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One of my reasons for starting my own buisness. I'll smoke when ever the heck i feel like it. Now dont get me wrong, i have respect for my customers and not smoke in front of them. unless of course i come to realize they too are smokers. Now, the biggest and only rule of smoking for me and my guys. you put your butts in your pocketts, and there only. not on the ground, not in the customers trash cans and not in the back of any truck. cig filters can last like, i think 5 or more years before they will breakdown and degrade. i have fired a few different new guys, and sent them walking or drop them off to the nearest pay phone to get a ride. you get one chance only. I mean it wasnt like they wernt warned. but i think it sucks when you cant smoke at work. I have even walked away from a 1000.00 job cause the butthead wouldnt even allow us to smoke on his street, much less in his yard. Lmao
Jumper said:
Hospitals? Old folks homes? Funeral parlours where the deceased died of lung cancer? In front of your children? Woman while pregnant? Asthmatics? Drug Stores? Supermarkets? Restaurants? Workplaces? Public vehicles? In front of someone hooked up on oxygen after a major coronary? In front of your wife when she is trying to quit smoking? Come on I do not think you are that ignorant-obviously you decided that smoking was hazardous to your health.

If you want to quote me , at least have the decency not to edit my posts.
and/or take me out of context.

I did say "where ever the hell i wanted" However I would not want to smoke in the places that you mentioned. I unlike many others respect the air that people are forced to breathe. Hell, my own mother died from lung cancer at 52 years old.
Now whats important to me is the right to choose for myself [I personally choose no] But whats important in a free society, is the right to choose for yourself. I know that you will say "I want the right to not breath second hand smoke" But you can't regulate every aspect of peoples lives and still have a free society . Just not possible. That said, Don't regulate me!
Unfortunately in modern society such regulation is necessary when the actions of a few(up here about 1 in 5 smoke) negatively impact on the rights of many. You do have the right to choose for yourself, within reason. Some people choose to rob banks of other people's money, is regulation prohiting that taking away their "rights" in a free society? If someone blows smoke in my face and all over my clothes when I do not want them to should I have the right to thrash them severely? I do not think so in both cases.
AL3rd you are right in starting your own business for the reasons stated, but it is getting to the point that given it is a workplace, and you obviously do have employees, smoking will not be allowed in your office and truck cab for example. Outside yes.
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Jumper said:
Unfortunately in modern society such regulation is necessary when the actions of a few(up here about 1 in 5 smoke) negatively impact on the rights of many. You do have the right to choose for yourself, within reason. Some people choose to rob banks of other people's money, is regulation prohiting that taking away their "rights" in a free society? If someone blows smoke in my face and all over my clothes when I do not want them to should I have the right to thrash them severely? I do not think so in both cases.
AL3rd you are right in starting your own business for the reasons stated, but it is getting to the point that given it is a workplace, and you obviously do have employees, smoking will not be allowed in your office and truck cab for example. Outside yes.
I don't know why that you would say "unfortunately" regulation is necessary, When that seems to be exactly what you want. I guess that you mean ,Unfortunately for civil liberties.
If someone is robbing banks thats one thing, they won't be in a free society for long. And yeah if you blow smoke in my face "it's on" But how far would you go to protect people from themselves? Too far probably for me. This country was supposed to be all about freedom, what happened?
When did your dislikes become more important than my right to choose?
well i dont recall saying anything about blowing smoke in ones face.
i clearly stated i dont smoke in a customers presence, unless i know
they smoke.
and as far as respect for others air, buddy let me tell you, we violate that everyday without even knowing it.
how good is that smoke for you, from that 2cycle you run everyday.
see i'll be plain honest how i feel
we run diesel trucks, gas trucks, chippers, saws, stump grinders and so on
and this is all polluting are air to begin with.
so until we all stop that, for the respect of others air
dont talk to me about respect for others air.
i mean its not like im smoking in the local gas station, grocery store

people are gonna smoke outside, in public where they damn well please, and there aint ???? you can do about it
AL3rd said:
people are gonna smoke outside, in public where they damn well please, and there aint ???? you can do about it

Which is about the only place you can do so legally in many jurestictions at present. I do predict the sale of tobacco will be illegal in 50 years.

