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Tree Freak
Oct 3, 2006
chester co pa
I slept in, made coffee, took a nap, made some calls, almost let Slayer talk me into driving up to MDS and pissing him off, then spent the rest of the day making deroggitive comments on this forum til my wife came home with the rear brakes grinding around 5thirty.

It was to late to get ahold of any real people so I called Autozone and asked how much for a set a pads for an 04 4 Runner. The kid said " 12 bucks" and after a few minutes of silence I asked if he had any real brake brake pads. He did, they were 50 bucks so I got those. The rotors measured right on the line so I slapped everything on, rotated the tires and made a mental note to call the place where she gets the oil changed and tell them to stop adding brake fluid to the ####ing car.

When i walked into the Autozone store the kid recognized me from yesterday when I had asked him why black wire was 2 dollars more than red. He said he had no idea and after a few moments of silence I asked him if there was anybody there that could answer that question. There wasn't so he told me its because black wire can also be used in houses and after a few more minutes of silence I told him to stop making stuff up. He said he didn't make the prices, I said," I never said you did, in fact I am sure you don't and please try to stay on the topic"

It was a legitimate question and i was curious for the answer , usually red stuff cost more than black so I really was in a quandry and still kinda am. What gives with that? Anybody know why black wire cost more than red? I might have known the answer but if i ever did I forgot it. I would have just gotten all red but I am way to anal for that bull####.

This is the time of year where we get a lot of salescalls; mortgage, phonebook, electricity. I have been handling these with full honesty ,integrity and authenticity. After they are finished with their introductory speil I say" Buddy, I didn't understand one ####ing word you just said." This makes for a short phone call, that's how i like it. One might get the idea I am a negative creep but if you change your perspective you will see this is not the case. I mean, Hell, at least now I am actually answering the phone. Right? Right.

I had to stop for while for a number of reasons. One being i owed my mechanic 2 bucks for an inspection sticker and he would call every other day and scream " TWO DOLLARS, I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS!" I kinda get the idea he wished i never paid as he was having a lot of fun. I guess i was too but now we have a new game because yesterday i called him and asked if he wanted this ash log that had uprooted. You really have to watch what you say to people... especially that guy.
So he came down and we tossed the ash log in his pick-up, it was a small log, not a sphincter ripper of a log. Then we started talking about other logs, like highly valuable walnut logs. He mentioned something about them also being highly rare, it was then I pointed over yonder and asked " Like those dozen over there?"
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the Aerialist

the Aerialist

Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 16, 2010
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Quality work takes time ...

Man, and how long you been on that willow now?? And I'll bet you have one serious backlog, your work definitely last you quite a while! :biggrin:

AS should put you on salary, you're too funny old guy!

Well it was a rather large Willow and there were some difficulties to handle and obstacles to overcome;

Day One: Took down lower limbs and two major limbs that were untangled in and over two smaller Maples that required a lot of rigging and rope work so as not to damage the Maples. Loss of my chipper meant the brush and limbs had to be reduced in the dump with a chainsaw and the longer sections loaded on the trailer. We filled both to capacity.

Day Two: after a three day weather wait brought the rest of the tree down and filled truck and trailer to capacity. We got all the tops and branches and some of the larger rounds out but left the main trunk sections.

Day Three (today): Back with just the dump to load the remaining big rounds and do my usual excellent clean-up. Four hours total.

Not having my chipper definitely added a day to the job. The tree was big enough to win the bid @ $3k so I made $1000 a day, which is right about where I like to be. The fact that is was inaccessible to any kind of equipment made it tough for the bucket queens to outbid me on this one. I don't doubt that one of you aces could have worked the Willow faster, even given the obstacles it sprawled over (the neighbors shed and the Maples), but quality work takes time and I doubt if any of you are willing to match me there.
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tree MDS
May 8, 2007
Well it was a rather large Willow and there were some difficulties to handle and obstacles to overcome;

Day One: Took down lower limbs and two major limbs that were untangled in and over two smaller Maples that required a lot of rigging and rope work so as not to damage the Maples. Loss of my chipper meant the brush and limbs had to be reduced in the dump with a chainsaw and the longer sections loaded on the trailer. We filled both to capacity.

Day Two: after a three day weather wait brought the rest of the tree down and filled truck and trailer to capacity. We got all the tops and branches and some of the larger rounds out but left the main trunk sections.

Day Three (today): Back with just the dump to load the remaining big rounds and do my usual excellent clean-up. Four hours total.

