What is the acceptable warm up time of a 550xp?

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Untitled by mweba1, on Flickr

Untitled by mweba1, on Flickr

The codes have been posted earlier and the software is obtainable.... The Black cable with tweezer is for the 576 and newest gen 562,550 ect.

Cool that was fast....:msp_smile:

When you say the software is obtainable, it sounds like it's not included?

If I buy this kit...will I need anything else?
Im not convinced easily that this AT technology is all that ready for the masses. More than enough threads to the contrary. This group here is likely but a small sampling of actual real world users, so problem rates may actually be much higher. Coupled with expensive diagnostic equipment, or lack of available diagnostic equipment, untrained or inexperienced dealers and you have a recipe for unhappy customers. A guy with a $700 saw thats hard to warm start still aint going to be happy regardless. It may well be the future but for now im glad the adjustable carb still exists. Im not worried about saving a pinch of fuel, or running at the most optimum rpm, more about getting some wood to the stove is whats important to me. Standing in the repair line at the Husky dealer, not so much. Just my thoughts.
I don't think the masses are the ones having trouble here. Just a few AS guys. :msp_smile:

And the AT is not the problem, 9 times out of 10 it's the operator not knowing how to start his new saw. And blipping it in his garage because he has no wood to cut...:msp_sneaky:
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Cool that was fast....:msp_smile:

When you say the software is obtainable, it sounds like it's not included?

If I buy this kit...will I need anything else?

My shop is only a pair of sweat pants away :laugh:

It comes with the software for the computer on disk. It does not come with the flash software supplied by Husky as it is updated over time. This kit will allow you to read codes, run diagnostic tests and apply new software out of the box. If you need anything, I'm a PM away.
If you can come up with a piston and flywheel, I have all the used parts to make that 576 a screwed model.
The diagnostic tool is well under 200 retail. This is part of the problem, crazy misinformation. Also the tool is backward compatible with most of the current auto Husky systems, not all but most.

I've still seen no proof the autotune is at fault with this or many other saws being complained about. In fact the carb or air leak has been at fault in all but a couple situations.

This situation parallels another part of my business, remote car starters. I get dozens of calls a year asking if the starter I installed caused their air conditioning, fuel pump, tail lamp or shock absorber to malfunction. As I tell them it is highly unlikely but I'll take a look for free, their response is usually something like "Well you were the last to work on it, adding this aftermarket piece and now my muffler bearing is out. Has to have something to do with it"

Just because something is new doesn't mean it is the issue. Remember it is still 95% a standard saw design, and saws fail.

I think when people are saying autotune, they mean the entire system, which would be the special carb plus the electronics. And it becomes binary for the end user, works/doesnt work, no home troubleshooting and adjusting without the gear, and you cant do that all the way in I guess some situations without the reflashing software. You can analyse, but not repair if it requires the reflashing.

A useful mod would be, say, if something expensive is borked, can you just replace just the carb with a normal carb (and which one), and not have to putz with the electronics much. What can be bypassed and worked around in your 5% autotune area and still get the 95% normal saw to run.
I think when people are saying autotune, they mean the entire system, which would be the special carb plus the electronics. And it becomes binary for the end user, works/doesnt work, no home troubleshooting and adjusting without the gear, and you cant do that all the way in I guess some situations without the reflashing software. You can analyse, but not repair if it requires the reflashing.

A useful mod would be, say, if something expensive is borked, can you just replace just the carb with a normal carb (and which one), and not have to putz with the electronics much. What can be bypassed and worked around in your 5% autotune area and still get the 95% normal saw to run.

I get where you are coming from but on the other hand, simple diagnostic isn't cheap either...at least proper. Vac tester 80+ pop off 50 block off kit 50 and so on.
I think when people are saying autotune, they mean the entire system, which would be the special carb plus the electronics. And it becomes binary for the end user, works/doesnt work, no home troubleshooting and adjusting without the gear, and you cant do that all the way in I guess some situations without the reflashing software. You can analyse, but not repair if it requires the reflashing.

A useful mod would be, say, if something expensive is borked, can you just replace just the carb with a normal carb (and which one), and not have to putz with the electronics much. What can be bypassed and worked around in your 5% autotune area and still get the 95% normal saw to run.