"When did your dislikes become more important than my right to choose?" Do not think it really has to do with "dislikes" vs rights, it is more like one person's rights vs another's. And when one person's right to smoke infringes upon another's right to clean air and health, especially when the smoker is in a huge minority position, guess which side is going to prevail. I think that is what life in a democracy is all about.
Jumper said:
"When did your dislikes become more important than my right to choose?" Do not think it really has to do with "dislikes" vs rights, it is more like one person's rights vs another's. And when one person's right to smoke infringes upon another's right to clean air and health, especially when the smoker is in a huge minority position, guess which side is going to prevail. I think that is what life in a democracy is all about.

My point is that I Do Not smoke. Nobody is breathing any second hand smoke from me. I am not giving anyone any cancer from cigs, nor any stinky smoke , or burns.
I do get a little hot when people are talking about taking away my freedom to choose for myself though. In my opinion in a free society, people should have the right to choose for themselves. Not everything is going to be perfect for you all the time . There will be things that do not please you , irritate you , harm you physically [pollution etc.] But over regulation is not the answer IMO. Prohibition Doesn't work.
I like to thing that our veterans have fought and died to give me and others the freedom to choose for ourselves .
Don't try to take away my freedom.
smoking in other countries

Isn't it amazing all the Canadians and Euros that smoke?

You'd think that college educations would have an effect.

I think that for most of us reading this thread the thoughts are basically:
1) Let people smoke, as long as no offensive, (I.e. health issue) second hand smoke is there in a confined space or entry way. Especially with kids in a home.
2) Let non smokers have their clean air.

I do admit that I have never done anything as tough as quit tobacco.
My hats off, with a great bow, to all of you that have.

Trivia on the butts in wood chips. More overtime eventually for some fire fighters.
About 20 percent of all Canucks smoke(down from 50 percent in 1964 when the US Surgeon General first announced it was hazardous to one's health), more popular amongst younger women, and people with less education, and petering off rapidly after age 60 I suppose because most heavy smokers are dead, dying or so health compromised they have to quit.
Egad vets didn't fight for people to have the right to smoke!!! You still have the right to smoke, no one has taken that away. Mind you most bios I have read stated Hitler was dead set against smoking in his presence. Even Eva Braun had to smoke outdoors!
Polluted chips?

Just a comment on the polluted chips. The vermeer chippers we use up here run the exhaust through the arent the chips polluted all ready? :bang:
Hmmm, Interesting thread.

AL3rd mentioned a study that cig butts take as much as five years to break down. True. This is because the cellulose that comprises the filter is tightly bound in high quality paper. (Duh).

The same study also found that if the butt is split open and the cellulose allowed to expand, the bit of paper, cellulose and vegetable matter break down in just 3 to 6 months.

So, if a smoker busts his butt, :) should be no problem in the wood chips, no?

For anyone who is still smoking, read my new book: "How to Quit Smoking in 40 Years, or Less."

Even when I'm fifty feet up a tree, I can smell the cigs of the groundies and it bothers the hell out of me. I am seriously considering banning smoking on my gigs.

some one else's post...i can't imagine,,, in my wildest dream,,,,some body smelling cigarette smoke fifty feet in the air,,,,while one handing a sthl 200T, or a husky 335 (which blows 2 stroke exhuast right into your face!!!!) i smoke,, i don't come home from work smelling of cigs!!!! i smell of 2 stroke....bucking up big wood, or flushing a stump,, with a big saw,,, i gotta take a breather.... the fumes from a saw are 100 times worse than cigarette smoke!!!!!!!
juststumps said:
Even when I'm fifty feet up a tree, I can smell the cigs of the groundies and it bothers the hell out of me. I am seriously considering banning smoking on my gigs.

