Which ported 50cc saw

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I didn't read any of this thread besides the last page, but for what my $.02 was worth, I'd probably just buy a 70cc saw and not worry about the time and/or money involved in porting a 50cc saw.
I didn't read any of this thread besides the last page, but for what my $.02 was worth, I'd probably just buy a 70cc saw and not worry about the time and/or money involved in porting a 50cc saw.

But what would I do with my ported 60cc saw then:dizzy:
I know 20 years ago that is what I would have said but wait till you get over 60 and you have pains just lifting a beer can.I know a guy that cuts 3 cords a year with his WILD THING and that is no lie.
Neither of us has changed at all Brad. Some of the things you have posted over the last few weeks have perhaps opened my eyes to how you operate. You don't think of anyone else when you post. I've tried to forget about it but I'm not very good at that it seems.

Let's just say I think much less of you than I did a month or two ago.

BTW.....most of what you did in the jug wasn't needed. The timing numbers aren't the only thing to consider.

Randy, I simply tell it like I see it. Sometimes it's not the popular thing to do. If a product is crap, I call it crap, regardless of the brand or vendor. If a name brand is selling crap, I'll say so. If a no-name brand is selling above what we would expect from them, I'll say so. That hasn't change, and it won't change. If I don't think it's worth porting a 550, I'll say so. That's my opinion. You're entitled to disagree with that. What you're not entitled to do is resort to making it personal, rather than factually defending your position.

It would also appear that you're going behind my back and running down my work and reputation down. The claims you made tonight about my 550 are nothing less than malicious. I expect more than that from someone that I thought was my friend. I've been careful not to do that to you, even when I disagreed with you on something. I shared what I learned about the MS460, resulting in you winning the buildoff. That was fun and we had a great time laughing about it. I shared what I learned on the MS261. That's what you and others based your builds off of. You shared many things as well, including how you build a 660. I thank you for that! It's a crying shame that it's come to this tonight. When you're ready to see this like it is, I'm still here to be your friend.
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Randy, I simply tell it like I see it. Sometimes it's not the popular thing to do. If a product is crap, I call it crap, regardless of the brand or vendor. If a name brand is selling crap, I'll say so. If a no-name brand is selling above what we would expect from them, I'll say so. That hasn't change, and it won't change. If I don't think it's worth porting a 550, I'll say so. That's my opinion. You're entitled to disagree with that. What you're not entitled to do is resort to making it personal, rather than factually defending your position.

It would also appear that you're going behind my back and running down my work and reputation down. The claims you made tonight about my 550 are nothing less than malicious. I expect more than that from someone that I thought was my friend. I've been careful not to do that to you, even when I disagreed with you on something. I shared what I learned about the MS460, resulting in you winning the buildoff. That was fun and we had a great time laughing about it. I shared what I learned on the MS261. That's what you and others based your builds off of. It's a crying shame that it's come to this tonight. When you're ready to see this like it is, I'm still here to be your friend.

No you simply tell it as you see it. No matter whether it's true or not.

I've not said anything about you behind you back that I wouldn't say to your face. I think you know me well enough to know that.
No you simply tell it as you see it. No matter whether it's true or not.

I've not said anything about you behind you back that I wouldn't say to your face. I think you know me well enough to know that.

Let me remind you. I tried to talk to you on the phone, and you refused. I wanted to work this out, as friends, and you refused to talk. That was several weeks ago now. I've heard nothing from you.
But what would I do with my ported 60cc saw then:dizzy:
I know 20 years ago that is what I would have said but wait till you get over 60 and you have pains just lifting a beer can.I know a guy that cuts 3 cords a year with his WILD THING and that is no lie.

Understood (though not through direct experience, as I'm 28 years old), and respected. Good point.

I don't doubt the Wild Thing. Using it to cut for yourself is fine, and I've seen them cut a surprising amount of wood, but it's nothing most would take miles into the woods and expect to put food on the table. Though I'm sure a ported 60cc is REAL nice, especially with what today's saws weigh.
Let me remind you. I tried to talk to you on the phone, and you refused. I wanted to work this out, as friends, and you refused to talk. That was several weeks ago now. I've heard nothing from you.

You said yourself.......you've not changed. Nor will you ever. How could we work anything out? Try to think about that from all angles. Don't just let it go in one ear and out the other.

I didn't want to talk to you then or now. I may never again.

I'm very slow to get angry.......it takes weeks of thinking about things....playing it over in my mind for me to decide if I should be upset or not. The reason I take my time is that I want to be fair. Once I decide to cross someone off the friends list it is not ever going to change.

Right now I'm just mildly aggravated with you. I hope to keep it that way.
Just for the record, I had nothing to do with this thread going south. :dizzy:

dano just get some :popcorn: and enjoy the show or even better yet a piece of apple pie with a slice of cedder cheese on it with a scoop of ice cream on top :msp_w00t:

Just for the record, I had nothing to do with this thread going south. :dizzy:

clicked back on the thread cause I saw you posted last and wanted to see what you had to add onthe 50cc saw debate. Near cost me a keyboard, took a drink right as I read your post. Of course you had nothing to do with it going south- hasnt been about a 261 in about 6 pages. How is the ol' girl by the way?:potstir:
IMO if your a guy making his income porting saws...of course your like new models and won't say moderate gains aren't to be had with any of them.