What are the best chain saw chaps?

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The Husky Blue's that I had on stopped a modded 660 twice on the same left thigh ..... same chaps same place. Each time it took 20 minutes or more to clean all of the fiber out of the clutch, bearings, crank, bar, chain and clutch cover, it was every where and you couldn't cut it.


Man, thats good. Not that it happened, but that the chaps worked. Both times! :msp_thumbsup:
I bought a pair of twice used Stihl chaps on CL today for $45. I was going to buy the Labonville chaps but ran across this dude peddling his gear to move to Telluride. After reading on this site for a few years I decided I was foolish for not wearing them. Helmet is next.
I use to never wear anything except safety glasses but I now Volunteer for the USFS. I had to take their class and wear all the safety equipment when cutting. I have been cutting most of my life and had to take a class now? Well I did learn alot and it was really worth it. I did learn how chaps work and that all chaps are not the same. The Forest Service updated to the newer standard and had to replace all their chaps that were in service. I went ahead and bought a pair of the approved chaps so I can use them at home and the farm, can't remember the brand right now, it's been over a year. I now wear everything even when cutting at home and got use to it in no time at all.

You could get shot hunting too but who wears a bulletproof vest??

I do, but I also live in Chicago, so I need one on a daily basis.

I like my Labonville chaps and after seeing how well they stopped my friends leg from getting cut with a MS 460... I witnessed how effective they are. Still had a couple layers of kevlar left and no damage to his body, killed that saw quickly he said. I was cutting a distance away and only got to see him come hobbling towards me the with a saw snarled up and stuck to his leg.

That is so much better than seeing your buddy dragging himself towards you with a partially severed leg. At least this way you can have a laugh about him finally having something longer than 3" between his legs.

I've never worn a pair of chaps

Alright, I know I'm new on here, but responses like this are just ridiculous. The man clearly asked "What are the best chain saw chaps?". He did NOT ask "Do you wear chaps?" or say "Give me reasons why I shouldn't wear chaps."

You don't wear them because you climb all day, ok, start a thread about that. Don't answer unrelated threads with blather just to make sure your 2 cents are thrown in there. :angrysoapbox:
<---Labonville Full wrap fan. Cheap insurance.
I Feel like the very act of putting them on helps put you in the right frame of mind Concerning saftey.
Alright, I know I'm new on here, but responses like this are just ridiculous. The man clearly asked "What are the best chain saw chaps?". He did NOT ask "Do you wear chaps?" or say "Give me reasons why I shouldn't wear chaps."

You don't wear them because you climb all day, ok, start a thread about that. Don't answer unrelated threads with blather just to make sure your 2 cents are thrown in there. :angrysoapbox:

If you're going to hang out here you better get used to inappropriate answers, thread drift, thread hi-jacking, and just plain all out full throttle industrial strength weirdness.

It's part of the charm of this site.

If everybody stuck to rote answers to often asked questions a lot of the spontaneity and fun would go out of this place.

Kick back, relax, enjoy the place. But take it for what it is or you'll just give yourself a migraine.
Idk but i couldn't imagine climbing in chaps and they don't usually cut much on the ground.

I reckon you'd kill yourself in a tree with chaps, but the arborists here use stretch arborist trousers like these



[edit] oops, stihlkiwi has already posted a link to the Cloggers site
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What is it about Labonville's Full-Wraps that make them such a popular choice around here? It seems guys universally recommend the Full-Wraps whereas Labonville's standard chaps are rarely even mentioned-- what's the big difference?

The pants,(not full wrap),have the inserts that you slip in and out. Wear them all day. I guess the sweat doesn't show through.
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I'm a full time tree worker and I climb 3 or 4 days a week on average. Sometimes we get lucky and it's ground work. I wear the stihl chainsaw trousers, the summer ones with the breathy material in the back of the legs. They're ok to climb in but not brilliant. The fact you can climb in them at all says something about their comfort though; I could never climb in chaps. According to workplace regs in aus, tree climbers dont have to wear chaps/chainsaw pants. Ground workers do.