I see the future this way, logger will be able to avoid a 'wasted' trip to the dealer, as he can scan the saw with his phone, and have codes and a diagnosis in seconds from the landing while he eats lunch. Order the parts from the landing, or flash the update. Saws are really cheap tools for pro users. Heck, pro saws cost about the same now as in the 90's, which try that with timber, fuel, trucks, land. Old saws are pretty much just that other than here on AS.

No need to putz unless you are one. I am one with my old cars, so I understand some are with a saw. I just see value all over AT where a year ago i did not.
I see the future this way, logger will be able to avoid a 'wasted' trip to the dealer, as he can scan the saw with his phone, and have codes and a diagnosis in seconds from the landing while he eats lunch. Order the parts from the landing, or flash the update. Saws are really cheap tools for pro users. Heck, pro saws cost about the same now as in the 90's, which try that with timber, fuel, trucks, land. Old saws are pretty much just that other than here on AS.

No need to putz unless you are one. I am one with my old cars, so I understand some are with a saw. I just see value all over AT where a year ago i did not.

Oh hey dont get me wrong, I like the idea of autotune and mtronic. Havent run the husky version, but have run a 441mtronic and think it is darn spiffy. But your scenario isnt here yet. It could be, but isnt yet. gonna take a lot more than internet posts to get there.

And as to being a pro logger, etc, and how cheap stuff is and etc, that is .001% of chainsaw users out there. Sure, a professional setup could afford both the gear and the parts etc and heck have a helo deliver it....

If you want to contribute, be my guest, become one with the code, you jailbreak the flashing software so people arent tied to the propietary stuff.

And then you get into not only possibly violating government regs on pollution, but perhaps some other IP regs and laws and other lawyer nonsense.

Its been common in the gaming and phone scene, but not without a lot of effort by people who really know what they are doing and lobbying pressure to make at least some of what goes on legal. The bit with phones expires this year, if not updated, back to the black/grey hat scene.

No idea on saws, but the amount of interest in the general public for such access and mods and work is miniscule compared to phones and games, etc. Or say even in the car tuner area.

Now my best guess..saws will continue the blatantly obvious trend to be runs/or is junked. Dealer costs on repairs is for the most part at the tippy top of what most saw buyers and users will stand for right now. Saws are disposable for the most part for most people who arent sawheads, professionally or as a hobby. The vast bulk of people out there who use small engine tools have no interest or even clue on the simplest things, even changing lines and filters is beyond their desire or abilities. Thats just how it is. Thats why so many of us here can snag saws real cheap.
I have read all of the comments on this thread and I have come to the conclusion that an opinion from Smitty’s Lawn & Garden is now in order. While the email conversation with the store manager has not been established as he intended, I will take the authority to speak on this and let all draw their own conclusions. While an online forum is not the ideal place for a private matter, I will indulge.
My name is Richard and I am the Service Manager for Smitty’s Lawn & Garden Equipment. I have over 25 year of experience in this business on all sides of this equation and hold the highest levels of service training from both Stihl and Husqvarna. I have worked in the field as an end user in climbing and rigging, I have worked for a manufacturer (Stihl) and I am now at the dealership level.
Being around for as long as I have in the biz, I have run across my share of customers that fell that there is not much value to what a dealership can provide, unless it is warranty service and usually not even then. Smitty’s has been in business for 40 years and we send our technicians to every available training class available from the manufacturers each year to stay up to date with the latest technologies and tools. For this we spend a great deal of money investing in these resources which we pass onto our customers in the form of charging for our time which we make no apologies for, that is just business.
The individual who started this thread for discussion, Clint M., doesn’t feel that he was treated fairly by our service department. Instead of bringing it to the attention of Smitty’s management to attempt to address his issues he sends us an email referring to the damage he is doing to our name on this forum attaching a link. His email reads as follows.................................................
‘Getting some good feedback on how much ya''ll swindle the local folks on the arborist forum, Here is the thread for you to review...crying shame, ...the web is great for so many things, this is one of them.’
I am going to stop short of calling this juvenile, but there are certainly more constructive things that could have been done to help him with his, yes, problem.
We do charge a fee to diagnose a customer unit and we do collect it at time of drop off. A few too many people have burned us on this in the past, so in all fairness we collect it on every ticket checked in, no exceptions. If there is a warrantable issue with the machine, the customer will get the diagnosis fee back and the manufacturer foots the bill, very simple. In Clint’s case, what we charged for was in no way a reflection of the time spent on his Husqvarna saw. We had his unit in our shop for 5 days trying to duplicate the complaint. We checked the unit with the Auto-Tune Diagnostic tool (computer program), crankcase leakdown and pressure test, carb pressure and vacuum tests and found all readings within spec. Testing the saw repeatedly we were unable to duplicate the problem. When this occurs, we contact Husqvarna to see if they have seen or heard of this issue and if they have had any updates. While all machines get updates during the product life cycle, there was nothing pertaining to this specific issue.
I was off the day that he was in to pick up the unit and according to my service writer the response was ‘OK, if you can’t find anything’ and he took his saw and left. If there was an issue with the way he was treated or that he felt he was shortchanged on what he got for his diagnosis fee, why wouldn’t you speak up and ask questions? All we received instead was an email with his intent to discredit our services by suggesting we are charging for doing nothing.
Smitty’s Lawn & Garden is not going to be bullied by any individual that feels that he was wrongfully charged for our time. While we all know you cannot fix something that you cannot duplicate this issue, this goes beyond that. This is why we stand behind our services with a 90 day warranty on all work performed.
Mr Clint is more then welcome to take his unit to another dealer and get a second opinion on his matter of service issue. There are a few in the Olathe Kansas area close to him.
Industral Sales Company Inc, In Olathe Logan Contractor Supply, In Olathe Sisson Sharpening in Belton.
I want to thank all of you for your for your time and good Luck to Clint.

