the all aussie dribble thread!

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Bloody hell, you QLD'ers have got the gear. The only police talk i hear is when our local copper tells me some local gossip.
i reackon the kempsey cops would be busy,now thats good listening,probly be alot like listening to kingaroy/murgon channels:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

They need it all Neil because they're all crims :D
the only crims in qld are the wannnkers in government
Forgot to mention, our little town spent some seriouse tax payers dollars on the weekend. 3 choppers dumping water on fires. Not to mention fuel trucks, SES personel and back up vechicle s for the choppers.
They used our little footy field for a mobile airport.
One SES fella told me, 25 choppers were working state wide that weekend.

Like that Will fella who stole that chainsaw title you had...
The bastard...

The only reason he has it is because us NSW boys wern't up to the task.
As for me, well i am just another has been in a long line of has beens, but we must make appearances just in case we remember how to win again.
The only reason he has it is because us NSW boys wern't up to the task.
As for me, well i am just another has been in a long line of has beens, but we must make appearances just in case we remember how to win again.

Awe I dunno Neil. I'd like to imagine that it wasn't talent related at all and while you were looking the other way Will quite simply stole it and bolted back across the border :D
i reackon the kempsey cops would be busy,now thats good listening,probly be alot like listening to kingaroy/murgon channels:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

the only crims in qld are the wannnkers in government

Don't forget Cherburg :msp_ohmy:

Splitpost, where are you at?

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You nsw fellas are close, heck we are all close in the racing, can't make a mistake these days, just one little wave of the bar or a missed cut and its over, makes for some great racing though doesn't it :msp_thumbup:

friday night before the Titles I thought it was all over me when the 2100 spat the dummy :blob2: I was ready to throw in the towel till I stepped up to the first block, then it was game on.

and packs a serious punch, boasting a 770ml fuel tank & 400ml oil tank. lol

But looks kinda durable compared to there other throw aways??
I bet the AV is great on that saw... :monkey:

Won't matter rudi, the men who will buy them are tough.
81cc and a ORIGIN chain, that will sell.

How do these guys get away with selling new saws without chain brakes.
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Dalby mate, repeaters up the bunyas ,can even hear some gympie stuff now and then,got all toowoomba channels too,makes for good listening sometimes:D

sure does, but what gets me is the amount of traveling they do between murgon and kingaroy transporting people back and forth, sounds more like a taxi service than a police farce. A couple of years ago I was listening in when a prisoner escaped from the courthouse in kingaroy, them coppers didn't know what to do cept race around town chasing "hot tips" as to where ol mate got to.