Why do pro saws last longer?

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Homeowner saws are made of substandard materials, but 99% die from abuse anyway, mostly bad gas. A good pro model will run more in a week than a homeowner saw will in a lifetime.
Homeowner saws are made of substandard materials, but 99% die from abuse anyway, mostly bad gas. A good pro model will run more in a week than a homeowner saw will in a lifetime.

Bingo, your on the money about the bad gas. I getem in all the time from the homeowners. They come in saying "it ran great last year but won't start this year". Open the fuel cap and yikes. Great for carburetor,fuel lines and filter sales though.

Another goodie is those landscape crews running around with those open flat bed trailers with trimmers hanging on the side. Seems they don't realize you gotta put the top back on the gas can. I get quite a few #####ing my trimmer isn't running right. Dump the fuel and see half fuel half water. Had one just last week, same deal, water in the fuel. They leave their big 5lb rolls of trimmer line on the open trailer as well. It gets fried in the sun, becomes brittle and isn't worth a dayummm. Good for trimmer line sales though.

Pro models, be saws or trimmers, do intend take and stand much more abuse than a homeowner model. They are built better, no question on that.
I have not seen one that would stand up to such use, so if anyone knows of a homeowner specific saw that will I would be happy to hear about it.

Dolmar PS-510, I'd call that a homeowner saw, but it should last at least as long as a 5100S. You will have to replace the whole clutch drum when the sprocket wears out though. IIRC, the differences in the IPL between the 510 and the 5100 are the jug, piston, crankcase halves, clutch, and ignition.
Great Idea

"Instead of taking a couple saws, why not take an extra bar and chain? Whenever I get a saw stuck, the first thing I do is take the bar off, whether I've got another saw or not. No point in damaging the saw while cutting it out. Put another bar on and move on. Extra bar a lot lighter than extra saw"

Got to love the simple ('but how come I never thought of that?') ideas.

Thanks - I am sure that I will use this some time. This tip alone pays for my Arboristsite membership.

I can answer this

Why pro saws last longer!! Because people like me buy the best and don't use it as a pro would, but it always start and never gives a ounce of problems!!!! Overbuy or over compensate thats how I do it!!!!:givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: -dave-
Well I have watched and read this thread for a couple nights now and see where some fear getting there saws stuck and things to do if it happens. I have worked chainsaws for 43 years now and wore my share of them out but have only stuck or jammed a saw once in all those years. I had to remove the powerhead and walk back home to get another bar and chain and ended up taking a couple of saws back with me. That taught me a lesson and the pict below is how I would deal with that problem today if it were to happen.


My usual setup for a day`s cutting.
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Well I have watched and read this thread for a couple nights now and see where some fear getting there saws stuck and things to do if it happens. I have worked chainsaws for 43 years now and wore my share of them out but have only stuck or jammed a saw once in all those years. I had to remove the powerhead and walk back home to get another bar and chain and ended up taking a couple of saws back with me. That taught me a lesson and the pict below is how I would deal with that problem today if it were to happen.


My usual setup for a day`s cutting.
I thought I was over doing it with three! But were do you put the wood!lol:cheers:
Well I have watched and read this thread for a couple nights now and see where some fear getting there saws stuck and things to do if it happens. I have worked chainsaws for 43 years now and wore my share of them out but have only stuck or jammed a saw once in all those years. I had to remove the powerhead and walk back home to get another bar and chain and ended up taking a couple of saws back with me. That taught me a lesson and the pict below is how I would deal with that problem today if it were to happen.


They better be paying you back with that much in the truck. If not you better have a serious wood pile
one chainsaw a month for 40 years. wow, this CAD is ruff!

You can call em pro saws or home owners saws. I would rather describe them as good saws or cheap saws. If you want a cheap saw buy one [best for first time saw buyers], if you want performance buy a quality tool and regardless of which you choose buy some protective gear for yourself too.
Why I Bought a Pro Saw.

I was advised by the senior members of this forum to buy a Pro Saw, and not a homeowner's saw because I owned a Mac 610 and wanted a better saw that was lighter and stronger and would last just as long or longer. Then they recomended the Stihl MS 361. Then I bought a Stihl MS 361. And then I will be a dedicated believer in the advice offered by this forum forever.

Stihl MS 361 Rocks! (a pro saw)
Well I have watched and read this thread for a couple nights now and see where some fear getting there saws stuck and things to do if it happens. I have worked chainsaws for 43 years now and wore my share of them out but have only stuck or jammed a saw once in all those years. I had to remove the powerhead and walk back home to get another bar and chain and ended up taking a couple of saws back with me. That taught me a lesson and the pict below is how I would deal with that problem today if it were to happen.


They better be paying you back with that much in the truck. If not you better have a serious wood pile

I don`t have any current picts of my woodpile but here is a couple picts from a few months back,its more than doubled in size since,sorry for all the saws in the way of seeing the wood!



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