some one else's post...i can't imagine,,, in my wildest dream,,,,some body smelling cigarette smoke fifty feet in the air,,,,while one handing a sthl 200T, or a husky 335 (which blows 2 stroke exhuast right into your face!!!!) i smoke,, i don't come home from work smelling of cigs!!!! i smell of 2 stroke....bucking up big wood, or flushing a stump,, with a big saw,,, i gotta take a breather.... the fumes from a saw are 100 times worse than cigarette smoke!!!!!!!
That's quite plausible. I've followed cars down the road before at highway speeds with my window open, and could distinctly smell the cigg fumes. I've gotten sodas out of vending machines in smoking breakrooms before, and the smoke odor was present on the wet 12 ounce aluminum cans. If you smoke, you have no clue how noxious the odor is. Just because you can't smell your own farts doesn't mean it doesn't stink.
I think most people that smoke have diminished sences of both taste and smell. You are correct in stating they have no idea how noxious the smell is. And they probably have gotten used to the stink. From my days running around the bush in the Army you can smell smokers on night patrol or OP duty from quite a distance too....dead giveaway.
spacemule said:
That's quite plausible. I've followed cars down the road before at highway speeds with my window open, and could distinctly smell the cigg fumes. I've gotten sodas out of vending machines in smoking breakrooms before, and the smoke odor was present on the wet 12 ounce aluminum cans. If you smoke, you have no clue how noxious the odor is. Just because you can't smell your own farts doesn't mean it doesn't stink.
FYI,, my farts smell like roses!!!! i'm very offended!!!!
Ok, so i am an anti-smoker, just to be clear. Never smoked in my life but grew up in a home where dad smoked till he quit cold turkey at age 50 due to heart conditions, and mom then turned into a closet smoker till she died.

Two things really crank me: parents caring more about their rights as smokers than their child's health (including pregnant moms)
and health care professionals that take smoke breaks.

WHAT ARE YOU SMOKERS THINKING!! Oh yea, I need that hit of nicotine at any cost. No different than any other drug addiction. DEAL WITH IT! Get help.

Can anyone give me a good reason why someone should start smoking? Help me understand. Why would a sane person, who would walk to get upwind of a smokey fire, deliberatly inhale concentrated smoke which at first try will make you cough involuntarily. Your body is telling you something. I guess kids think it looks cool. Personally I think it looks stupid. Really stupid. And it is. If you can't give me a good reason to start, you are going to be hard-pressed to give me one to keep smoking.

If smokers only affected their lives, it would be different, still not ok, but different.
Why is it that people have to shove there beliefs down others throats. We live in a free country right. Do what you want and when you want, this is just a case of taking your rights away. I hate booze maybe that should be banned also. Better yet I am sick of people working for me that have kids, they need to take there kid here and there. YEP on my time and my dime. Not fair to the smart unmarried people. Maybe we should ban kids also, I feel they are not socially acceptable. I hate dingbats on bicycles they take up part of the road. Do any of you people hear how you sound.

Smoke, drink, shoot dope whatever you want to do it's a free world here start acting like it is.
Bear with me here, I will put in my .02..... As someone that smoked for 18 yrs and just quit, I have a much different veiw of it all!
I personally think, and have thought, that smoking should be outlawed for years!!! It is the most addictive substance on the planet nad one of the easiest to get! The first times I smoked I liked the buzz I got, then I wanted it more then to reach that you must go with stronger and stronger ciq to achieve that, then its over, no more buzz no more "high", just stuck with smoking, until you can find a way to kick it!
I cannot give anyone a good reason to start smoking, nor will I!!! I much less can give anyone a reason at all to continue smoking! I will not however belittle or berate someone for something I myself have done, that is hypocritical. If that person wants to quit, I will gladly offer any all of the knowledge and support I can!
Yes it pissed me off to go to resturants that were non-smoking, but I was never once offended when someone asked me not to smoke on their property or in public. My mother is very asthmatic, I learned from her about respect for other peoples lungs!
Yes I did smoke on job sites, and I put my butts in my pockets but if the home owner asked me not to, "no problem!" That is just courtesy and RESPECT!!! If you cannot be courtious and respectful to the homeowner on their property, you need to find another line of work!!!!
Yeah Yeah, "What about my rights?" "I thought this was a free country?" As soon as you set foot on another mans property, you loose that right to be offensive, and if you cannot honor that I would not consider you to be as professional as some of you claim to be!!
If the homeowner has no problems, and nothing is said, smoke youre brains out, just pick up after yourself, it's not rocket science!!
OK, I am done ranting now,
shoot dope whatever you want to do it's a free world

Thanks, Marky Mark, now I understand why at least SOME people smoke, to show the world that "I am a free spirit and no one is going to tell me what to do".

A lot of those same free spirits are the ones who end up robbing liquor stores so they can shoot their dope and end up in jail supported by you and me. Their rights end where my wallet begins. Just taking your statement to a logical conclusion.

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