What's on your spring splitting roster?

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I have a spring and summer full of wood gathering ahead. Been behind the ball all this winter trying to scrounge up any dry stuff I can find. Moved into this property Oct last year and every stick of wood was gone when I took possession! Been tossing all the wet rounds in a pile for spring splitting and just been focusing on the dry stuff I can burn right away. Got id say close to 3 cords ready for splitting, its all poplar and spruce. My dry wood pile is getting very small thankfully it appears there isn't much cold weather left.

Just picked up a beater truck that will be dedicated to wood gathering, going on a birch expedition very soon. They are starting to build a golf course close to my property, tree removal starts this summer. Talked with the manager and i've got his blessing to take as much as I want! Any of you guys want to come to Northern Alberta and cut out a golf course with me your more than welcome! haha
It's too swampy in my area at the moment so I'm getting my splitting fix at my cousin's house on our weekly Wednesday poker night between games. They love the fiskars mauls and everyone pitches in a few minutes and we're almost halfway there with maybe an hour's worth of swinging. Not a small tree but because it's ash it's not too hard either. Makes all the old boys feel like men! My healthy 68 yr old buddy(walks 5 miles a day!) loves the x27. You've seen the tree in another derailed thread probably. All fun!
Got some elm, white ash and sugar maple rounds sitting in various locations on pallets around the property. Also have an elm and a maple I'm planning on taking down this year. And of course a couple of gray birch I want to take down for shoulder season. Can't wait to start splitting.
Probably 3-4 cords of oak, 1-2 cords of locust and elm.

So far. Hope to get a few cords of soft maple for bundles and selling.

But the kids will be doing most of that splitting. I just cut it into rounds and noodle the larger ones into pieces they can handle.
Probably 3-4 cords of oak, 1-2 cords of locust and elm.

So far. Hope to get a few cords of soft maple for bundles and selling.

But the kids will be doing most of that splitting. I just cut it into rounds and noodle the larger ones into pieces they can handle.
Ah the "kid slave" labor is good. Being the youngest of eight I did my fare share. I dreaded the early cold morning woods trips with my Dad when I was young. But I look back now at the memories and love them! It's no small coincidence I still love to go to the woods. Which reminds me that my older two are old enough to start helping out. I'll make sure though that they have more than bread bags covering two pairs of socks inside rubber boots that are too tight before they go. God bless Mom for trying but my feet were cold before we made it to the woods between the sweat and no circulation! Lol
I have a couple cords of red oak, three healthy truck loads mixed ash, cherry and holly. Property manager at work wants me to take 2 beech and a poplar down at his house, which I said I would if I could have the hickory too. He says sure, the hickory goes down first so there is no back tracking on his part... :yes:
And I almost forgot the black cherry that the pileated woodpeckers let me know needs to be removed. I'm still eyeballing that one figuring how to drop it. I have a clear path one way, but looking at it from all angles the top heavier branches look like they are going to pull it another way.
Finished up with the 24 hour rental on the splitter this morning before returning it...thinking I have a good 3-1/2 cords done between Saturday and an hour this morning. And worthless for the rest of today :D

Have a little a few short logs to still buck up that were buried under blocks, and about a little bit that was too frozen into the mud at the bottom of the pile to worry about till it thaws out.

This is gives me enough wood to get through the '16-17 heating season and at least to January of '18. So next question is whether I buy another load of logs this year or wait till next spring.

Finished up with the 24 hour rental on the splitter this morning before returning it...thinking I have a good 3-1/2 cords done between Saturday and an hour this morning. And worthless for the rest of today :D

Have a little a few short logs to still buck up that were buried under blocks, and about a little bit that was too frozen into the mud at the bottom of the pile to worry about till it thaws out.

This is gives me enough wood to get through the '16-17 heating season and at least to January of '18. So next question is whether I buy another load of logs this year or wait till next spring.


buy the logs, get ahead. buy two loads, get ahead more, sell some cords, use the money to buy a splitter.

With the splitter, buy ten loads, get ahead more, buy a ..business jet, sikorski sky crane..hovercraft... something to speed things up..

We are enablers, you can't have enough c/s/s..or gear!

Hey, Johnnylabguy, how you like those "Hanes white cotton briefs" for splitting ?
Any sizing specs ? :barbecue:
Finished splitting last week. Less than I'd like but not bad. Hauled 30 loads on a trailer. The stack is 132 feet long and 4 rows deep. Haven't got any fresh pics yet.

My logger buddies didn't get to a 120 acre tract that is close but will this fall. The weather was poor for logging as the ground did not freeze up until real late and it was very wet in the fall.
My current inventory:


A couple Sassafras, Black Walnut, unidentified tree (the big logs in the middle that look like Poplar but aren't) and one Tree of Heaven. I also have the top 10 feet of a Poplar off the left that I need to finish.

My new woodshed that I built last Sept. and started filling this last October; almost filled:




very nice pix! nice wood ops! nice wood sheds! really like the rolling hills scenery in the background. :D sounds (looks) like a nice farm location. swell splitter, too... just not too sure why you din't use 3" steel plate for the end stop! lol ;)

sorry, couldn't resist...

hard not to like all these spring splitting pix posts and foto essays! imo they all are :numberone:

I have spring splitting project(s) too... same one from last spring, summer and fall... :laughing: augmented by some recent chunks additions...
Nothing like the pictures I am seeing here but I dropped a 10 inch cherry last week that was threatening to ruin my back yard fence. I still need to buck and split it. Probably buck it up today then cut up the top branches into cookies for smoker wood. After that I will be splitting the larger stuff.
not much..basement [wood storage area],,is near full..and enough outside to c/s/s andt hat wont even all go in the basement........in basement now,, is near all white oak,,and some ash...12 wide,,8 high,,and 20 feet long!!! couple cords!!!!:D:D
It's too swampy in my area at the moment so I'm getting my splitting fix at my cousin's house on our weekly Wednesday poker night between games. They love the fiskars mauls and everyone pitches in a few minutes and we're almost halfway there with maybe an hour's worth of swinging. Not a small tree but because it's ash it's not too hard either. Makes all the old boys feel like men! My healthy 68 yr old buddy(walks 5 miles a day!) loves the x27. You've seen the tree in another derailed thread probably. All fun!
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Getting closer! The guys are learning that the lighter x27 with more swings wears u out slower than the "hammer of Thor" with this ash! About 5 big wheels left before our testosterone levels are back to normal. Lol