I don't quite understand this whole charging for diagnostics on a saw that is under warranty. If its a saw not under warranty I can understand.

You talk about how you have been burned on this in the past. How does this person get their saw back without paying the bill first? Again a saw not under warranty.

Just my opinion here but if its a saw under warranty there should be no charge, period, unless its determined that the problem or damage was do to customer neglect or modifications etc etc. I mean what is the warranty for if I have to pay for repairs, even upfront "refundable" deposits.

I feel that as a dealer, selling and servicing a product, that its your responsibility and legal obligation to service the products you sell while they are still under warranty. And if you refuse to do so there are federal laws that you say otherwise.

If a customer has a problem and your people can not find or duplicate the problem, why not take a minute and have the customer try to duplicate the problem. Like the gentleman in question here. Maybe he is not going thru the correct starting procedure on this particular saw. Did your salesman or tech go thru it with him before he left the store when he purchased the saw? If not that could have eliminated this entire issue. There are a lot of variables here but the way it looks to me it really comes down to customer service. And sticking the customer with a diagnostic fee on a product still under warranty is not good customer service in my book.

My grand father and my father both owned small business and were both very successful. They always kept this idea in there head and I believe it to be true. "A happy customer will only tell one or two people, but an unhappy customer will tell everyone".
Also a happy customer will come back an unhappy one most likely will not. You may have a business there that has been around for many years but even old well established businesses fail and go under.

I am by no means trying to tell you or anyone here how to run a business but I know I would not do business with you judging by what I have read in your posts.

It simply amazes me how members on this site, that don't this guy, that have absolutely nothing to gain or loose for that matter, go out of their way to help this guy out. My hat is off to all of you. You rock:rock:

Just my .02 worth
Oh hey dont get me wrong, I like the idea of autotune and mtronic. Havent run the husky version, but have run a 441mtronic and think it is darn spiffy. But your scenario isnt here yet. It could be, but isnt yet. gonna take a lot more than internet posts to get there.

And as to being a pro logger, etc, and how cheap stuff is and etc, that is .001% of chainsaw users out there. Sure, a professional setup could afford both the gear and the parts etc and heck have a helo deliver it....

If you want to contribute, be my guest, become one with the code, you jailbreak the flashing software so people arent tied to the propietary stuff.

And then you get into not only possibly violating government regs on pollution, but perhaps some other IP regs and laws and other lawyer nonsense.

