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I used my gas powered capstan winch to lift it enough to get it pulled off with a tagline on the Steiner. I don't take the video equipment on all the jobs I do. Most times I just want to get the work done and get out.

And really MDS was this really needed?

I run a drug free workplace, and addicts, whether it's drugs or alcohol don't cut it with me. I'd give you a breathalyzer test every day if you worked for me.

Stay safe out there!!
I declare a truce ...

Stay safe out there!!

You know that a great sentiment and I thank you for it. How about you and I declare a truce, or at least a temporary armistice and try to be polite to one another. We might set a good example for the rest by giving it a rest.

I'm not nearly as bad as most here make me out to be. I really care about this work and the trees we serve. I do try to gain knowledge and I acknowledge my mistakes, of which there are many. I don't gaff trees that are not coming down just like you don't chainsaw your initials in them any more (you don't do you?). I've spent a lot of time trying to read and advance my knowledge. I really do want to do the right thing.

And superjunior, I hope the situation with you wife turns out OK and the doctors take care of her problem.
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You know that a great sentiment and I thank you for it. How about you and I declare a truce, or at least a temporary armistice and try to be polite to one another. We might set a good example for the rest by giving it a rest.

I'm not nearly as bad as most here make me out to be. I really care about this work and the trees we serve. I do try to gain knowledge and I acknowledge my mistakes, of which there are many. I don't gaff trees that are not coming down just like you don't chainsaw your initials in them any more (you don't do you?). I've spent a lot of time trying to read and advance my knowledge. I really do want to do the right thing.

And superjunior, I hope the situation with you wife turns out OK and the doctors take care of her problem.

No thanks. Humoring you seems to be Matt's thing. I'm not feeling it. Sorry old man.

Like I said before, we're gonna see this thing with you right through to the bitter end!!!
You know that a great sentiment and I thank you for it. How about you and I declare a truce, or at least a temporary armistice and try to be polite to one another. We might set a good example for the rest by giving it a rest.

I'm not nearly as bad as most here make me out to be. I really care about this work and the trees we serve. I do try to gain knowledge and I acknowledge my mistakes, of which there are many. I don't gaff trees that are not coming down just like you don't chainsaw your initials in them any more (you don't do you?). I've spent a lot of time trying to read and advance my knowledge. I really do want to do the right thing.

And superjunior, I hope the situation with you wife turns out OK and the doctors take care of her problem.
alright ya old prune face here's your truce , I will leave ya be until the minute you post one of those videos of yours or say something that makes me wann climb through my screen and knock the trash mans helmet off your head and we'll be cool , I may soil this forum with your remains but here's your chance for a reprieve ....
Decided we're gonna paint the 250 green in my shop. Just gotta finish a couple jobs tomorrow and then start getting ready (buy new air compressed etc.).

Washed it up yesterday. I think we'll be able to just spot blast the rusty spots. The rest of the paint doesn't look too bad. Chipper had the Imron paint option, so it has held up pretty good.
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What make you think you are worth that? And I quit wearing gaffs on prune jobs years ago, while treeMDS still carves his intials in heratige trees with his chainsaw, just for fun. Where's the outrage for that?

I bill out $75/hr when on the road doing normal work, around $100 or more during storms. I think I am worth it because people do actually pay me. I bill out 40-50/hr when I am climbing for my regular clientele here in the Milwaukee Metro area, and most of them give me performance bonuses on top of that.
Everybody has their rate.$300 is not worth it to me for a day of climbing.

I rarely work on a day-rate any more because people tend to want to take advantage of it and squeeze as much out of the deal as possible. I do have a set minimum that scales for distance I've traveled. I had one guy call me up and expect me to travel across town for "an easy $80" :rolleyes:

Also I tack on an extra $20 for special tools, such as using the wraptor, GRCS or bringing out my 385. I figure that if I am providing a piece of equipment that makes me work faster, then I should get a few extra bucks.

Lastly, unless I'm just a few minutes away I tack on a flat hour for travel in the Metro area. Most of the time my round trip is quit a bit more, if it is over 2hrs we usually work out an adjustment.

For me the idea of a $300 day rate is for companies who are used to bringing in the occasional misfit who is good enough to have on some jobs but is not trust worthy enough for regular employment.

As for why i am worth $500-100 per job, it is because i am bringing most of my own tools, a 3/4 ton truck that hauls them and more knowledge of tree care then your average climber. IMO I am not the only person on this site who fits that description. As I say under my avatar, I am an above average climber, I expect above average compensation.
Sitting in the hospital. My wife got admitted last night. Her arm swelled up out of nowhere, guess its a big blood clot. Waiting to get some answers, she's getting a catscan now. Don,t know much at this point and the waiting is killing me. God I wish I was up a tree and this was not happening to us. Just don't get it, she doesn't drink or smoke she exercises. This just sucks

God Bless brother Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Puts all the BS above in perspective. Life is way too short to worry about little stuff.

Today I went and helped my parents take a shower, got Dad's pee bag changed from the one that hangs on the walker to his leg bag. Got him dressed and set up so he they can take the long walk down to the dinning room for dinner at five. ****, a bug flew in my eyes, I aint crying..

I keep telling myself that they are still here and know my name, better then some people have.
You can learn a lot from books and even on the internet if your willing to search and wade through a lot of BS in tree forums. Having said that, practical application of any book learned techniques is essential before you put yourself in a situation that could result in damage or injury.

In my own most recently posted video I give a good example of how not to do it when I let a major limb crush a chain link fence. Had I properly rigged that limb to swing where I needed it to go I wouldn't have hit the fence. A simple overhead swing line would have done it, or in more critical situations where failure is not an option, a spider line (like a giant whoopee sling)
could have set to hold the limb horizontally while it swung to a safe landing.

Care must be used when you have a lot of load on your rigging system. A loaded rope can crush you or burn off your arm if caught like I did in this video: (I get bit by being in the bight)


So that is how not to do it, or more accurately where not to be when you make the cut. Mistakes can be painful, and you don't even have to be in the tree:


You seem to have a good attitude and are willing to get out and put the time and effort forward to build your skills. Good luck in your endeavors and always stay alert, develop a situational awareness about where you are and what you are doing. And above all stay safe and avoid shortcuts that could put you, or the men working with you, at risk.

Now enjoy the chitstorm that will follow this post.

I like how you try to blame your ground man then saw well well ok.
God Bless brother Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Puts all the BS above in perspective. Life is way too short to worry about little stuff.

Today I went and helped my parents take a shower, got Dad's pee bag changed from the one that hangs on the walker to his leg bag. Got him dressed and set up so he they can take the long walk down to the dinning room for dinner at five. ****, a bug flew in my eyes, I aint crying..

I keep telling myself that they are still here and know my name, better then some people have.

thank you sir