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Your Milage May Vary ...

... Some how years ago someone put a review of my company on Alist. I never asked to be there and I've been on there ever since. Over the the last several years about every other week I get a call or letter from them saying you've qualified for the super service award - for just $this amount we'll place your name yada yada... I tell them no thanks but keep my name in there and the calls comin, thanks and have a great day. Its a scam but free advertising for me so what the hey...

That is exactly how I got involved. Someone gave me a review of my work (a very good review) and that was all it took to become a listed contractor. I let that ride for about a year and did get a few more jobs from A-List customers. They also gave me good reviews. I don't really remember when I first started to get A-List marketing emails (probably filtered out as junk) but after about a year I checked it out. Sure, they want to sell marketing to contractors, my first contract was $86.50 a month to be listed on the first page and highlighted.

So with a six pack or so of good (great actually) customer reviews I paid up to be listed and from there it took off rapidly becoming half my business. The 50 more excellent reviews just added to the snowball effect and it has been very much worth it for me. ~YMMV

Sounds to me like you have garnered enough good reviews to qualify for the "Super Service Award" in your marketing area TreeAce. If I were you I'd start using it, you didn't have to pay to get it; it was awarded to you by customers. Paying to be highlighted on the first page of search results has paid off many times over for me, of course you have to have excellent reviews to go with that, but for me it has been the most cost effective way to get my name before qualified customers who are willing to pay for quality service.; again ~YMMV
Try to be a little professional ...

You can see all your reviews on your "company connect". Page you can respond to the review and/or contact the customer if you like.

I figured a question about Angies list might be the first topic that mr asinine would be able to contribute some useful information about...

You were right about that ~ but did you need to add the clearly ad homonym attack to that post? [my bold] I will refrain from reporting you this time, but it is your last warning with regards to personal attacks when they are directed at me.

You were right about that ~ but did you need to add the clearly ad homonym attack to that post? [my bold] I will refrain from reporting you this time, but it is your last warning with regards to personal attacks when they are directed at me.
you got some balls telling marquis to be professional! thats the best joke i have read on this forum since angies list.
you got some balls telling marquis to be professional! thats the best joke i have read on this forum since angies list.

Well if Marquis represents his company with comments like that than he is a joke as a professional no matter what his skills or equipment are. True professionals of any sort treat people with respect and gentlemanly like behavior. If there is one true thing that most could learn from me here is to not only walk the walk, but also talk the talk if you want to be respected.

edit: respected by me that is, the rabble here don't really count for much
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You were right about that ~ but did you need to add the clearly ad homonym attack to that post? [my bold] I will refrain from reporting you this time, but it is your last warning with regards to personal attacks when they are directed at me.

Report me for what? You have earned that title. Your nonsensical posts and constant threats of physical violence has more then justified the title of "Mr Asinine". Feel free to report me or what ever you like.
AA why don't you start your own forum and leave this one alone then you can be the masturd and mod all you want
AA why don't you start your own forum and leave this one alone then you can be the masturd and mod all you want

Well it is inevitable that he is going to leave or the vast majority of sponsor clicking tree care professionals are going to end up banned or just up and leave. There will be nothing but crickets in here... well not counting AA and FTA.
THIS> http://www.arboristsite.com/commercial-tree-care-climbing/192274.htm applies to most of you that are snivelling back and forth at each other right now like children.


Okay so now the mods are name calling... great. You guys just do not see the writing on the wall, or in the forum. There is one person and one person only right now that is perpetuating this crap. I have stated it before and Ill say it again the crap he spews is going to get someone hurt or killed and AS will be partially responsible for not controlling what is said in a Commercial Tree Care Forum. People come in here and expect you to know what you are talking about so they take your word seriously.

I guess that sig is much better then our "childish banter"
What I did today.......

Not much, but I did write a small fiction piece that's sort of a fable.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl, named Ariel. She was named after a mermaid, and silly as it was, Ariel was her name. Ariel thought of herself as an intelligent, honorable person. The trouble was, none of her schoolmates thought of her in this way. Quite the opposite, they all thought of Ariel as being quite average in intelligence, and less than honorable in her actions. Ariel couldn't understand why.

On a regular old Thursday, Ariel made her way on to the playground, all by herself as usual. She observed a group of children playing, and wanted to join in. All her classmates didn't want Ariel to play, because Ariel always ran to the teacher when the games didn't play out as Ariel wished.

First they were playing keep away. Ariel jumped in with the group, but very soon was standing still and frowning in the mass of running, throwing, and catching children. They wouldn't throw the ball to Ariel, even though she as not it. So Ariel did as she usually did, and ran to the teacher. Ariel's teacher was named Miss Angie. "Miss Angie", said Ariel, "All the other kids won't throw me the ball, even though I'm not it." Miss Angie was rather disinterested, as she'd had to deal with the petty complaints of Ariel many times before. She wished that Ariel would learn to keep her mouth to herself, so that maybe the other children would begin to accept her, but to no avail. Ariel always seemed to take it upon herself to inform all the other children of how unfair, unkind, and ungrateful of her presence they were.

But Miss Angie had much bigger worries than the plight of Ariel, and what games were being played in general. So Miss Angie stopped the game, and told the children to pick something else to play.

Next was four square. Ariel waited her turn to play, but as soon as she was in the game, all three of her opponents kept hitting the ball into Ariel's square, until she missed and was out. Again, Ariel ran to Miss Angie. "Miss Angie", now they're all hitting the ball into my square". "I thought that's what you wanted, to be involved in the game, isn't it?", asked Miss Angie.

