coos Bay this time back in 1998 with my friend....It rained all week,,except this one day,and I went out and thought damn,,,nice to see the sun half way come out,,and walking down the street Up Cape Arago Hwy,,this car hit a puddle and drenched me.....I thought dammit...Cant stay dry here ............... :laugh:
:laugh: I never knew you were so controversial. Just always reckoned you to be a nice knowledgable guy who lived amongst the Laplanders and the reindeer. Never figured you to have a dark side that would bring out the worst in folks...

...unless you're at the vangard of some Norweigan plot to destabilize American society prior to an armed invasion. Not likely but it would explain a lot. :)

Those Teutonic types seem a tad slow, I should know, I have watched every
episode of "Hogan's Heroes".....

But they do know their saws........

Maybe it is just the ice fishing in May......
Also... for record... me just big knuckledragger that no care how saw work on paper. Niko take lots of BS from knuckledragger. Niko still smile lots... take with grain of salt. Glad Niko here... make knuckledragger smile too.

Niko = friend. :)



You do know that this thread is sponsored by Geico?

ole joat
Are you saying that he is referring to you?

I don't know, you all don't expect me to read all of this crap, do you?

Not at all Fish, I'm asking him if in his view if I am one along with others. He made a pretty large swipe and general view. The reason I ask for the names is simple. If he will name those he feels do the snide remark thing to merely hurt Sawtroll maybe they can come in and say why they do.

Yes Fish in the courtroom of Judge Roy Bean before we hang em we givem a chance to speak,LOLOLOLOL
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