Time to quit?

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Feb 27, 2002
Reaction score
se washington
Perhaps I should mothball all my equipment after this mornings doings.

Yesterday I went out to pull this leaner out of that jungle.


The butt end is way out of sight in the pic about 10' below the level ground. It is laying across deep ditches (2) that are at least 4ft deep. Work yesterday was to cut the two stems free, dropping the butt log to the ground. That all went well but the only way to get at the cutting location was a path around and down to the right of the tree. Involved crossing both ditches. Sorta solved the crossign by cutting small stuff and corduroying the ditchs half full. Time I had that done, hacked my wy through 6' tall teasel, nettles and dead dry Canadian thistle, cut the two sstems, freed them from the tree they were still leaning against and yanked them up top I quit after bucking up the stems. Figured easy day to finish up this morning..

It should have been!!

Arrive 7:30 pile out, grab a chain, snatch block and cable, get it up in the tree with cable through snatch block. Toss loose end down near the cut end of the butt log. Fight my way down the path, fall crossing first ditch, fall again crossing second, get over to the cable end, retrieve it and stand there with a very stupid look on face. I FORGOT THE STUPID CHAIN laying up on top. I don't wrap my good cables around the load to pull on - instant permanent kink in cable doing that.

Repeat path back up, get chain, back down (fall one more time) hook up chain.

Back to top, get truck in position to pull, hook cable to truck ... Why is there no resistance to pulling on cable? I FORGOT TO HOOK THE STUPID CABLE TO THE CHAIN ON THE TREE.

Repeat path to do that.

Sum total I spent an hour with all my stumbling around and fogetting WTH I was doing on a 20 minute job at most.

At least I finished the job, small load of wood but paid the gas cost, excercise was a bonus especially that spent getting these old bones back verticle many times.

Left a message thanking the guy for the wood I harvested out of that jungle (could only take down trees) but subtle hints that he should allow me to remove all the standing dead - lots of it.

Dunno what was with my head - i musta forgot to insert the brain befoe I left.

Harry K
I think you do just fine working in that jungle! I have one of those coming up tomorrow I hope (n nice hickory but the branches are up a steep bank, lousy slippery footing,weeds literally over my head, and the trunk goes right downhill into the pickers and mud sawmp), I'll be more than glad to get as much done!
Harry, don't feel bad we all have days like that for instance ,this spring i was cutting a ( one ) red cedar for a couple of fence post, on a creek / growed up field edge, by the time i got done slipping ,tripping ,falling , and getting the crap slapped out of me by little saplings and about flipping the 4 wheeler over , i was like dang ,some days it just ain't clicking. Hang in there . :rock:Termite
You can't quit, I like reading your posts about your firewood exploits:clap: I just hope I can be as active as you when I get to 76:dizzy:

P.S. Glad your ok! Was a little worried with your title.
I hate days like that, it seems you just can't get it right.I think we all have them.No need to quit, Harry, what will you do for fun?

Keep your chin up man! Even when Mr Murphy shows up and slaps you around, you are still more productive than most people! So what if you are 10 years ahead on firewood. We would all feel let down if you gave up now! You are an inspiration, Sir!
Thanks, Harry. I'm glad to hear you weren't injured. Yep, this was one of those days ya remember for some time to come. :)

Irritating conditions can make the best of us forgetful at times. You just wanna get done and get out of there.

Here's a laugh at my expense for you: Last year the wood lot was very muddy. Standing water everywhere. A red oak took out the remains of an old bobwire fence back there. I'd been meaning to clean up that bobwire - much of it was under felled trees and underwater. Was carrying rounds out by hand and tripped on a piece of that old wire. Not once but three times before I'd had enough falling on my face in the muck for one day.
A mind is a terrible thing to lose. I'm just happy when I can find mine after doing so.
Days like that I find it best to just hang it up for another day. That way everything is still intact.:msp_wink:
Thanks, Harry. I'm glad to hear you weren't injured. Yep, this was one of those days ya remember for some time to come. :)

Irritating conditions can make the best of us forgetful at times. You just wanna get done and get out of there.

Here's a laugh at my expense for you: Last year the wood lot was very muddy. Standing water everywhere. A red oak took out the remains of an old bobwire fence back there. I'd been meaning to clean up that bobwire - much of it was under felled trees and underwater. Was carrying rounds out by hand and tripped on a piece of that old wire. Not once but three times before I'd had enough falling on my face in the muck for one day.

My worst was stopping the truck in the wood patch, stepping out and having a stump hole swallow my left leg right up to the hip. Once wasnt' enough - it got me again before the work period was over. I had several 'prone' positionings the year I got back to wooding after two hip replacements. Twist just right and it would put me flat on the ground. No yelling but only because I didn't have breath enough to do it :)

Harry K
Hey Harry,

Please do not quit. We need you around to keep us younger guys honest. You have to have a bad day every now and then to make the good days "good".

I honestly hope I can get around 1/2 as well as you *if* I can make it to your age. Even the wise owl's have off days every now and then.

Keep your chain sharp for a better day.

Stay safe,
If it doesn't kill ya, will make you stronger..
Take it on the chin, you did not get damaged, back in the stack tomorrow.
Stay Safe..