Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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My normal run is cancelled this week so they stuck me on the road. I'm delivering receiver hitch parts to a truck frame plant in Bowling Green, KY. You couldn't organize more chaos if you tried. There's trucks, fork lifts, high lows and train cars running non-stop with little regard to whatever gets in there way. You would love it here!View attachment 902775View attachment 902774View attachment 902773
That's kind of what I said about the UPS Hub I worked in. We had 168 bays on the building. When the shift started, just about an hour later, all the out bound 53's were full and had to be pulled off the door. By then, all the inbound trailers were already empty. So, one shifter would be waiting with an empty, to stick it on the door as a full was pulled off. A third shifter was putting another full on an inbound door. We processed 750 trailers a day. Each trailer had two loaders, or unloaders in it. The flow of packages does not stop while trailers are being pulled, they just start to back up on a chute. The loaders would hit the head or grab a drink. They might have 2 minutes down time, then it was back to loading 1250-1500 pieces per hour. I always said if you could be looking down on our building, it would look like a bunch of ants on acid. From Thanksgiving to Christmas we had a free period where we hired temp contractors. Our yard was built when 40 footers were the max, now with 53's, it's hard to maneuver. Those long haul drivers would come in the yard and just freeze up, no way a big tandem sleeper could move around. It was stressful. If you knocked a mirror off a truck you got charged with an accident. But, I enjoyed it.
Well....darn!!!. 362 quit on me yesterday right at the end of work. Throttle didn't seem to be connected to anything.. Off to the dealer this morning. Simple fix, just twiddle the linkage back into positon. Then he gave me the good news - saw is beginning to suck air throug the crankshaft seals.$200 to fix plus 3 week wait. $800 something for a new one. Then he gave me the even better news. He doesn't have one and can't get them. The go out the door faster than they come in. Said he can't hardly get any saws. Shop looked like it. One 291, one 211TC and a 170. Rack was empty. I needed a saw NOW so the 291 came home with me. Almost $600 for a home grade saw! I keep telling myself that I no longer need big saws but it still hurts to loose that 362. It will go to my buddy - he may fix it..

Yesterday was not one of my shining moments. Had two rather small locusts that needed pulling up the slope. Around a 15-20% slope so It was uncomfortable just driving the truck across it. Cabled up, hooked up an backed up about 10ft when It lost traction, spun tires and back end slid down hill a few feet. Fooled around with it for almost 30 minutes trying to get back up where I started. I did what I should have done to begin with, cut rounds off the log to clear a way in front, lots of room there. sum total I put in 4 hours and was dead beat by the time I was loaded and leaving on what should have been nomore than 2 hour job.
Well....darn!!!. 362 quit on me yesterday right at the end of work. Throttle didn't seem to be connected to anything.. Off to the dealer this morning. Simple fix, just twiddle the linkage back into positon. Then he gave me the good news - saw is beginning to suck air throug the crankshaft seals.$200 to fix plus 3 week wait. $800 something for a new one. Then he gave me the even better news. He doesn't have one and can't get them. The go out the door faster than they come in. Said he can't hardly get any saws. Shop looked like it. One 291, one 211TC and a 170. Rack was empty. I needed a saw NOW so the 291 came home with me. Almost $600 for a home grade saw! I keep telling myself that I no longer need big saws but it still hurts to loose that 362. It will go to my buddy - he may fix it..

Yesterday was not one of my shining moments. Had two rather small locusts that needed pulling up the slope. Around a 15-20% slope so It was uncomfortable just driving the truck across it. Cabled up, hooked up an backed up about 10ft when It lost traction, spun tires and back end slid down hill a few feet. Fooled around with it for almost 30 minutes trying to get back up where I started. I did what I should have done to begin with, cut rounds off the log to clear a way in front, lots of room there. sum total I put in 4 hours and was dead beat by the time I was loaded and leaving on what should have been nomore than 2 hour job.
Sorry to hear. How much time did you have on the 362?
Took a ride out to the cemetery this afternoon My dad passed 21 years ago today. First time I’ve been back since we buried my mom in the end of last November. Kind of a different feeling knowing both of them are now there.

