the all aussie dribble thread!

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Well I'll see your Stage 7 PJ and raise you to a Stage 10 !

Pfffft. Stage 10 indeed. My racing manuals say Stage 7 is as far as it goes you wally.

At that level I don't even need a chain, the bar just acts as a channel for the awsomeness emanating from the powerhead, so by just pointing the bar at the block the cellulose fibres in the timber become disrupted and just part, leaving a minimal kerf helping the sawyer stay within the lines in the speed event. ;)

Reminds me of that Noah bloke with the Red Sea.

I see. a ported rim sprocket,, that's a new one and very clever.

Extremely clever Neil. Balanced, ported, and blueprinted rims are the next evolution in racing.

Please don't put me in the same category as Dennis or Eric,,,,,,,,,,,,, i'm just a fish john west reject compared to those two.

But for 4K I could have a couple of days off work and make something happen.

Sorry if I offended you Neil but you were last on my 3 builder list :D
For $4,000 even I could make something happen. I'd import a new 395XP for $1100, send it to you to port for $1500, get Wayne to paint the muffler Tonka Truck orange for $300, and make a sly $1100 for doing absolutely stuff all.
Balanced, ported, and blueprinted rims are the next evolution in racing..
yeah but for stage 7 you forgot to include sideways balanced ,degreed brake lever and of corse the all important balanced shotpeened and polished muffler bearing sporting an axially tuned sphincter seal,:D:D
Crikey, if you really want to win, for a meagre $16,000 I can install a genuine flux capacitor so you can win before the event has even started !


If you doubt it, here's a link to my supplier, it's the real deal ;) Flux Capacitor - $15,849.95 :, Your home for the rare, unusual, and hard to find auto parts. and I have an exclusive deal for supply with race saws :p
Crikey, if you really want to win, for a meagre $16,000 I can install a genuine flux capacitor so you can win before the event has even started !


If you doubt it, here's a link to my supplier, it's the real deal ;) Flux Capacitor - $15,849.95 :, Your home for the rare, unusual, and hard to find auto parts. and I have an exclusive deal for supply with race saws :p

That later model flux capacitor won't work properly in the older units,i'm pretty sure that the older units had a more realistic gigawatt rating as the new ones claim the same specs but are actually lower and will result in a differential split of the space time continuem:D
Pfffft. Stage 10 indeed. My racing manuals say Stage 7 is as far as it goes you wally.

Still working out of a book I see ?

What happened to using the noggin sitting on top of the shoulders and being creative ?

Reminds me of that Noah bloke with the Red Sea.

Failed Sunday School too ?
Funnily enough my middle name is 'Moses' :D

Extremely clever Neil. Balanced, ported, and blueprinted rims are the next evolution in racing.

Out and out marketing ploy, reels in the unknowing but does bugger all......
That later model flux capacitor won't work properly in the older units,i'm pretty sure that the older units had a more realistic gigawatt rating as the new ones claim the same specs but are actually lower and will result in a differential split of the space time continuem:D

Good point but that usually only happens with Stihls, mainly thanks to the more uptight Germanic nature.

Huskies are pretty well immune to the problem due to being lovingly assembled by blonde tressed and dare I whisper it (nude) maidens in the facility in Sweden.
This imbues them with a more flexible and easy going nature at the molecular level, something science is still struggling to understand how and why exactly, but the results easily speak for themselves. ;)
new phones

on a serious note fellas ,I want to upgrade to a new smart phone but don't know what,what are you guys using and whats your opinions,will need to run on the Telstra network as nothing else works out this way ,rural,wan't something I can do internet with and still make calls in marginal areas,so it has to be blue tick.......probly asking a bit to much
I honestly think the 'blue tick' means bugger all these days.

I went with a Galaxy twelve months ago purely as you can plug in an external antenna, either buy a new cover or drill a 4mm hole in the back and a use a patch lead from your phone to an antenna plug.
I also refuse to do Apple, but Matt has mentioned that the later ones have excellent reception, something the early ones were really poor with.

I think only one or two of the Telstra phones have a dedicated plug these days, everything else relies on an inductive coil in the cradle which I'm lead to believe isn't that great.

Have to bolt, will post some mor ethoughts later.
Good point but that usually only happens with Stihls, mainly thanks to the more uptight Germanic nature.

