What's the best weather for firewood cutting?

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I opt for winter, and usually will wait till its cooler so I can work in a Tshirt without sweating.

Last winter ruined that for me. It never really froze here so while I still prefer to work when its cooler, I don't wait anymore. Now I cut/split whenever I have the time to devote.
I do it year round. If it's pouring rain, windy (we get wind storms here, 80+ wind gusts), or cold (-30 is about my cutoff, too much hassle getting equipment running) I usually hunker down in the shop though.

Ideal is like today, high of about 55*
Winter is my favorite, as long as we don't get too much snow. Makes it hard getting up into the mountains & pulling logs
Year round as long as it is dry and not too windy. I cut and haul rounds, stack them for split/stack in the winter time. I'm a little behind this year, spent most of the summer just clearing brush and dead fall from a willow patch a farmer wants disappeared. Have 6 trees ready to come out but had to wait till after harvest. They all will fall into the field. I took one down today as teh wind was in my favor.
I pretty much do firewood year round but I really like 40-50 and cloudy with no wind. Once I get moving, it's long sleeve t shirt weather. Sun going in and out or working in the shade one minute then full sun the next makes it hard to regulate temperature.
Year around as long as it's dry...but I prefer warm weather, my body seems to work better when it's hot outside.

Cutting wood is last on my list of things to do , I'd much rather be camping or riding ATV's so I fit wood scrounging in when I can.
My cutting area is locked in by field crops so I have to cut and haul logs around that so that means whenever the crops are off. Also access along a fenceline so in the winter when we get big snow I can't get there either. I keep about 175 logs stacked up in my field so that I always can play there but again snow can be an issue. Cutting to rounds, splitting and putting into crates is usually a summer job so over cast days are nice but I usually do it whenever I have time available.
This was a perfect day in the bush cold and just enough snow to make walking and skidding nice. Ground was frozen but not really hard so I only put a half load on. Bang that was the end of productivity for awhile.
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today was great...65...no breeze...mostly sunny...shorts and tank top weather...cut grass ...weed wacked ...sold 3 face cords of ash...the ****** buffalo bills won...can't get much better than that...sorry about the cuss word svk...;);)