Its been common in the gaming and phone scene, but not without a lot of effort by people who really know what they are doing and lobbying pressure to make at least some of what goes on legal. The bit with phones expires this year, if not updated, back to the black/grey hat scene.

No idea on saws, but the amount of interest in the general public for such access and mods and work is miniscule compared to phones and games, etc. Or say even in the car tuner area.

Now my best guess..saws will continue the blatantly obvious trend to be runs/or is junked. Dealer costs on repairs is for the most part at the tippy top of what most saw buyers and users will stand for right now. Saws are disposable for the most part for most people who arent sawheads, professionally or as a hobby. The vast bulk of people out there who use small engine tools have no interest or even clue on the simplest things, even changing lines and filters is beyond their desire or abilities. Thats just how it is. Thats why so many of us here can snag saws real cheap.

Ok, i see what your saying. But the future is here with that technolgy, it just is not available on AT or MT yet. I am not sure it will be available for us saw users, but its here. Very small step to apply it. Husky is already online support, network correct? They dont send out books with prices, why send out a cd when in the future ic can be accessed online, same as dealers order a saw or parts? Will not need stolen. Technology will make the saws cheaper to use and run. So far saws have become incredibly cheap compared to everything else i buy. Not just in the woods.

I do waste plenty of time at my favorite saw shop, and sometimes get a little work done there. Great place, i am lucky as heck, as are many on here:msp_smile: Shop i frequent sells pro saws 10:1 to non pro. Lots of pros around even if many went mechanised, they still use a saw more than homeowners or firewood guys.

I am most likely out of touch with homeowner situations. I also am glad to have a discussion on here that is not heated and ugly. Thanks for that everybody :cheers:

The world will change with or without us. This from a guy with a dumb (not smart) phone.
You talk about how you have been burned on this in the past. How does this person get their saw back without paying the bill first? Again a saw not under warranty.

Customer drops off saw. You sink however much time into diagnosing the problem. You tell them it will cost X amount. They never come back. You have time invested in a saw that you don't get paid for. Sure you get the saw, but at certain points is it worth it to make repairs and sell the saw as used? Can you break even or even make a buck on it? You have more diagnosis to do before you can even do that. Originally you just diagnosed the saw to find the problem they complained about. Now you have to put more time into it checking the entire saw over for resale. Then how long does it take to sell the saw? Repairs is a short term investment. Sales is long term. Your short term investment just became long term.
Customer drops off saw. You sink however much time into diagnosing the problem. You tell them it will cost X amount. They never come back. You have time invested in a saw that you don't get paid for. Sure you get the saw, but at certain points is it worth it to make repairs and sell the saw as used? Can you break even or even make a buck on it? You have more diagnosis to do before you can even do that. Originally you just diagnosed the saw to find the problem they complained about. Now you have to put more time into it checking the entire saw over for resale. Then how long does it take to sell the saw? Repairs is a short term investment. Sales is long term. Your short term investment just became long term.

Even in a warranty situation?

I have no problem at all with your business plan. But I would have a problem paying for diagnosing a problem on a saw under warranty
Customer drops off saw. You sink however much time into diagnosing the problem. You tell them it will cost X amount. They never come back. You have time invested in a saw that you don't get paid for. Sure you get the saw, but at certain points is it worth it to make repairs and sell the saw as used? Can you break even or even make a buck on it? You have more diagnosis to do before you can even do that. Originally you just diagnosed the saw to find the problem they complained about. Now you have to put more time into it checking the entire saw over for resale. Then how long does it take to sell the saw? Repairs is a short term investment. Sales is long term. Your short term investment just became long term.

I'm not in the biz so that clarifies it.
So does it make sense to go thru and fix a saw like this for resale or just part it out and make your money back that way.
One good thing you have going for you in this situation is you still have the saw so you still have a means to recoop what you have into it.
In the tree business, the tree is down and loaded and we are ready to pull out. So if the customer doesn't want to pay I can't put the tree back up Lol!!!
Luckily I haven't had that problem yet. Yet. Knock on wood.
There seems to be alot of muddy water as to what is waranty and what is not. Should one take the time to actually read there warranty is truly means little to nothing in most cases.