I guess there's 2 parts to the question of 'which chainsaw chaps are the best'. The first is; "which offer the best cut protection', and the second is; "which ones are the most comfortable?". In terms of comfort it's kind of like asking which pair of jeans is the best. You just have to try them all on and see what fits. I'm tall with a pretty big ass compared to my waist size. I use the stihl trousers because they fit me the best and were the most comfortable to wear. They're ok in summer but not great. They're dark blue with an orange stripe near the andkle and the word 'stihl' on them in orange. They have a wedge pocket which is excellent for collecting sawdust. A lot of tree ground crew in aus wear this style of pants. The stretchy climber style pants only offer marginal protection from what I've read/heard.

I'd reccomend chainsaw trousers over chaps. You put your trousers on in the morning, you go to work. With chaps you might be tempted not to put them on for 'just one short cut'. Plus I find even the least comfortable chainsaw trousers to be more comfortable than the best chaps.

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I have not read the entire thread and it probably has been covered already but I have the Labonville competition chaps and once they are broken in a little you hardly notice them on. They are probably the ones that provide the most protection and they are hot in the Summer but you quickly adjust.
I have Labonville full wrap and a pair of Husqvarna pants the dealer sold me for $25 he got on closeout. I haven't worn the pants due to there hot, even in the winter. I guess that's means I am a pansy for not being out when it's really cold.

FWIW for us abdominally challenged folks, the chaps stay up much better when a set of clip on suspender is fixed to the belt.:msp_thumbup: To you skinny guys, it just not fair.:msp_mad:
It's simply - Anyone who uses a chainsaw should wear chaps. It's common sense. You use a fork and spoon to eat. You wipe your butt with toilet paper. You wear a jacket outside in the winter. You can wear headphones but not so loud as to damage your ears. You run a chainsaw, you protect your body with chaps.

It should be that anyone who gets hurt, not wearing chaps, has to pay for their own medical bills. I'd support the same bill for the idiots in a car accident with no seat belt, the dopes on a motorcycle with no helmet...

EVERYONE says "It ain't gonna happen to me", cause after all, there isn't a member on this site who's got the balls big enough to say "hey watch this!" and take a running saw and jam it into their upper leg. But it happens, on a daily basis, and much of the damage could be completely avoided.

Just do a search on here for "got bit today" or "ate it today" or "warning gross photos attached"...

Go get a pair of chaps, put them on, spend the 10 minutes to adjust the straps so they are comfortable, the more you wear them, the more they flex and you won't walk around like the tin man so much.. Becomes second nature..

I see the communist state of the union checked in to make sure nobody gets a chance to exercise thier free will or freedom of choice this country has fought many wars to protect.
i used to weak a flak jacket and steel helmet to insure the population of my country could continue to decide what they wanted to do and not have some commie TELL them !
I see the communist state of the union checked in to make sure nobody gets a chance to exercise thier free will or freedom of choice this country has fought many wars to protect.
i used to weak a flak jacket and steel helmet to insure the population of my country could continue to decide what they wanted to do and not have some commie TELL them !

Preach on Brother:rock: And Thank you
I will confess that I hate chaps. I have always worn them, but hated them. So, whilst in that town on I-5 the other day, I went to The Candy Store For Men, and they let me try on their jeans and inserts. They have nice, clean restrooms by the way.

The pants felt comfy when compared to chaps. I bought the system. It is sitting on a chair, waiting to be used. I hope not tried out. I have never done that.

Now, if the kevlar and stuff insert is too rough on the skin, I am thinking about lining the inside skin touching part with some bunny print flannel. Would that affect the power of the kevlar?

Oh, and for those of you who make a pilgrimmage to The Candy Store For Men, their parking lot will look half full, like it has never been. Cars and sedans and such will be parked there. The Cataract Institute moved into the other part of the building. Be careful!