Not having my chipper definitely added a day to the job. The tree was big enough to win the bid @ $3k so I made $1000 a day, which is right about where I like to be. The fact that is was inaccessible to any kind of equipment made it tough for the bucket queens to outbid me on this one. I don't doubt that one of you aces could have worked the Willow faster, even given the obstacles it sprawled over (the neighbors shed and the Maples), but quality work takes time and I doubt if any of you are willing to match me there.

You are living in your own tiny delusional world you old meth head.. that's okay though, enjoy it while it lasts! :biggrin:


May 4, 2001
So I removed a big nasty cherry, had a bunch of rot in it, could see thru the base, something that AA would not climb, because it was a DANGEROUS TREE, not. Anyways, this was at my gated community that wont let me leave. Mrs B, the HO went out and bought all brand new LED flat screens, one a 3D. I think a total of 6. So what to do with this old (2yrs) 54" LCD that is in perfect condition?, lets see if Scott would want it.
I lost my tact when she asked, thought she was kidding at first! We are picking it up today. 54" Sony HD!! Thing is mint. It was in one of those rooms that you are not suppose to go in, so I don't think it was used much. Must be nice to go to Best Buy and drop 10g's on TV's! Mr B is 3rd at Deere, I would love to see his annual bonus. Going to put it in the basement so the wife can get busy with the Zumba, love that stuff, she has a 20 year old butt again! Plus we can play the WII on it, as everyone knows that system is lame unless it is on a huge TV. Now, if I can just get the other HO to let me have his Pantara..........................
the Aerialist

the Aerialist

Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 16, 2010
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Posts like yours make this forum a poorer place for all of us ...

You are living in your own tiny delusional world you old meth head.. that's okay though, enjoy it while it lasts! :biggrin:

Calling me a "Meth Head" is an ad hominem personal attack and will be duly reported to the moderation team. When I supposed that you were a "Child Molester" in retaliation to you suggesting I was a homosexual I got a warning from a moderator at which time I said that in the future I would let them handle these types of juvenile trash talking, which is their job after all.

Description of Ad Hominem

Translated from Latin to English, "Ad Hominem" means "against the man" or "against the person."

For the record the only drugs I take are those prescribed by my doctors, and none at all when I am working. As to living in a delusional world, the fact that I took down a difficult and dangerous large Willow tree without damage to property or injuries to persons while keeping the customer completely satisfied that the $3000 they paid me to do it was money well spent says volumes of the level of my delusions. Further, the fact that I have done this for going on five years and hundreds of similar trees without damage or injuries gives wonder to just who is delusional here.

I don't mind if you criticize my methods and practices MDS, but to make every post a personal attack just shows how lacking you are. By continually harassing me with no content in your posts it makes this forum poorer.
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May 4, 2001
de·lu·sion·al  [dih-loo-zhuh-nl] Show IPA
having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions: Senators who think they will get agreement on a comprehensive tax bill are delusional.
Psychiatry . maintaining fixed false beliefs even when confronted with facts, usually as a result of mental illness: He was so delusional and paranoid that he thought everybody was conspiring against him.



Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 28, 2010
Avon Lake OH
So I removed a big nasty cherry, had a bunch of rot in it, could see thru the base, something that AA would not climb, because it was a DANGEROUS TREE, not. Anyways, this was at my gated community that wont let me leave. Mrs B, the HO went out and bought all brand new LED flat screens, one a 3D. I think a total of 6. So what to do with this old (2yrs) 54" LCD that is in perfect condition?, lets see if Scott would want it.
I lost my tact when she asked, thought she was kidding at first! We are picking it up today. 54" Sony HD!! Thing is mint. It was in one of those rooms that you are not suppose to go in, so I don't think it was used much. Must be nice to go to Best Buy and drop 10g's on TV's! Mr B is 3rd at Deere, I would love to see his annual bonus. Going to put it in the basement so the wife can get busy with the Zumba, love that stuff, she has a 20 year old butt again! Plus we can play the WII on it, as everyone knows that system is lame unless it is on a huge TV. Now, if I can just get the other HO to let me have his Pantara..........................

Wow and I thought the wife was doing good when she came home from work and said her boss offered us his 50 inch sony. But this thing is 11 years old and not a flat screen. Although I guess it is HD ready, it was top o the line in its day. So I said hell ya we take! We are house shopping and plan to us it as a basement TV. Nice score sgreanbeans!


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 17, 2001
That's sick! I wonder if he gets any lift on that suit? Looked a little close trying to guess if he'd make it over those plateaus. I don't know why he pulled the chute , looks like he could have gone another couple minutes, I'd be tempted not to pull it at all after a while.

Go Pro has some killer demo videos put together fomr different sources, got to get me one. I have the old school helmet cam that is wired to the camera, blah.