Well, it may be 100 degrees but......

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Oct 29, 2005
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Ulster County NY
......in only a month and a half, we will be burning wood! No, I'm not thinking of a hot woodstove, I'm thinking of a chilly fall day that warrants lighting up.

Who's behind or caught up on the woodpiles?

I got 7 cord of oak cut and split.I have another 7 bucked for next year.I'm having so much fun i guess I'll keep goin....
lots and lots of wood

13, 128 cubic foot cords (is there any other) dry hard maple in the yard,1 cord in basement.About 6 cords at girl friends,another10 cords dry hardwood mixed at a bush 7 miles away,for winter after next.About 5 cords very dry white oak out of bush and cut up at cottage (25 acres of TREES!!!!).Maybe winter after next.Trees keep growing as fast as the furnace burns it up .Don't stop getting wood,the next iceage maybe coming. 2 066's and a MS660Mag.Record heat wave Aug.3

I'm horrible, I suck, I'm useless, almost no wood to speak of!
I'm working too much and on an airplane more then I'm on the ground........... It's Ok I must have missed my medication. Very little wood makes me sad.:confused: :mad:

Maybe I can get a load of logs delivered!!!!
I have about 5 cord ready and about 4 cord on the ground in 8' lengths and 10 cord cut and split at a friends house. Should be enough for this season. Bummer, then I got to start all over again.
Behind too

Out in sonoma, and mendocino counties average was 105, 115 for way to long. Got behind didnt do much of anything except get a pool. Cant wait for winter. Summer I usually catch alot of pigs in one of my spots, they are there, but this heat has been unbeliavable. Cool though the last week or so. Time to get some wod in.
I don't burn as much as I used to, just a couple cords in my workshop. Have a lot more to buck and split but I have enough for the shop this winter - white oak, cherry, ash. Call me crazy, but there's nothing like swinging an 8 lb. maul on a hot muggy day, drenched with sweat after you get that second wind. Any breeze at all feels like air-conditioning. I'll go through a couple gallons of water - got to keep hydrated!
Caught up for this upcoming winter, but behind for future year(s). As a wood scavenger, this always seems to be the case.
I slaved in the heat and rain a few weeks ago to build a shelter for my firewood. Here it is half loaded...about 100 cubic feet of birch and maple. I'm good for the fall! :blob4:

DONE ! well , almost .

All down and almost finished . Have about a pick up load to finish splitting . Need to finish stacking . 2.5 cords finished and stacked . 6 cords split and needs stacked and the little rounds are to stay put where they are already stacked ( 2 .5 cords ). This was all cut just this past December .
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That's a beautiful wood shelter. Do you have plans for that. I was thinking of building one.
About 10 cord black locust. 15 cord ready for this winter, 8 cord and building from this seasons cutting split and stacked.

Will be back out on Saturday to continue working on the tree (Willow) I laid down Tuesday. 30" butt, about 70' tall and first crotch about 50'. Too bad it is half rotten on the bottom. Got a bit of good wood from it in the first 8', next 13' all on the burn pile. Showed signs of improving at that point as they usually do.

Have a batch of half punky stuff tossed aside for those first quick fires in the fall - need to get that moved into the shed before the rains start and then get 3 cord stuffed into the back porch - I'll start that job along about October sometthing. Those 3 cord will take me into January and then I'll be using out of the woodshed.


Harry K
i must be crazy too, it hit 100 up here tuesday and i am thinking about wood, i always try to keep 4-5 cord one year ahead. six years ago i ran out had to burn unseasoned wood from fall and cresoted chimney, had to have it all chipped out and a liner put in, costly! so heres next years wood ready for the axe

Here's a thought. It's been very humid here in the east.Had a friend with 20" oak logs that have been down for 2 years.Straight as an arrow,should have gone to the mill!Anyway when cut moisture was over 35%!!Heres what I do.Stack and cover in black heavy plastic all around.Leave sort of loose Put a large coffee can on top with the lid.You will see the plastic balloon out on a hot day,Take off the coffee can top and you won't believe the heat and moisture that comes out!When it's going to rain,put the top on. It works so will I think I'm going to manufacture it.
I am way behind as usual, I got a truckload yesterday and going to head out again today, gonna need around 8-10 cords of wood, I am the worlds greatest procrastinator! we don't got the good hardwoods here the best stuff around here is Larch(tamarac) or birch, usually end up with a few loads of pine to burn thru the warmer days and save the good stuff for the real cold ones
Thanks Banjo... I don't have much of a plan for the shelter, just made a few sketches to figure out what wood to buy and winged it. I sized it so I would have a few cuts as possible (roof is 3 sheets of plywood, 12' x 4'...so 1 cut only). I can tell you the columns are 4x4 - 8' long, floor is 2x10s - 10' long and 5' wide, top frame is 2x6s and rafters and floor boards 2x4. Everything in the lower part is PT wood, top section just regular lumber.

Here's a shot during construction...testing the rafter strength.


Floor and top frame joints are sitting in 1/2" recesses in the 4x4s, attached with carriage bolts. I will add a another 2x4 rack to pile my milled wood above the firewood. The three 2x10s in the floor are sagging a bit under the half load. I will add some middle support before I fill up the other side.:biggrinbounce2:
I too have been thinking about my wood and am way behind on what I have planned. I have access to wood that has to be cut up and brought home, but time and space to put the wood is very limited. I have enough for my personal use, but am trying to get a little extra to sell. This is the first year of me trying to get some extra wood and I haven't been going about it properly. I should have done the cutting and splitting before June when it was a lot cooler. Now it's hotter than hot and the early mornings and late evenings are the only human times of the day to work outside for this northern boy. When working in this extreme heat, there is not one inch of dry clothing on my body, I can't get drink enough water, and the direct sunlight is weakening. I have to be careful and not get too hot. I have to really be careful when I'm running my saws, especially while wearing my saw chaps. The chaps may be hot to wear, and the sweat may run down into my safety glasses, but safety first and foremost!


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