What are you going to do?

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 27, 2010
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What are you going to do?

What this firewood season are you going to do different or what have you gotten that you think will improve your productivity? Lets hear it people the good the bad and what to stay away from.
Upgrading from a 1/2 ton to a 3/4ton firewood hauler, not much increase in capacity or productivity, but if I can find a decent trailer for a bargain price, it'll make hauling a lot quicker.

Most of my cutting is usually done at home, so the amount hauled isn't significant, but I have a big opportunity this fall, 6 miles one way. Hauling 1+ cord per trip will make that better.

I know, some of you go much farther for wood. I feel for ya. I just happen to have it good where I'm at.

I'm thinking about a small splitter to keep over there, but I've got other things that need money spent on them first.
?? for me ?? probably not a whole lot! when it seems to work, dont fix it... other than that im going to put up more wood then last year as more people are selling! so with more supply the demands are less on wood dealers ! so i might have to drop prices a little to stay in tune with last years sales? work more ? work harder ? work the brain instead of the back ?? just never know what its going to be like till it happens! all i really know is it's hot and wish winter was here already... stay cool friends....
No logs touch the trailer or road. At worst, they get skidded to a landing close to where felled, processed into firewood and carted in the heavy-duty mesh1-ton bags to yard for storage. At best, they are processed right where they drop into the same bags, left there to season and delivered direct from there to customers when ready.

*edit* and I might add, logs skidded and moved, and bags moved and loaded via a new (to me) tractor if I manage to save enough in time - I'm not debt funding a damned thing so if I can't save for it in time, it will have to wait until next year or the one after.
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Unlike last year, all my wood will be cut and split. Last year I started gathering firewood on Halloween morning... I started gathering this years supply last February. When the time comes to light the first fire this fall I hope to have at least a two-year supply, and at least a three-year supply by Thanksgiving. Last year sucked rotten eggs... I was cutting standing dead and blow-downs every weekend, in all kinds of nasty weather... don't never want'a be doing that again.
Stop letting people talk me out of my wood. If i had all the wood back I've sold or given away for the past 3 years I'd be well over 5 yrs ahead.
And maybe buy or build a bigger shed.
I have plenty of wood for this season and next. I leave it uncovered and then just cover the tops in the fall. I've had good luck with tarps staying on by just tucking it under the top row of logs all the way around and throwing a few pieces on the top for weights. I try to keep two weeks worth of wood in the attached garage so everything can dry even more and so I don't have to go to my woodpile late at night. The women are more likely to keep the fire going if the wood is close by.

What am I going to do different? I wish I could get away with building a woodshed, but the city is against it. What I am not going to do is use any cheap blue tarps. I bought some cheap silver tarps last year and they work fine. I think I'll get at least three years out of them. The cheap blue one let water through and then hampered evaporation. The wood I didn't cover was more dry than the wood under the cheap blue tarps.
Im going to remember how nervous I was about running out last year. I almost sold myself short. I will never turn down a free score again....I'll take the pine so I have the oppotunity to get the good stuff.
This year I am loooking for a new log supplier. I had what I thought was a great deal setup in the spring and my guy left me hanging. Have had to cut a lot more myself than I care to, rather than just processing. Other than that, I hope the snow is light this year so my site doesn't get buried early like last year.
Well i know im going to start cutting in the fall. Last year i cut to order and had a bunch of unhappy people because i was so behind! I didnt think it was gonna take off like it did though, i was really just testing the waters. Im also going to have atleast a 60cc saw in my line up. May put some ads up this year i dunno. I only had one ad on craigslist and that was enough.