Many dealers repair things and make adjustment under "there warranty/shop policy".

Requesting a deposit is legitimate for a business, as it helps to cover the costs, for the "non warranty service" and the dead beat customers.

The guy that bought thay new saw 3 weeks ago comes in complaining its the bigest piece of crap ever, runs like crap etc....saw is under warranty.
Tech takes the time does an evaluation, basic spark test, cylinder inspection, line and vent inspection (all of not even 10 minutes so far), all test ok, then finds the nastiest air filter in the world, knocks the crap out of it, problem resolved. Was it warranty, not a chance, is the customer gonna ##### paying for it yes. Chances of getting paid afterwards.............less than 50/50. In the customers eyes its warranty. You cut him a break and charge nothing.
The customer in question in a plumber, a week later the drain backs up at the shop, you call the before mentioned customer/plumber. He shows up unscrews the drain cover and pulls out a pile of "customer bs", replaces drain cover, all in 5 min. $140 min charge, mileage (shop is down the street), consumables and tax.

The 576 and 570 AT's are generation one and are not compatible with the reader. Just an FYI

Hmmm. Never hooked one up, have to check into that. My rep and tech guy said it would. One on the shelf, I'll give it a go.
Hmmm. Never hooked one up, have to check into that. My rep and tech guy said it would. One on the shelf, I'll give it a go.

Did you order any of the new 600 series AT saws? with the 49" light sabre bars, my rep said they were the shizzles

Have fun, thats bad when your tech guy and rep dont have a clue.

Log into the mother orange site and go the the At section, apart from clearly stating on the first page.........576/570 Gen1 non Compatible..............
Downloads for 545/550/555/560/562.

576/570At you do it the old way basic function test and flashing with 18V, and most importantly like all saws basic troubleshooting.
There seems to be alot of muddy water as to what is waranty and what is not. Should one take the time to actually read there warranty is truly means little to nothing in most cases.

Many dealers repair things and make adjustment under "there warranty/shop policy".

Requesting a deposit is legitimate for a business, as it helps to cover the costs, for the "non warranty service" and the dead beat customers.

The guy that bought thay new saw 3 weeks ago comes in complaining its the bigest piece of crap ever, runs like crap etc....saw is under warranty.
Tech takes the time does an evaluation, basic spark test, cylinder inspection, line and vent inspection (all of not even 10 minutes so far), all test ok, then finds the nastiest air filter in the world, knocks the crap out of it, problem resolved. Was it warranty, not a chance, is the customer gonna ##### paying for it yes. Chances of getting paid afterwards.............less than 50/50. In the customers eyes its warranty. You cut him a break and charge nothing.
The customer in question in a plumber, a week later the drain backs up at the shop, you call the before mentioned customer/plumber. He shows up unscrews the drain cover and pulls out a pile of "customer bs", replaces drain cover, all in 5 min. $140 min charge, mileage (shop is down the street), consumables and tax.


I know, hypothetical situation but
Clogged up air filter falls under negligence. Do you charge him for it? Maybe, maybe not. Either way should you explain to said customer the ill efects this can have on the engine and that his negligence and failure/damage caused by it is NOT covered under warranty. Probably/yes. This scenario should be common sense but unfortunately that is hard to come by these days. People like this need their hand held and its a pain in the behind but these are also the people that will come back to you religiously and be your best advertisement in the long run. They don't know or understand so you take a minute to explain and help them understand and in turn you are the best thing since sliced bread.

I've had people call me and want their tree trimmed, a couple of dead branches threatening their house or shed or whatever. They don't want to pay too much cuz its just a tree ya know. Upon further inspection the tree is hollow, cracked and full of carpenter ants and after explaining all of this they decide to take the whole tree down and aren't worried about the cost and thank me repeatedly for taking the time to inspect and explain what the underlying problems were. And for not just doing the trimming and potentially leaving the rest of the tree to very possibly fall on their house.
These are always repeat customers along with their friends and neighbors calling me on word of mouth.
Bottom line for me is customer service. I get calls 10 to 1 from word of mouth over any other advertising I do.

Not arguing with ya, just sayin.

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