"Well yes Miss Angie, it is, but....". Miss Angie cut Ariel off, and said "Ariel, if you get better at four square, maybe you'll win once in a while, and not get knocked from the game."

Ariel again took her place in line, and got back into the game. And was promptly knocked from the game. Again. And as usual, Ariel was soon tugging on Miss Angie's sleeve. "Miss Angie, I'm just not as good at four square as they are, and it's not fair."

Miss Angie was becoming increasingly exasperated. This little Ariel was more trouble than she was worth, but Miss Angie just wanted to have a few moments of peace before the end of recess. "Go play Ariel, and stop tattling on your classmates just because you're not as good at four square as they are".

Ariel was mad, but she had a plan. One last time, she took her place in the line. This time when she got in the game, she used her pretty pink hair pin to poke a hole in the ball as soon as it was hit in her square. Ariel had been sly, no one saw the action, except Miss Angie, but the ball was flat just the same.

Ariel shrugged her shoulders and walked smiling to the merry-go-round, fixing her pretty pink hair pin in her hair on the way.

With no ball to play with, the rest of the class climbed onto the merry-go-round. Finally, Ariel could play on equal terms with her classmates. As the merry-go-round began to spin, Ariel smiled. Now this was fun. Soon the merry-go-round was going faster and faster. And faster. Ariel hadn't expected it to be so hard to hold on, and began to get frightened. She began screaming for them to slow down, but her protests couldn't be heard over the noise of the class. Three turns later, her hands slipped from the bar, and Ariel was flung onto the hard ground. Her knees were scraped, her pretty pink dress was torn and dirty, but worst of all, Ariels's arm was broken.

As Miss Angie walked Ariel inside to see the nurse and call Ariel's mother, she said "Ariel, now you're on my list of students who spend recess in study hall instead of on the playground, and I want you to think about how your actions in the four square game caused you to skin your knees, tear your dress, and break your arm."

There are several morals to this story, does anyone know what they are?
You can see all your reviews on your "company connect". Page you can respond to the review and/or contact the customer if you like.

I tried that a couple times and it wouldn't let me see my reviews unless I became a member. Maybe I wasn't doing it correctly but it seems to me that they are just another advertisement tool out to make a profit like any other business. Whatever, they never got a dime from me and I get a decent amount of work out of it.

Seems to me that they have a pretty good racket going on there. A contractor does work for a PAYING AL member, then that person writes a review about the contractor. Then AL sends the contractor a letter saying your qualified for some "super service award" which will cost ya $ per month.. Oh and there's a great review written about you but to see it will cost ya that $ per month. And the contractor never asked to be on there in the first place...
Funny, I have been thinking about writing a book for years. I've had lots of good ideas for books. I miss Maple Man, or whatever his name was who wrote about Guido. That dude was gifted and obviously knew his #### about doing large removals. He should be a writer. Only problem is the only people who would read his books is old saddle bum tree men. :)

Anyway, I went out on a bid this morning. The guy called me yesterday afternoon and had told me he had three removals and a few prunes as well as stumps ground. I didn't have anything scheduled today, it's supposed to rain tomorrow and I am going to be busy all weekend and next week so I loaded up everything, stumper included and headed off to do the bid. I had thought that he said he wanted to do it today but I guess he wanted me to just come look at it. He has already got two bids besides mine and is getting two more. I gave him a hell of a price as I wanted to do it today but he said he still wanted to talk to the two other companies.As of right now we are tentatively scheduled for next Wed.. Hate it when I drag everything to town and then they want to wait. Anyway, I've got a large removal and many, many stumps to grind this weekend as well as a few other small removals. Supposed to check with another one Friday on another large removal. They are waiting on tax return.

So back to my book idea. I am a character study and have met some true characters in my time. For whatever reason I was thinking about a bum I met a couple of years back. I had had problems with my truck and was at a gas station/convenient store waiting for my ride I had called. This bum was standing in front and asked me for some change. Can't remember if I gave him some but we struck up a conversation. He was a real huckster. Somewhere around mid sixties, smelling of cheap wine and tobacco. I kind of ruffled his feathers standing there in front with him as he asked me, not so kindly, to move to the other side of the walk as I was encroaching on his territory. I gladly did so as I didn't want to appear as though I was a bum looking for a hand out. I was thinking about how it takes work just for me to get to my work and for some reason I thought about that huckster bum and how it took work for him to just make a less than honorable living. If he put his efforts into learning something and working for real it would probably yield him much better results and be less work than having to work a scam and hustle the street...

Anyway, I thought this guy would make an interesting character for a book.
You were right about that ~ but did you need to add the clearly ad homonym attack to that post? [my bold] I will refrain from reporting you this time, but it is your last warning with regards to personal attacks when they are directed at me.

Who are you warning Doug I mean really ,I think that from your videos and such you have a lot of nerve speaking about anyone in this profession , I hope that MDS hasn't let you beat him because he got himself banned NOT you so don't dare ever try to take credit for that cause honestly he has more talent in his middle finger than what I've seen you post here , and on a non personal note I likewise think you suck as a tree worker I would love to come climb for you for a day and bury you the convict and cousin lurch up to your necks in brush.. Just saying ... Then you'll see how a real climber rolls
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I would like to start a new thread titled "What did everybody, except Aerial Mason, do today?"
could ya please cause I enjoy this forum but that guy , I mean it bothers me to think there are people judging me by his actions , I mean if he's a representative of professional tree care in the pittsburgh area then for the first time I am ashamed of my vocation .

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