Sounds like more change coming in the SVK world (not necessarily bad), will keep you fellows posted.
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Took off the door panels and had my wife spray the cab with a hose while I was inside checking for leaks. Water was pouring into the door sill. I know some water getting into the sill which is why there's drain holes on the bottom of the door but it can't be normal for water to pour into it right? If not then that would explain why all four sides of the jute was wet.
Then when he topped out at $7, he got them both.
He may not have realized he was bidding "per piece".
I saw a guy bit for traps once. He thought he was getting a dozen traps for $12. or something, but it was per trap.
When the auctioneer said "sold, $12. each." the guy back peddled.
Auctioneer asked the crowd, did any one else not understand? Silence.
No rebidding...sold, $12. per piece. Next...
Took a ride out to the cemetery this afternoon My dad passed 21 years ago today. First time I’ve been back since we buried my mom in the end of last November. Kind of a different feeling knowing both of them are now there.

Sounds like more change coming in the SVK world (not necessarily bad), will keep you fellows posted.
I was raised by my Father and he passed 14 years ago this month. It was almost like loosing two parents at once. He had a routine dental procedure after school(teacher) laid down because he didn’t feel well, never woke up. Infection in his gum, went to his heart and he passed in his sleep.I was 21 when he passed and grew up FAST. Made me who I am today.

Prayers for you and your family SVK. I totally understand.
And in more real news:
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Gotta get ahead of @chipper1 while he's out Craigslisting or researching or doing whatever it is he does when he's not here. ;)
Nice haul man.
Did a little cutting myself, scrounged up a nice job(seems like a good hobby :p. I started on the leaning poplar over the drive, then used the skidding winch to pull three others into the woods before they had the same fate as they were leaning a bit towards the drive too. They were all pretty punky and I don't thing a wedge would have done anything, the winch sure is a great tool.
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No scrounging today, but my logging buddy stopped by, has a load for me tomorrow. Running to get the dump trailer after work, grab the kids and go fill it up. Don't need a saw, and sounds like he may have his truck to load me. Little short notice, but I'll take what I can get. He said he thought there was some chestnut in the mix, hate to cut that up for fire wood, but I'm not gonna tell him no to it either.
I started on the leaning poplar over the drive, then used the skidding winch to pull three others into the woods before they had the same fate as they were leaning a bit towards the drive too. They were all pretty punky
Being the black locust snob you are, you can probably afford not to make any of it firewood. Poplar sure does go punky fast. If it was on my property at least some of it would have made it to the stacks, but getting paid just to take them down I could see where it wouldn't be worth it.
Sorry to hear. How much time did you have on the 362?

Many, many hours. I don't recall just when I bought it but it was years ago. Lots of hours using it with 20, 25, 38 inch bars. It was my main saw.

I debated just making do with my MS441 but I couldn't picture myself boosting that saw around all summer.
Took a ride out to the cemetery this afternoon My dad passed 21 years ago today. First time I’ve been back since we buried my mom in the end of last November. Kind of a different feeling knowing both of them are now there.

Sounds like more change coming in the SVK world (not necessarily bad), will keep you fellows posted.

5 kids not enough?
G'day scroungers,

Went back out to the farm to scrounge some more blue gum rounds for the bonfire. It's a good feeling when you rock up and remember that you've already done half the work.

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So I loaded that in the trailer first then got started with the 460 again.

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Loaded up the ute

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Gratuitous trailer pic. I was comfortably overloaded, I'm glad I didn't get pulled over on the way home.

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Then I emptied the tank of the 460 on the rest of this log. There's stihl about 30 metres left of this tree to go in the next couple of logs, it must have been pretty tall.

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