Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Several years back on AS there was a “discussion” that got pretty heated where a guy mentioned he sprays the entire underbody of his vehicles with used motor oil. Certainly effective for rust prevention but I cannot imagine how much of that crap leached back into his groundwater. I know people who lived near a junkyard around here that used to pour out their drain oil and antifreeze and everyone who lived in the area long term developed strange cancers and/or neurological issues.
Hmm I think I remember that, or maybe I just read it after the fact. Sounds like you live in a place similar to where Deliverance was filmed. All that oil probably smelled too. There's no way that tiny bit of oil and anti-freeze could cause cancers to the surrounding residents right?

Since I have all the crap out of the cab of my truck and I'm to go ahead and install sound deadening material to the floor, doors, and rear of the cab. Hopefully the truck will feel like a limo when I'm done lol. Shut the door and complete silence. Still have to replace the third brake light, spray another coat of undercarriage protection and somehow put all the seats and other crap back into the cab,
Now should come the posts, Steve help us :laughing: .
Does anyone in here want to talk about scrounging, saws, tractors, maybe guns, heck I'm kinda hungry too, which is why I came in :sweet:.
Funny thing is the conspiracy theorist has probably posted more scrounging pics in here in the last yr than anyone else in the thread, but that's just a theory :cool:.
I've still got a few more rounds to pick up behind the tractor, just wasn't much more room lol.
Buddy sent me this picture, I think he got them about 7 miles west of here on the north side of the river valley. We're on the south side, I've seen a few here, but nothing like there, he'll get a lot more. I'm not really a fan, but I know many like them.
Oh damn at first I though I was looking at shrooms and got really excited. Actually that's what you and svk need, take some shrooms together. Peace and love man lol. You two sound like an old married couple.
Seriously impressed by that stacking chipper! Even more if it stayed in place for the journey!
Not sure which one, the one the kids did stayed.
I lost one split today, slipping a little :laugh: .
That's out of two loads with the big bucket and 5 with the little one, guess that's not terrible :).
All that oil probably smelled too.
mmmmmmm the smell of the oil :sweet:.
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I though I was looking at shrooms and got really excited.
You were, maybe not the type you were thinking.
You two sound like an old married couple.
The good thing is, I believe Steve is much like my wife and I, he isn't going anywhere, that makes me think that in the end it will all be just fine :).
What I wouldn’t do for some morels.
I don't know how people ship them, but I can ask my buddy if he will have any extras.
Otherwise I'm sure he'd share if you stopped over.
Forgot about those stupid screws too. Yes that was another design flaw if you didn’t keep an eye on things.
Was definitely not a design flaw for it was used for its entire 28 year production run. The flaw was in the end user or tech that failed to understand how coarse thread plastic screw are installed and most importantly re-installed. Thus still in use on all Husqvarna saws. Dont over torque and when re-installing turn the screw to the left briefly and it will fall into the existing threads, before you turn it to the right.
Ok fellas, I need to say something.

I know some opinions have been made on this thread in recent weeks by people who feel very strongly on certain matters. I have largely left controversial topics alone but feel that I cannot any longer. I know that this thread is under observation now and that inappropriate posts will be dealt with. Nevertheless, I'm going to say this and I just hope that it doesn't trigger anyone or result in me being locked out of this thread or banned altogether.

*Deep breath*
I went scrounging this morning :crazy2:

There, I said it.

(pics coming later)

Scrounge pics as promised!

Mitch steered me in the direction of several logs. Three of them are from the one good size blue gum tree and there's a smaller peppermint there as well. There will be a few scrounges in these. The bark has mostly fallen off but they're stihl pretty green.

21st Apr 1.jpg

I lay these rounds down for the pic then found that I couldn't really split them by hand and it was very difficult to get them back on to their sides but I got there eventually.

21st Apr 2.jpg

Nice and solid.

21st Apr 3.jpg

Blue gum is reasonable enough firewood but these are going into the community bonfire core so I want to keep them in big bits. I made a couple of steps out of halved rounds and managed to flip a number of them up into the ute.

21st Apr 4.jpg

I then burned through the rest of the tank in the 460 but hit something with Limby so didn't bother finishing the tank. You can see there's a fair bit of the logs left to go.

21st Apr 5.jpg

I can get the trailer to this part of the farm so I hope to get out tomorrow to get a couple of cubes out. I shoved the wood out of the ute when I got home and saw this little guy sitting next to the pile. I'm glad I didn't squish him. He was all of 2.5 inches long at best, a baby mountain dragon.

