the all aussie dribble thread!

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regulars to this aussie thread should be proud of themselves,,,,
after reading some of the nonscence on some other threads this long weekend it makes me appreciate conversations here without the almost nasty snot being thrown arround especialy between our land and the states, it goes beond being amusing and starts being nasty unnessessary bull sh#t, i thought we were all grown mature men.

Just giveing a little praize here and having a grizzle at the same time.....
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regulars to this aussie thread should be proud of themselves,,,,
after reading some of the nonscence on some other threads this long weekend it makes me appreciate conversations here without the almost nasty snot being thrown arround especialy between our land and the states, it goes beond being amusing and starts being nasty unnessessary bull sh#t, i thought we were all grown mature men.

Just giveing a little praize here and having a grizzle at the same time.....

Just giveing a little praize here and having a grizzle at the same time.....[/QUOTE]

A good aussie way of putting it??:D
and i will drink to that!
Time to fire up the wood heater, fist time this year it's a nice warm 25c :)

Hi Guys, I'm in need of some advice on a HD filter kit for a Makita 6401. Currently using a standard 6401 for fire wood cutting duties, so mainly dry dead aussie hard wood. Not cutting heaps, maybe one tankful a month. Before my last trip sharpened the chain and checked the standard flocked filter. Found that fines are getting past the filter, which I am a bit unhappy with. Will the HD filter kit help filter to a finer lever without the sock on the filter or is the sock needed to filter finer? Will this keep the fine crap out of my saw?

Are edge and engine in the states the best price wise to get the kit from? I also want to buy the black front cover too, with postage from them it comes in about $105 through edge and engine with first class mail USPS.

Filter Kit 957173400 Heavy Duty Filter Kit for Dolmar PS-6400, PS-7300, PS-7900 - [957173400] - $69.95 at Edge & Engine
Black Cover 038118291 hood cpl., black ps-7900 (deco - [038118291] - $17.98 at Edge & Engine
Hi Guys, I'm in need of some advice on a HD filter kit for a Makita 6401. Currently using a standard 6401 for fire wood cutting duties, so mainly dry dead aussie hard wood. Not cutting heaps, maybe one tankful a month. Before my last trip sharpened the chain and checked the standard flocked filter. Found that fines are getting past the filter, which I am a bit unhappy with. Will the HD filter kit help filter to a finer lever without the sock on the filter or is the sock needed to filter finer? Will this keep the fine crap out of my saw?

Are edge and engine in the states the best price wise to get the kit from? I also want to buy the black front cover too, with postage from them it comes in about $105 through edge and engine with first class mail USPS.

Filter Kit 957173400 Heavy Duty Filter Kit for Dolmar PS-6400, PS-7300, PS-7900 - [957173400] - $69.95 at Edge & Engine
Black Cover 038118291 hood cpl., black ps-7900 (deco - [038118291] - $17.98 at Edge & Engine

have a look at this thread tonight, a few kita men come on this thread later on and they should be able to advise you correctly.
hustly the hd filter kit will stop all of the fines that get past the std filter in our hard timbers,im yet to see even a slight trace of dust on the inside of mine since fitting the hd. the felt sock doesnt do much its the paper element that does the important filtering. from memory the makita/dolmar hd filter is so good that matt(mcw) used the filter media from one to make a custom filter for a 390 husky.
I got my HD filter from Edge & Engine and they are a pleasure to deal with. Like Billy said - its a great filter, probably one of the best on the market.
Hultsy, with that little usage I'd just oil the flocked filter, it pretty well stops any crap going through.
I use foam filter oil, K&N filter oil apparently works well too.
The only downside with oiling the filter is that they block up fairly quickly. Not a biggy, but you have to wash them out and re-oil.

I used to use three standard filters and rotate them before buying the HD filter kit, if you want another standard filter I can send you one.
Oh, as has already been mentioned, Kyle at Edge and Engine is great to deal with, I buy most of my Dolmar/Makita bits from him.
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I got my HD filter from Edge & Engine and they are a pleasure to deal with. Like Billy said - its a great filter, probably one of the best on the market.

Yes they are a great filter, I've just ordered another one for my Dolmar 6400 from Kyle, I don't use the felt sock, the paper filter does just fine without it.
hey rick what you doing saturday, stroud show is on, we will be raceing there as well, some of our best nsw post cutters will be present.
I noticed there is still a bit of slinging going on in the Chinese chainsaw thread. Instead of crapping on with the Yanks and irritating them, take it up with me in this thread.

A lot of Aussies have been programmed with Australian propaganda on the firearm issue. When they spout that BS to more informed people they look like idiots. Stop the "in America" BS.

When all this Oz propaganda was happening back in the late 1980's I took a look at the actual statistics. Violence is a cultural issue. Most of the firearm deaths in America were related to young black males engaged in turf wars. The statistics for rural America were similar to rural Australia.

I looked just across the border from America to Mexico and found their murder rate was twice that of America, most of it done with cutting insturments. In Australia, I found that the murder rate for Northern Territory Aboriginals was 7 times the American rate.

The murder rates for various countries had nothing to do with the per capita ownership of firearms. Switzerland is often used as a country with a high firearm rate and very low murder rate. Violence is a cultural phenomena.

The disarmament agenda in Oz was initiated very early. A gunsmith mate of mind had a meeting in Washington DC in the late 1970's and was advised that it was going to happen. He didn't believe it until it all started happening. Rebbecca Peters was sent to Oz in 1982 (Coalition for Gun Control). The actual push began in 1984. Aussie Dave can probably relate some of the efforts of Stewart Beattie in those early years. I didn't get involved until 1988.

