Who builds the strongest 562xp?

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I've been looking at the grass on the other side of the fence (HUSKYs) I'm wondering how a ported 357XP would compare to that little ol MS361??? Are they close weight wise?

I've used both. With a full wrap, the MS361 feels about the same as a 357 without the wrap. I do like how the 357's feel overall, though. For some reason, they also look and sound right. I think the thin gauge mufflers on the Husky's make the right sound. Dunno if the oiler will keep up on a 24, tho. Never tried that. But I think the grip angle on the Stihl's lend themselves better to one-handing some cuts.

What I mostly like about this 361 with the lathe work done and the .018 squish is the torque. And it is everywhere. I was stumping a 3' European Beech(about as hard as rock maple) with no problems whatsoever. I'm currently running it at 32:1 on synth blend with rapeseed oil for the chain. I find the rapeseed seems to lube even better than mineral, smells better, and is easier on the environment. Just don't let it sit in the saw in cold weather, and yer good.

Also, I found that once I added the high discharge clutch cover that I got less dust on the air filter. It seems to shove everything well away from the saw. This gives you an idea how the chips go(in yellow cypress, .050 rakers since it's an 18" bar at 69 links, slightly modded for conifers even though this cypress is about as hard as maple)

That saw looks very nice and that is a very interesting observation about the clutch cover keeping the air filter cleaner, I would never have thought of that, but it makes sense. Wonder if that would work on the 044 & 046??????
I burnt 2 cord worth of cookies in the shop last year after the GTG....
They get real dry, real fast and burn great!
Ive never burnt cookies. Id'a figured they would smoulder more than burn... but I guess if you sling em on the fire right they'd get plenty of air flow in the fire.

Last year, the majority of what I burnt in my little wood stove was the cut off splits. Had a stake of them the size of a volkswagon. Burned great.
Thats a great start.You know what would look good on that trailer?
Tractor was my first word when I was a baby. Tractor is also the first thing I put myself into debt to buy as an adult other than my mortgage. My payments are done and I own it now and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Its paid for itself. Your mileage may vary.