21st Apr 6.jpg

I had my rear wheel pass me up when I was going around a corner hauling a heaping load of wood. Very lucky it was on a backroad at lower speed. Borrowed two lug nuts from each of the other wheels.

Idiot mechanic that rotated tires before I bought it never torqued the lug nuts.
Steve, do you have one newish vehicle for the family that’s safe to drive? You have several stories of 50 year old tires failing and front ends giving up, drivers seat falling through the rusted out floor, etc. Maybe it’s time for an aluminum Ford?
I agree, the powers that be love it.
I'll be clear, I'm not fighting you over it, I'm stating my beliefs on it. I don't say IMHO after everything, because if you or I say anything isn't that what it is.
I'm 100% for all you guys right to take it if you want it.
That being said I believe that you should know of the risks as should anyone else taking these experimental drugs and that's not being put out there unfortunately.
I've talked to so many who have no idea they are still under emergency authorization use, they also don't realize that means there has been no safety testing in animals done on these jabs.
Brett, if you guys ever get in a real debate, remember what I learned when I was in the Jefferson Lincoln Literary Debating Society, in school. Never start off a sentence with, IMHO. If you are at the mic, speaking, it is obvious it’s your opinion. It’s a redundant term. Other wise you would have started with, “to quote” or “in the words of” etc. The term IMHO is used to quantify what you are about to say, if standing on weak ground. Then, if the other side starts to yell and throw names, you can fall back and say, “well I did say it was my HO.”.

I pretty much skip most of what you and Steve say. I know the drugs are basically untested and a few people have died from it. I also know that the first test infecting a human with cowpox to fight smallpox was a 6 year old kid, and I don’t mean a goat kid.

My best friend, right wing, prepper’s, left wing wife said something very profound the other day. “I believe we will live to see the demise of our Constitutional Republic”. Steve is right, we have been divided. I take the banter between you two as the prodding of two brothers. I can call my brother an A Hole, but if you call my brother an A Hole, I’m going to rip your tongue out and feed it to my dog. The only bad thing about your banter is it shows a divide that others can use to drive the wedge deeper.
Not sure which one, the one the kids did stayed.
I lost one split today, slipping a little :laugh: .
That's out of two loads with the big bucket and 5 with the little one, guess that's not terrible :).
I’ll keep your secret, and not mention the three foot long, half inch drill bits and long pieces of rebar.
I’ll keep your secret, and not mention the three foot long, half inch drill bits and long pieces of rebar.
Don't tell all your secrets at once Joe lol.
That makes me think of this :laughing:.


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Steve, do you have one newish vehicle for the family that’s safe to drive? You have several stories of 50 year old tires failing and front ends giving up, drivers seat falling through the rusted out floor, etc. Maybe it’s time for an aluminum Ford?
Wife has a 21’ Suburban and I have a 13’ Sierra. We still have that 07’ Yukon that I drove to your house but now it has 327k on it.

Most of the mishaps happened to the big green 97 Chev that I traded away this spring. I broke 2 ball joints, lost a tire, and had at least 6 of those barn find tires blow on that.

Never had a seat fall through the floor. Did have an 80’ Ford truck that the cats could get in and out of the cab through a hole in the cab corner though.
Was definitely not a design flaw for it was used for its entire 28 year production run. The flaw was in the end user or tech that failed to understand how coarse thread plastic screw are installed and most importantly re-installed. Thus still in use on all Husqvarna saws. Dont over torque and when re-installing turn the screw to the left briefly and it will fall into the existing threads, before you turn it to the right.
Call it what you want, it wasn’t the best idea.

The 55 was an almost indestructible saw but many met an early death due to a couple small failures on the intake and impulse.
Wife has a 21’ Suburban and I have a 13’ Sierra. We still have that 07’ Yukon that I drove to your house but now it has 327k on it.

Most of the mishaps happened to the big green 97 Chev that I traded away this spring. I broke 2 ball joints, lost a tire, and had at least 6 of those barn find tires blow on that.

Never had a seat fall through the floor. Did have a truck that the cats could get in and out of the cab through a hole in the cab corner though.
I had a 63 International Harvester, 9' step side bed, 1 ton pick up. I ran two pieces of angle iron from frame rail to frame rail to keep the floor from bouncing up and down.
My new to me Wood hauler/ work truck. The body is rough but the running gear seems to be solid. 4x4 3500 with 6speed manual.
Trying to catch up on the scrounge thread, been way behind due to life. Good to see you guys bringing in the wood.

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