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Nov 8, 2006
Reaction score
Franklin, OH
It's April 2nd now;)

Here's a 066 I just ported. It has a freshly honed cylinder, new piston, and new crank bearings, so there's a lot of break-in yet to happen. Still seems to be quite strong. It's pulling an 8-pin rim a 28" Stihl RSC chain.

You might notice there's no chip guard on the saw. You can really see how much they direct the chips downward. I just slapped this spare cover on there to keep the one for this saw clean. It's going to a new owner soon.

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Saw looks mighty fast this the infamous Joat trick saw?:popcorn:

Speaking of Break-In....Does this one have all it's fins now! :)

Same saw, same cylinder. The new owner didn't want it replaced and wanted it ported. I put about 1 1/2 tanks of fuel through it in 80° weather giving it very little time to cool between cuts. Even with the new piston, I spared it no mercy. If it was going to seize, I wanted to make it happen right now.
Yowwwzaaa!!! I think there is gonna be an 066 owner with a big grin on his face!!! Is that Sugi Hara bar your official test bar? I've seen it on a few of you saws in your videos. JJuday
Wow, when I had my 7900 ported I was told by someone that it was going to overheat and cause problems, becasue the stock cooling wasn't going to be able to keep up, I would have to say this would be true for a ported saw missing a couple decent sized fins farthest away from the flywhwheel side. Hmmmm maybe my 7900 will be able to run cool, this gives me confidence and hope now...LOL:cheers:
That saw has gotten more internet screen time than Pamela Anderson.

Nice work Brad, BTW.
Porting it is definatly a good selling point on anything, people love performance. If you want to try a destruction test to see if it holds up throw it on the mill and see if it will last, if it can do that it should last cutting firewood. Turn that Red Oak into planks:clap:
Porting it is definatly a good selling point on anything, people love performance. If you want to try a destruction test to see if it holds up throw it on the mill and see if it will last, if it can do that it should last cutting firewood. Turn that Red Oak into planks:clap:

I do need to get on milling that Oak up before it's too late. I believe that place is supposed to be bulldozed soon:( I'm going to miss my test yard for sure!
Here are a few specs on the saw for you number collectors.

Exhaust - 97°
Transfers - 122°
Intake - 80°
Blowdown - 25°
Squish - .021"

I had no issues with the stock port timing, plus it's a worksaw. So I didn't go in to change port timing. I did end up lowering the intake to 82°, just cleaning up a little lip on the bottom of the port. A factory gasket was used and the squish unchanged at .021. Ports were widened to within about .050" of the skirt edges, and the transfers widened to within about .050" of the ring ends. The lower transfer ducts were tapered toward the base. The muffler mod only consists of removing the end of the cage and enlarging the factory opening as much as the deflector would cover.
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Porting it is definatly a good selling point on anything, people love performance. If you want to try a destruction test to see if it holds up throw it on the mill and see if it will last, if it can do that it should last cutting firewood. Turn that Red Oak into planks:clap:

He inquired about porting it. We discussed replacing the cylinder and decided against it. It will be interesting to see how it does in the long run. I gave this saw no real time to break in, and put it right to work with the 8-pin on a warm day with it tuned like I'd want it, not rich. If it was prone to seizing, I wanted to make it happen now.
Yeah it will be interesting to see, maybe it will last long time. Maybe 40% gains on a stock jug isn't so out of the question.

Is there any White Oak there at that property, I need some new trailer planks! I can't find a white oak around here to cut out of.
Yeah it will be interesting to see, maybe it will last long time. Maybe 40% gains on a stock jug isn't so out of the question.

Is there any White Oak there at that property, I need some new trailer planks! I can't find a white oak around here to cut out of.

I don't know my Oaks well, but this may very well be White Oak. It's definately not Red Oak. Youre welcome to come over tomorrow and give me a lesson on milling:clap: I've yet to mount the 084 in the mill. There's more Oak here than I can use.
Franklin is about a 3 1/2 hour drive for me, In a couple weeks I'll be down that way to visit WPAF base, the Doolittle Raiders reunion is there, but I doubt I'll have any saws with me:)