the all aussie dribble thread!

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You know how you put your phone on silent yet the camera still makes a sound when you take a photo? Sadly it's an anti pervert feature and it severely hampered my ability to provide evidence. Especially when I was sitting next to another chick :(
It's a cruel world.
Not on an iPhone. And you can use the volume buttons on the earphones as a shutter release [emoji12][emoji106]
Not on an iPhone. And you can use the volume buttons on the earphones as a shutter release [emoji12][emoji106]

Hmmmm. The Federal Police will come knocking soon :)
I had my work iPhone with me too dammit. I tried it on my personal Samsung Galaxy and no cigar.
Aren't many mills about that will take lumber from private homes. It's worth even less than negative. I'd mil it or turn it into firewood.

So is the trailer/shed or the wood worth less? Likely the video is worth more than either.

In Oregon and Washington you can usually take DF logs to a mill, if they are cut to the right length and do not have nails. I see log loads from small falling jobs pass by here all the time. Most go to pulp/chip mills though, and they are trash species or the last of a clear cut (cull logs). Up here around Portland most wood like this is sold or traded as logs for firewood or cut/split and sold as firewood. Most everyone around me in the Cascades here bucks up logs for firewood. I still have about a dozen logs to buck in my yard. Doug Fir cull logs that I had delivered form a falling job near here.
Hmmmm. The Federal Police will come knocking soon :)
I had my work iPhone with me too dammit. I tried it on my personal Samsung Galaxy and no cigar.

I have used iPhones and Droids. I hated to say it, and I hate to say it, but I love my Windows phone. It's effortless to use with Windows. If i had a mac, I would certainly stick with Mac - especially since I have years of Unix administration experience behind me. But Windows is where it's at for me most of the time, and having a windows phone is extremely handy. I also like how quality these Nokia phones are.
I have used iPhones and Droids. I hated to say it, and I hate to say it, but I love my Windows phone. It's effortless to use with Windows. If i had a mac, I would certainly stick with Mac - especially since I have years of Unix administration experience behind me. But Windows is where it's at for me most of the time, and having a windows phone is extremely handy. I also like how quality these Nokia phones are.

Nokia really need to get onboard with a more popular operating system though. It depends what you use your phone for I suppose. For example my work iPhone and personal Samsung Galaxy have a fair few work related apps on them including mapping, chemical apps, conversion tables etc. Then I have personal apps such as ballistic programs etc. Sadly the Windows phones don't have any of that available. A bit like the Blackberrys - really good phones but got left in everybody else's dust.
The last Nokia phone I had was an N97 Mini. Awesome design but let down by major software problems. Every single person I knew that bought one had similar issues to me. Best phone I ever had, and the worst phone I ever had, all at once.
All my apps are on my pc ;) I use the phone for communication and location, and very little else aside from msft office. It's not got the app choice that apple or droid have, however, it does have most of the apps you mentioned. It has a ballistics program that uses the weather info from your phone, too, for wind, humidity, pressure, etc. Windows phones are coming right along.

Since I travel a lot, I use it mostly for media. And windows phone on a windows pc makes it very easy.
All my apps are on my pc ;) I use the phone for communication and location, and very little else aside from msft office. It's not got the apps that apple or droid have, however, it does have most of the apps you mentioned. It has a ballistics program that uses the weather info from your phone, too, for wind, humidity, pressure, etc. Windows phones are coming right along.

Since I travel a lot, I use it mostly for media. And windows phone on a windows pc makes it very easy.

I'll remember to carry my laptop with me next time I buy a Windows phone :) I sometimes wish I could get by with just the good old basic button phone. But I can't dammit. Times have changed.
I just used my laptop to dload the ballistics app to my phone. I was curious to see how well the camera image/range estimation thing worked.

I am rarely without my laptop. One of the main reasons is because it is a very powerful one(I used it to edit media a lot), but also because I like a full sized KB, and I like to have a boatload of stuff running. I only use my phone for comm stuff, really. I prefer a laptop otherwise. Most of my images are done with a Sony NEX 6(you've seen my photos - a phone camera isn't gonna do me), then beamed to my laptop for editing(which is often in the car nearby just sitting there collecting the images being sent), or simply using the SD card. Though I might get one of those new MSFT S3's eventually when they get more powerful.

Using the 'autoHDR' on the Sony, edited in GIMP. The original is a 16mpxl image.

Oh wow, it was already installed when I checked it.

Should prolly make clear that when I said "used the laptop" I meant I logged in to the windows store and told it to send the program to my mobile, which was in the car for some odd reason.
Must be the week for phones...

Arrived home last night around 5:30, drop wallet, etc. on the table and then realise "where's my phone??"
Go through the car, pockets etc, so then get the ***** and backtrack to the last job 20km away.
Can't find it but had in the back of my mind I'd left it on the mudguard while stashing the 3' steps and digi thermometer.

Start driving home and 500m from the job at an intersection and big dip in the road sits the silhouette of a Samsung Galaxy.
Sure enough, my poor little phone, a little beaten, gouged and worse for wear but luckily not flattened by a semi and still working !

Breathe a big sigh of relief as apart from all my contact info are all my job times, orders and general crap.

Oh and Matt, you claim this gorgeous young thing was serving you coffee and yet we see no evidence ?
Are you taking up where Bob left off ?

Ha !

hahahahahahahahahahah. good one Rick.
Must be the week for phones...

Arrived home last night around 5:30, drop wallet, etc. on the table and then realise "where's my phone??"
Go through the car, pockets etc, so then get the ***** and backtrack to the last job 20km away.
Can't find it but had in the back of my mind I'd left it on the mudguard while stashing the 3' steps and digi thermometer.

Start driving home and 500m from the job at an intersection and big dip in the road sits the silhouette of a Samsung Galaxy.
Sure enough, my poor little phone, a little beaten, gouged and worse for wear but luckily not flattened by a semi and still working !

Breathe a big sigh of relief as apart from all my contact info are all my job times, orders and general crap.

Oh and Matt, you claim this gorgeous young thing was serving you coffee and yet we see no evidence ?
Are you taking up where Bob left off ?

Ha !
ph back ups!! at least fornightly!
With my Iphone using Itunes every time i plug it into the computer to charge it just backs it up automatically.

with my basic nokia to a nokia windows my backed up saved on PC and thumb drive checked with IT dept all contacts still went pftt gone would not churn over to new phone :( still playing to advantage I got good excuse not to call for some time now

bah windy again and i was about to ride my bike some 10 clicks drop of wifeys car for service Taxi taxi