Huskies are pretty well immune to the problem due to being lovingly assembled by blonde tressed and dare I whisper it (nude) maidens in the facility in Sweden.
This imbues them with a more flexible and easy going nature at the molecular level, something science is still struggling to understand how and why exactly, but the results easily speak for themselves. ;)

i'm gonna have to stop on this one rick ,I get could incriminate myself:rolleyes2:
I honestly think the 'blue tick' means bugger all these days.

I went with a Galaxy twelve months ago purely as you can plug in an external antenna, either buy a new cover or drill a 4mm hole in the back and a use a patch lead from your phone to an antenna plug.
I also refuse to do Apple, but Matt has mentioned that the later ones have excellent reception, something the early ones were really poor with.

I think only one or two of the Telstra phones have a dedicated plug these days, everything else relies on an inductive coil in the cradle which I'm lead to believe isn't that great.

Have to bolt, will post some mor ethoughts later.

yeah been looking at the galaxies and have to agree about the patch lead ,my current phone is ratschit without one ,what model galaxy?
Good point but that usually only happens with Stihls, mainly thanks to the more uptight Germanic nature.

Huskies are pretty well immune to the problem due to being lovingly assembled by blonde tressed and dare I whisper it (nude) maidens in the facility in Sweden.
This imbues them with a more flexible and easy going nature at the molecular level, something science is still struggling to understand how and why exactly, but the results easily speak for themselves. ;)

Did you have an extra "special" coffee this morning Rick? :D

on a serious note fellas ,I want to upgrade to a new smart phone but don't know what,what are you guys using and whats your opinions,will need to run on the Telstra network as nothing else works out this way ,rural,wan't something I can do internet with and still make calls in marginal areas,so it has to be blue tick.......probly asking a bit to much

I also went with a Galaxy but the google version and I have been really happy with it so far. I haven't had much problem with signal strength but in saying that I don't spend a whole lot of time out in the bush. The latest iphone reception is okay but it seems the battery is not up to the job - always hearing people complain about it. Also I sometimes find it hard to get my head around the iphone program navigation, etc. sometimes the programming doesn't seem very logical to me (as in finding your way through the phone). But thats just me.

At the other end of the spectrum you also have the windows phones, the latest one being a Nokia which is getting good reviews and is supposed to have really good coverage in Oz, at the top end of the smart phones anyway.

Also the touch screens seem to be reasonably tough these days but there is also extra insurance you can take out with you plan and you would get your phone fixed/replaced in case of breakages.
Latte time now :D

Waiting for a fork to arrive, won't be available until at least 9:30 now so it's coffee o'clock at the cafe :D

Ditto what Rudi said re the new Windows phones and reviews so far.

We have two Galaxies, I bought II's as the III had just been released and I'm cheap :D
I actually didn't think I'd use all the bells and whistles, I just wanted a phone to make calls and text occasionally, how wrong I was...
I love my smart phone.

I use the camera all the time to take ID plate photo's and email them straight from the phone to suppliers for parts, I've downloaded all my music to it and use that all the time. There's some cool apps you can get, even just the basic ones like Google maps are good. I think the lateset one I have scans and converts docs to a pdf and I haven't paid for one yet. Did I mention I'm cheap ? :D

We're with an Optus supplier as their coverage here is at least as good as Telstra, of course it's a bugger when I get 32km away from a tower, can see it on the far range and yet reception stops dead...

Reception with the Galaxy has been at least as good as the the Qualcomm and Kyocera's I had on the old CDMA system in the hills around here and better than the little Nokia I had before these phones.

Battery life sucks with a smart phone, particularly when you use data (as I am ATM using the phone as a tether/hotspot/modem for the laptop) but as Rudi said, the iPhone is supposed to be worse again, and you can't (easily) change a battery as they are soldered into the board.
Serg had a great youtube vid showing how you change an iPhone battery a few years back.
It involved a hammer. :laugh:

[edit] I'm surprised how tough the phone has been so far. The gorilla glass screen is unmarked, just make sure you get a full/flip cover for it.
My phone cops a caning being a tradie, it gets dropped, hit, etc. and as I said it''s been fine so far, touch wood...
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HTC One XL,had it for about a year, reasonable reception, about the same as all blue tick phones, like the android platform, plenty of apps to play with (even found a pipe app) . As with most smart phones battery life is crap if you leave it on full tilt with apps going and if it is searching for web reception it will be flat by lunch.
Latte time now :D

Waiting for a fork to arrive, won't be available until at least 9:30 now so it's coffee o'clock at the cafe :D

Ditto what Rudi said re the new Windows phones and reviews so far.

