Timber cutting in Burma (Myanmar)

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Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Virginia, West Virginia, Montana
Thought you guys might like to see a pic from one of my trips to Burma, now known as Myanmar. The country is still very primitive as you can see. Enjoy and I've got lots more images if you are interested. This should make you appreciate your chainsaws. :chainsaw: :):):) ..Carl

Bring on the pictures. It isn't everyday we see shots of crosscut saws and women splitting wood!
That is a woman isn't it?

LOL Nah...It's a guy. The men and women wear the same wrap around called a sarong. Very cool and unrestrictive. Yes, I have some and have worn them. FISH don't get any ideas about me. :angry2:

I have a customer that has a brother in the Philippines, who mills lumber with a chainsaw. He mills totally freehand. The guy says that his brother tried a chainsaw mill, but didn't like it. That would take some skill.
I have a customer that has a brother in the Philippines, who mills lumber with a chainsaw. He mills totally freehand. The guy says that his brother tried a chainsaw mill, but didn't like it. That would take some skill.

Yeah I've got pictures some where showing natives doing just that in either Nicaragua or Panama. I ran across them a couple of days ago while cleaning off a computer and now I can't remember where they are. :(

If I find them again I'll post...Carl

PS...You wouldn't believe how accurate and square a cut they make using this technique.
Burmese skidders with four legs

Take a look at these four legged skidders. Also note the size and color of the wood. They have some of the most gorgous wood and I managed to bring a little bit home with me on this trip.



The guys riding the elephants are called mahouts. They love their elephants and take better care of them than they do themselves.

The trees were cut with crosscut saws...Carl
is that a Husky they're running?..... cool pics. what were ya'll doing there?
is that a Husky they're running?..... cool pics. what were ya'll doing there?

At that point in my life I was a scientific/documentary photographer for the Smithsonian. I was lucky to be sent all over the world. Retired from that job yesterday so I guess that is why I'm spending so much time here on AS today. LOL

I'm going through my computer's hard drives and cleaning them...Carl
A Burmese skidder. :chainsaw:

Beautiful country. Burma is ruled by a military dictatorship. One of my late uncles contracted malaria in Burma during WW2 while serving in the army.

Burma is definitely a beautiful country and the back country, once you get there, is pretty unspoiled.

Actually it is ruled by a military junta (bunch of generals). One day I'll tell the story of coming out of the jungle only to find out my presence was ordered before that group for "tea". A bit scarry but memorable. They are doing the same thing as is happening in IRAQ trying to wipe out Karen and other cultures. That is what "Rambo" saw when they were filming there and just across the border in Thailand.

Great pics Carl! reminds me of a friend who owns a tract of land in Palau/Micronesia. They use powersaws there, but it's all antique equipment like Russian Druzhba saws from the 50's/60's.
Elephants are supposed to be pretty easy on the ground too. I have told people who think horse logging is the way to go that elephants would be better because they can deck and load the logs too.:)

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