Treeslaying Illinois style

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we hammered 3 good sized oaks today, on 3 different jobs. all worthy of a crane, and made the good money on em all.
tree 1 live Red Oak leaning against a house.
tree 2 VERY dead Red oak trying to fall on a house.
while doing the second job, the big, fresh dead red oak 30' feet away in the neighbors yard called to me, cried for for my loving saw, and I tore her ass out the frame. She was victim 3. We never even moved the crane, I took it apart sending hand signals to a halfway man, and I crippled that ground crew. :hmm3grin2orange:

all the wood to the tree 2 front yard. I hitched a leader as high as we get, dropped down and cut under several more leaders, sending the loads sideways over the house back to the landing zone, only way they could get over the house. too far for the jib, unless piecing small. NOT ME. :hmm3grin2orange:

we have over 400 pics today, and will be uploading soon. I have a Flickr account for the high resolution stuff.





By the way buddy, thats a white oak, not a red. The reds are the ones with the pointy tips on the leaves. How long you say you've been doin this?:deadhorse::biggrinbounce2:
The one up against the house is one of the White Oaks but normally the guy doing all the hard dangerous work doesn't need to be excact about the specific epithet, just the nutsack to get the job done.
It helps to know the species of tree you are dealing with to understand how it will react in hingewood, holding wood, jump cuts, etc. and how much you can trust it climbing and rigging, how much it weighs, etc. etc..
It helps to know the species of tree you are dealing with to understand how it will react in hingewood, holding wood, jump cuts, etc. and how much you can trust it climbing and rigging, how much it weighs, etc. etc..

I agree, however there are a lot of climbers out there that can safely take down large trees without knowing the excact name of it. Some climbers may know the tree without knowing the exact name or likewise some climbers can get the feel of a tree while climbing it. If that makes any sense.
of course it's a white oak, don't know why I typed red.:confused:

Only white oaks hollow out like that, I've never seen a red that far gone.
they fall first.
oaks are oaks most times, til you get to water oaks.:dizzy:
maple pruning for a change

Homeowner wanted this big Silver Maple pruned off his house and deck. belonged to his neighbor, who let us at it.

Up on a Mar Bar





Compressing pics kinda diminishes these high res pics.:mad::mad:
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Thats wonder lake, averages 8' deep, 5 miles long, a mile wide. like a big bathtub, warm water even up here. didn't dip in today, but spent the weekend on the boat, dragging kids on the tube.

and I love the mar bar, I can fly up to the TIP.

My new groundman !!

This is the son of a friend/customer, he was hired immediately. kinda young, but clearly on his way to the groundman hall of fame. :clap:


was coke, the can has no lid. teaching em young here, huh?:cheers:
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Well the Slayer is flying back to VA this morning for 3 days. I get to see my kids, and have to go to Leesburg Thursday for a deposition in a civil case. (car accident 4 years ago I was hurt in.) :mad:

got some work waiting, and gotta cut mom and dad some firewood. and the stripers are running, too.

Well the Slayer is flying back to VA this morning for 3 days. I get to see my kids, and have to go to Leesburg Thursday for a deposition in a civil case. (car accident 4 years ago I was hurt in.) :mad:


When did we all start talking in the third person....."The Dan"...."The Slayer" lol. We must be in the presence of celebrities.

Good luck in your court case.
You just have to remember especially with Treeslayer. He is a legend in his own mind :D Of course the fact he is good enough to back up what he says helps too.