Who used a chainsaw harder?

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Just to confuse things, over her in Europe it is common to be a" Feller" although the term "Faller" is slowly becoming more used.
My pet hate is "Tree surgeon" I never went to medical collage ! Here in Ireland when asked what you do the answer tends to be " I'm in the timber" more so in rural areas.
Just to confuse things, over her in Europe it is common to be a" Feller" although the term "Faller" is slowly becoming more used.
My pet hate is "Tree surgeon" I never went to medical collage ! Here in Ireland when asked what you do the answer tends to be " I'm in the timber" more so in rural areas.

just when i thought I fixed it :msp_w00t:
There are 3 fellers in this video who are fallers. Two working and one older oops, he's older than Randymac so we'll call him old, faller. Now a "lumberjack" would probably have dumped the tree the way it wanted to go--in the road, or hooked a piece of equipment to it to pull it over --in the road. These guys worked it around to where they wanted it and also where the skid trail is located. The smaller trees are harder to work with in that way.

That's what a good faller does. A good feller is a mafia guy.


The guy with the two shoulder pads is also the guy in the happy faller picture, many pages back.
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Looks like these boys are harder on trucks than saws!

That is one of the funniest videos I`ve ever seen!! Faller, feller, cutter, chopper.They all mean the same thing in logging terms.Grinder, submarine, hoagie.You get the point.Different terms for different areas.OP should show some respect, although he was being ganged up on.In the West, faller is obviously the term used, here in the East, cutter or chopper are used more.Also, logger is generally the term used for a person who harvests timber for lumber(here in the East).Lumberjack isn`t a term thats used very much anymore, unless it`s your mother in law telling her friends what you do for a living.(LOL):laugh:.I didn`t know the difference between a feller and a faller myself, but then again, I never worked in the West as a logger.I certainly know the difference now, and I know the proper term is faller.If I ever visit the West and end up taliking to any loggers, I `ll be sure to get it right.As far as hardest on a saw, I would go with a homeowner with a dull chain cutting dirty firewood.:msp_thumbup:
Fell, fall or fool. I don’t care what anyone calls me so long as I am making money. Tree service saws lead a hard life but not as hard as the chipper. The 200t take the brunt of the abuse and one that is 2 years old is getting long in the tooth.
Trust me... You'll learn the difference very quick, the first time you call a seasoned faller a feller... to their face. You'll be crappin' that dictionary in a couple of days. :laugh:

There are no dictionaries in the woods my friend. Basically because no body gives a rip.

Rookies in all fields would be hard on the saw.

The faller would be hard on the outside, more than the engine .............. on average.

A professional firewood guy might use the engine more, but I don't know that many "firewood" guys that routinely run 2+gallons of mix through their saws, so I'd say were back to the faller again.

The chainsaw mill- man would sure use the engine a lot, and shouldn't be abusing the outside that much if at all. So so on the mill'er man.

Not in the OP's lineup is that Tree Service/Trimmer career for a chainsaw and they can be pretty hard on a saw, but again, its one or two trees a day, but they are banging them off the ground and trunks on ropes and such, but they don't cut as much as move around the tree and chip stuff.

So I would say on average, the timber faller/cutter saw has the hardest life, because it will truly be used more so.

My opinion,

Trust me... You'll learn the difference very quick, the first time you call a seasoned faller a feller... to their face. You'll be crappin' that dictionary in a couple of days. :laugh:

There are no dictionaries in the woods my friend. Basically because no body gives a rip.


- least none you'd wanna pick up to read... :laugh:
There is a glossary of logging terms. It is on the menu in The Big Bottom Tavern. Oooops, I missed last nights tacos there. That is one of those places that used to have a No Calks, No Guns, No Knives Inside sign on the door.