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Woke up at 430am to go to missisauga for a Arborist saftey group meeting, pretty good meeting have another one march 22nd learned alot about health and saftey, need to do some work on our trainings mods for equipment and a few other things(Baisicaly drove 3 hours to get a ton of new paper work lol) so that what ill be doing for the next little while :msp_razz:
could ya please cause I enjoy this forum but that guy , I mean it bothers me to think there are people judging me by his actions , I mean if he's a representative of professional tree care in the pittsburgh area then for the first time I am ashamed of my vocation .

Yeah lets bring back the good old days when just being from Jersey was enough.
Pretty much brand new sc252! Mint condition, stopped by Blake's masters on the way back for a quick visit, we are an hour from the border just stopped for some grub! Nice meeting you Blake's

Same here, bud. Like I said you STOLE that machine. Congrats. Too bad you were towing it with a J(H)eep instead of a 'yota! lol

I had something happen today that was a trip! I was up about 40-50' on a oak prune, behind me in the other big oak, I hear some noise and a squeal. I turn and look and there is this BIG A S S bird, a hawk or falcon, don't know. It nail a squirrel right off a limb, flew right below me, within 2-3ft, lands about 20ft away and I watch it sink it's talons into the squirrel, killing it. I yelled at the guys to come see and the bird flew up into another oak, in the next yard,leaving the squirrel, he hung out for almost 2 hours before he gave up and bailed, like Wild Kingdom going on in this mutha!
Yeah, that's pretty cool to see. Had a Red Tailed Hawk nail one on the ground in the back yard last week. Hated it for the little guy as I feed them around here but Mother Nature is a cruel #####.
I watched a red tail hawk trying to get a squrille who was in a pin oak once. Lucky for the squrille the oak had all those nasty dead suckers all over the trunk. he stayed his butt in that tangle and that hawk just couldnt quit get him. The hawk finally gave up. I also saw a hawk snatch a squrille off the ground at a golf course. That little fella never saw it coming either.
there used to be three red tails that had nests in the big pines across the street from me we used to always see things getting grabbed squirels rabits seen a few birds taken off power lines then one day I think one had grabbed a puppy out of a backyard I seen it dive about 8-10 houses down saw it flying away with something just figured it was a big rabbit but then the family was going around the neighborhood and the kids were yelling here spot here spot or what ever its name was :frown:
Thanks mr. H, bought some samson vortex 12.7mm about 3 weeks ago for footlocking...really like it, much easier than smaller line

Oh, and that orange shirt Im wearing is brand new....lol

Heres one of the 3 cedars I pruned today.


Nice good looking tree, took down this deodar next to high voltage and pruned another, and again more good weather.View attachment 221412
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Kinda like reporting a poster to the mods for not abiding to the posting guidelines they agreed to when they joined. I've been guilty of that in the past, and I am going to take them more seriously in the future. Something I recommend to all who post here.

So, here you seem to say that you take this thread hostage and you are holding the 'Mod's' rule's as a type of 'black-mail. I ain't playing in your sandbox. Go ahead and have the thread!
maple man was the ****! that series of short story was a great read.

He came down my way after the Guido thread. He had family here and he was in Chula Vista, Ca., and we were gonna meet at my brother's house and have a couple beer's. He and his lady were heading up North and my brother's house was less than a mile away.
He never showed, (his Dad was ill), .We talked on the phone until he said he would probably soon be out of contact.
I still call his number every now and then, but.
He came down my way after the Guido thread. He had family here and he was in Chula Vista, Ca., and we were gonna meet at my brother's house and have a couple beer's. He and his lady were heading up North and my brother's house was less than a mile away.
He never showed, (his Dad was ill), .We talked on the phone until he said he would probably soon be out of contact.
I still call his number every now and then, but.

the guido story was a good one i read it to my wife. really interesting. are thies guys still cutting?
Started the day by getting booted from a job for a repeat client. Decided to head to another job but on the way there changed my mind... never met the people and the only contact regarding the work has been through the landscaper who hasn't spoken with them in a while either. Wound up going to drop off my truck to get some exhaust work done on it. No checks in the mail, but plenty of bills :frown: Was going to hit a nice easy job tomorrow with a friend... 1 branch, put it on the ground and walk. Given to me by this one landscraper who is friends with a friend of mine. Guy has been busting my chops (and my friend's) for a couple of months about it. My friend calls him tonight to say we'll go there tomorrow to get it done... guy wants us to not only get the branch down, but also do a chipping job at his house... of course he wants it all done on the same day. Just crossed him off the list. I have better things to do with my time.
Got a cool euc removal on Wednesday and was thinking about posting pic's, there is a big dead Cal. pepper in the way that is coming out on Tuesday. We will get the pepper out and the next day the crane can set up. Gonna use a 40 ton XL.
Dodged a bullet today.

Been working on removing two tall multi-trunked red gum Euc. the last two days. There maybe 110 ft tall and the K-boom were using is 70ft maxed out. They are on a bridle trail behind a upper scale house, and pool. Some where in the past the grade was changed to add an access road. covering up half the root flair. They have konks and Armillaria.
There is maybe 9 long tall leaders. We removed the outside ones yesterday doing 2000 or less lbs picks. I still have to climb up these skinny, slick branches above 70 ft and bring them down where we can use the crane. We zipped line most of that. Any way one of the now exposed interior trunks is now on the out side. It maybe 72 ft tall and 15in at the base. It has a 20ft dog leg that goes streight out and its thicker then the base. I have a tie in about 100ft up on the middle leader. They want me to go out and put a pulley by the dog leg and drop the 20ft dog leg. This thing is a whip. I'm not afraid to climb it, but even with my secure tie in its going to whip like crazy. I keep telling the guy to let me cut it from the boom. He's worried it might hit the boom. I am sure it won't but its not my crane. I guess after reliezing the only way its coming down is if I can cut it from the boom, he relents. I polesawed some of the skinny branches that could possibly hit a hydraulic line,I Place the pulley tie on the rope to the dog leg and slowly cut it doing a rip cut . It's maybe 300 hundred pounds. It starts to go and i pull the saw and he moves the boom, BAM she rips and is dangling for a second, then lets go. That branch bends almost to the ground(Dead catch) Then they let the piece run to the ground. Iv'e had some wild rides in my life, but that I think would of beat me up like a bugs bunny, road runner cartoon if I had been attached to it.
There was no way I was going to be on that branch cutting that piece. But what if I had let them make me do that? What if a less experience climber followed their orders. It would of at best broke some bones. The tie off from the middle leader could of broke your back or cause the tree to brake where you were tied in.. I worried all day about that one leader and knew how I wanted to do it. Thank God I didn't give in.