Here's a link for an article I wrote on the bull **** manipulations of the media and the Australian Institute of Criminology. There is a hell of a lot more that could be written, but the article is already rather long.
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I mentioned that I had written 4 articles related to evidence in the Port Arthur Massacre. Here is the text of the last article I wrote. If any of you want, we can discuss the article. I choose that article because it is limited to only a few issues.

Blue Bag and the Tray

There were so many lies during and after the Port Arthur Massacre that every time a new piece of evidence surfaces it is inevitable that a few more lies are exposed. So it was with the recent acquisition of a “Police Eyes Only” tape discovered in a second hand shop. On that tape there was a short segment about the Port Arthur Massacre and actual police footage on the day after the massacre.

For those who may remember, the shooter was carrying a “blue bag”. There was also a earlier picture of the alleged “blue bag” shown on television. In that picture from the television, the “blue bag” is sitting on a table with some garbage around it and in the background all the rest of the tables in the Café’ are in pristine condition. The picture was obviously a fake – but why?

Now we know.

On the day of the massacre at least two statements referred to the food tray that the shooter was eating from. The statements mentioned that the shooter was drinking from a Yellow Solo can and that he was not wearing gloves. That tray was important as it was like a personal calling card from the shooter. It contained fingerprints, thumb prints, palm prints, saliva, sweat, skin and possibly hair from the shooter. That tray contained real physical evidence as to the identity of the shooter.

After the massacre the issue of the tray never came up again. It was assumed that the tray was lost in the chaos of the massacre. That was further supported by the police resorting to the very flawed photo ID more than a month after the massacre in order to point a finger at Bryant.

Now, after 8 years, we know where the tray was – it was right next to the “blue bag”. It was left exactly where the shooter put it down. All the evidence was preserved for the police investigation. Here is a picture of the fake picture shown on television and the real “blue bag” and the tray in the Café’.

[ HTTP 404 - File Not Found ]

So where is the lab report on the tray? Did Bryant’s fingerprints and DNA show up on the tray and contents?

Here is a dirty little secret of many police investigations. If some exculpatory evidence is given to the prosecutor, then the prosecutor is duty bound to furnish that exculpatory evidence to the defence. Since that exculpatory evidence may completely compromise the prosecution case then in many cases, that evidence never gets to the prosecutor – it gets “lost”.

Getting rid of the lab report in regards to the tray is one thing. However, anyone taking a look at that video would immediately ask about the tray and whether there was a lab report – so the tray also had to be “lost”! No tray, no report. Thus the fake picture we all saw on television.

The story doesn’t stop there. One of the witnesses, Rebecca McKenna, gave a good account about the shooter and his tray. I have been informed that all the witness statements given on the day of the massacre were hand written. Further, that subsequent typed statements were produced which were altered from the original versions given to police. Rebecca McKenna’s statement is one such statement. Here is part of the typed statement given to her later (shortened for brevity) –

– “This male was carrying a tray with his food on it”. “His facial skin appeared to be freckly and he was pale” ”He was not wearing gloves” –“When he sat down, he placed his video camera and bag on the floor and began to eat his lunch, I noticed that he had a can of Solo and a plastic Schweppes cup on the table” – “I saw him drink his cordial and I noticed that he appeared anxious –“ -“The last thing I saw with regard to him was his tray falling out (explanation hand written: “tipping –didn’t actually see it fall”) of his hand as he was going back inside the cafeteria”.

Do you see what has been done? The statement has been altered to say “The last thing I saw with regard to him was his tray falling out of his hand as he was going back inside the cafeteria”. However, Rebecca caught the change and hand wrote into the margin “tipping – didn’t actually see it fall”.

So here we have the police, just four weeks after the massacre already trying to get rid of the tray.

As I said, every time a bit more evidence comes out more lies are uncovered. Just imagine what an inquiry could find.

UPDATE: The link above no longer has the original picture of the blue bag and the tray with the yellow Solo can on it. The Police have forced the real picture off of the internet. There is only a badly done tracing of the real picture. – And so the cover-up continues.
Hultsy, with that little usage I'd just oil the flocked filter, it pretty well stops any crap going through.
I use foam filter oil, K&N filter oil apparently works well too.
The only downside with oiling the filter is that they block up fairly quickly. Not a biggy, but you have to wash them out and re-oil.

I used to use three standard filters and rotate them before buying the HD filter kit, if you want another standard filter I can send you one.
Oh, as has already been mentioned, Kyle at Edge and Engine is great to deal with, I buy most of my Dolmar/Makita bits from him.

Thanks for the offer mate, but for the modest outlay I think i'll go the HD filter kit, I bought a good quality saw to last me more or less forever, I dont mind protecting the investment, its just annoying the standard setup is not up to the task. Also the HD kit and black hood are gonna look cool! Also planning to black annodize the dogs and bar nuts and paint the muffler black.
Thanks for the offer mate, but for the modest outlay I think i'll go the HD filter kit, I bought a good quality saw to last me more or less forever, I dont mind protecting the investment, its just annoying the standard setup is not up to the task. Also the HD kit and black hood are gonna look cool! Also planning to black annodize the dogs and bar nuts and paint the muffler black.

Can't wait to see some pics after the rebuild! While you have the paint out you could also paint the aluminium ends on the front handle. I have been wanting to do the same on a red 7900 Dolmar but haven't gotten around to it yet.