We have two Galaxies, I bought II's as the III had just been released and I'm cheap :D
I actually didn't think I'd use all the bells and whistles, I just wanted a phone to make calls and text occasionally, how wrong I was...
I love my smart phone.

I use the camera all the time to take ID plate photo's and email them straight from the phone to suppliers for parts, I've downloaded all my music to it and use that all the time. There's some cool apps you can get, even just the basic ones like Google maps are good. I think the lateset one I have scans and converts docs to a pdf and I haven't paid for one yet. Did I mention I'm cheap ? :D

We're with an Optus supplier as their coverage here is at least as good as Telstra, of course it's a bugger when I get 32km away from a tower, can see it on the far range and yet reception stops dead...

Reception with the Galaxy has been at least as good as the the Qualcomm and Kyocera's I had on the old CDMA system in the hills around here and better than the little Nokia I had before these phones.

Battery life sucks with a smart phone, particularly when you use data (as I am ATM using the phone as a tether/hotspot/modem for the laptop) but as Rudi said, the iPhone is supposed to be worse again, and you can't (easily) change a battery as they are soldered into the board.
Serg had a great youtube vid showing how you change an iPhone battery a few years back.
It involved a hammer. :laugh:

[edit] I'm surprised how tough the phone has been so far. The gorilla glass screen is unmarked, just make sure you get a full/flip cover for it.
My phone cops a caning being a tradie, it gets dropped, hit, etc. and as I said it''s been fine so far, touch wood...

What app are you using for AS Rick?

Another thing, the iphone screens are kinda small compared to the new line of smart phones. Apparently Steve Jobs put a size limit on the iphone and wanted to keep it 'compact', but im sure we'll see that change. Strangely enough only a few years ago phones where all about being small and compact, now tables have turned a big is better again. Ahhh humanity, when will you make up your mind...

I know apple has a few quirky ideas but a soldered in battery? Ahh no thanks, at least most other smart phones have the option of changing a flat/dead battery and in some cases larger capacity batteries are also available.
HTC One XL,had it for about a year, reasonable reception, about the same as all blue tick phones, like the android platform, plenty of apps to play with (even found a pipe app) . As with most smart phones battery life is crap if you leave it on full tilt with apps going and if it is searching for web reception it will be flat by lunch.

Expansion camber pipe app Will? :D
cool fellas ,yeah was going to do the same ,use the phone wifi to run the lappy,yeah I never been much for apple ,everything just has to be different with them,seems to be a lot of hype with the iphone,the younger gen seem to I must be getting old:laugh:
yeah but for stage 7 you forgot to include sideways balanced ,degreed brake lever and of corse the all important balanced shotpeened and polished muffler bearing sporting an axially tuned sphincter seal,:D:D

Gee's that's it you have gone and done it now,,,,,,, Bob will want 2 of those now..... think of the possabilities there....

edit, make that 6
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What app are you using for AS Rick?

Another thing, the iphone screens are kinda small compared to the new line of smart phones. Apparently Steve Jobs put a size limit on the iphone and wanted to keep it 'compact', but im sure we'll see that change. Strangely enough only a few years ago phones where all about being small and compact, now tables have turned a big is better again. Ahhh humanity, when will you make up your mind...

I know apple has a few quirky ideas but a soldered in battery? Ahh no thanks, at least most other smart phones have the option of changing a flat/dead battery and in some cases larger capacity batteries are also available.

No app ATM, but it's a PITA if you try and edit something...

Mostly I do what I'm doing ATM, tether the laptop to it.

Interestingly Dave Blears who owns/runs the Aussie Land Rover forum is a computer shop dude and doesn't really like Tapatalk, reckons it often causes problems with forum software, he tends to prefer Forum Runner but it depends on the forum too and who they've optimised it for.

I used to think tablets were just a flash in the pan phenomenon too, then when I did my course last year half the girls were using iPads and if you can cope with a touch screen were brilliant in that situation.
One even recorded all the lectures with it then transcribed later. All their course notes and manuals were available easily.
I ended up taking the lappy in after the first week but still wrote everything down with a pencil and pad.

The wi-fi range of the iPad is pretty poor but there are merits to the bloody things too, so much so I think a Windows or Android tablet would suit me better on the road than lugging around this big old lappy.

Bloody technology, the bastards end up snaring you eventually. Resistance is futile.... :laugh:

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